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Dec 26, 2024
This anime is such a disappointment because it had so much potential. Nothing happens in this anime; their is no plot. An argument can be made that the female MC goes through a change in maybe the first two or three episode (she finds out she doesn't have to be an assassin and can be a normal person deserving of love). But after that, literally nothing happens. The male MC doesn't have much of a personality. The female MC's personality is at most one-dimensional. They randomly introduce a female ninja(?) as a friend for the female MC that literally came out of nowhere. Concepts like
the male MC's distance from his father, and his parents divorced are introduced but never explored with any depth; its quickly brushed aside. There is no romance of any kind; and I'm only mentioning this because this was marketed as a romance anime? If it isn't that, I don't know what it is. Random, but towards the end of the anime, the last four or five episodes (who can honestly tell), the female MC just starts crying as a reaction to anything that's said... that becomes her entire character.
If you held a gun to my head and asked me to name something redeeming about this anime or even a few scenes that weren't completely horrible, Id mention the scenes where the male MC lays on the female MC's lap. This is about as much fan service as if you were on the brink of dying from thirst and someone dipped the tip (just the tip) of one of their fingers and flicked whatever drop or two of water that was on it in your direction.
Save yourself the time and avoid this one.
I'd recommend something like Vermeil in Gold (Kinsou no Vermeil: Gakeppuchi Majutsushi wa Saikyou no Yakusai to Mahou Sekai wo Tsukisusumu).
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 25, 2024
Season 1 of this anime was one of the first Isekais I watched; and though it was far from perfect, I considered it to be one of the better Isekais and looked forward to season 2. Season had had a great plot, tons of character growth, good pacing, and the exploration of character's backstories (besides the MC). Season1 introduced many great mysteries and explored them quite a bit; none of those mysteries were explored again in season 2 and we got no new info/answers on anything from season 1. If you asked me what the plot of season 2 was, i couldn't tell you. If
you asked me who half these characters were, I couldn't tell you. It seems like every 2 seconds or so a new character is introduced (female, of course, and immediately madly in love with the MC). The is in addition to the huge ensemble of returning minor characters from season 1 (again, all female, but thats besides the point).
This anime has no plot. They just wanted around, talk, run into people, and maybe theres a battle or two. I think there was ONE episode that was semi-decent, which is where the MC faces someone from his past and his backstory is brought up again. Besides that, theres nothing else; this whole season felt like filler.
I'm not even going to mention the HORRIBLE choice to have characters speak in two languages at once, on top of each other, making it impossible to understand what they're saying and distracting us completely. This isn't a one and done thing, it happens several times for far too long.
In summary, this sequel was a stain on the name of a Isekai that had a perfectly decent season 1. What a huge disappointment.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 23, 2024
Hold on, hold on, hold on! I know what you're thinking; I know what you're expecting. You probably saw the trailer the same way we all did and expected this to be some typical anime justification of some stereotypical Japanese pedo behavior. I'm am pleasantly surprised to say that is not the case. In fact, not only is there absolutely no sexualization of a minor (a high bar to set when it comes to anime, I know), this show turned out to be deeply emotional, grounded in reality, gave me a lot to think about, and turned out to be one of the best animes
of the season.
Some friends were sharing this trailer in a groupchat and we all has a nice chuckle about just how typical these pedo tropes have become in anime and how they don't even bother to hide it any more. Reading the comments on the video, it seems like everyone else had the same reaction and were mocking the trailer as well. We decided to watch it to see just how bad it would be. Please note, we don't typically care about things I see other people often mentioning: opening and closing themes, animation quality, or even the voice acting. Obviously if the animation is at 2 frames per second, or the voice acting is Ghost Stories level, we will make note.
Tsuma, Shougakusei ni Naru genuinely and truly deals with the question of what would actually, really happen if your wife who has been dead for a decade shows up on your doorsteps in the body of an elementary school student. The vast overwhelming emotions one might have, what would the logistics be, and how would your daily life change. How would the deceased wife react knowing the MC and their daughter have been "stuck" in the same place after her death, not even making meals anymore, not dating anyone or finding a job (the the case of their daughter), and never having gotten over the wife's death. This anime explores issues like mourning, depression, isolation, generational trauma, verbal and physical child abuse, and the lasting impact all these things have on a person. It is an anime that will cause you to really think about these things and go through these emotions with the characters.
I really can't believe I even have to mention this but I have to note that there is absolutely no pedophilia in this anime. Its not even hinted at. It's a 10 year old child (approximately) that looks, acts, and dresses that a child. No justifying anything by saying even though she's 10 she has the spirit of a 40 year old woman so a romance with an adult man is fine, or no dressing her in a 1 inch shirt like you see with many animes. The fact that I even have to take time out to mention this shows you just how disgusting and deplorable this aspect of Japanese culture has become. Almost everyone that watched the trailer for this anime was expecting some shady pedo stuff. i can't believe I have to actually give praise that this anime doesn't have any of that, because that's how low of a bar the Japanese have set.
There is a wrench that is thrown into things around the middle of the anime: it is revealed the dead wife wasn't reincarnated into this elementary school student but is instead unknowingly "possessing" the elementary school student who has a personality of her own that is being repressed while the wife is in control. The deceased wife is also unable to unpossess the elementary school student and can only leave the body once she sees her family has learned to live without her and move on. The rest of the anime becomes trying to find a way to come to terms with losing the deceased wife once again, making genuine changes in their lives to help get the wifes spirit to move on, and to get the elementary schools student her body back.
While this is a genuinely good anime that I 100% think is worth the watch, there is one area where they could have done better. In my opinion they just didn't stick the landing with the ending. Now, i understand that this ending is the same as the mangas - so you can blame that. Basically one of the reasons the wife's spirit still cant move on is because they husband never moved on after their marriage. After her death, the husband shut down, avoided any sort of connection, and never dated again. At some point in the anime, a coworker he has been having lunch with confesses her feelings to the husband and in the blink of an eye they plan to get married. The wife's spirit sees the proposal and is finally able to move on. it's later revealed that the husband and his coworker never actually planned to get married and were just essentially tricking the wife's spirit so it could move on. That ruined the ending for me. The husband didn't actually move on, he just fakes it. It just felt dirty and shady, I hated it. What's worse is that he doesn't even end up dating the coworker that confessed to him - or every dating anyone! In some ways, he still never moves on. The anime ends with flash forward a few years in the future showing the husband eating a bento all alone while fishing; and it tried to make the scene feel joyful or happy but it just comes across as so sad and pathetic to me - like everything the wife spirit did was for nothing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 20, 2024
This anime is a really great hidden gem. I think it's definitely worth a watch for its unique characters, humor, and surprisingly deep moments.
1) The biggest and best thing about this anime are the supporting characters. They break the stereotypical archetype of the Japanese beta male and have characters that aren't the biggest losers you've ever seen who have never even spoken to a female and get bullied by everyone including the mailman. These characters are... normal. They aren't the class losers, they've dated girls, aren't afraid to be tough or even physical, and talk like normal kids their age (they don't struggle to
form the most basic sentence like most male characters in anime that are basically the lowest form of beta males who need a 30 minute internal monolog before they can even reply to the simplest question from a female). They flirt with and actively pursue girl their age and seem like they're just well adjusted. My favorite trait is how fiercely loyal they are to the MC and stand up for him every chance they get. The dynamic between this trio, their dialog, the way that they are all different but still all manage to be on the save wavelength, and just how cool they all are is what really makes this show for me.
2) The humor doesn't always hit. Sometimes things get lost in translation or Japanese humor just doesn't work with the western palate. But the majority of the time most of the jokes are very solid. I had a few laugh out loud moments. The humor tends to very typical Japanese humor (obviously) with things and facial expressions being dramatically exaggerated but it's different enough to stand out.
3) The surprising depth that is later revealed about the MC and his relationship with the love interest. While most of the time the anime isn't super serious or dramatic, the backstory of the MC meeting the love interest, and the backstory of the love interest's family dynamic was very touching.
4) The overall vibe and feel. This anime stands out because how just how different everything is; specifically the character and their attitudes. They're a friend group i would actually want to be a part of. They want all the characters eventually cross paths and interact with each other is always well don't. A bonus is there are no little girls being sexualized or no one that looks like a 7 year old (that's actually a 3000 year old demon who looks, sounds, and acts like a 7 year old) actively trying to be in a relationship with the MC. In a culture with lolis, where being a loser and a beta male, not having any experience with girls is the norm, its refreshing to see an anime like this with characters like this.
1) The animation and art style won't be what most people expect. Now, I've never been someone that cares about the animation quality. i don't value style over substance. I won't think an anime is the Bee's knees just because it was animate but some acclaimed studio while having the plot of a toaster. But even I can say the animation leaves a lot to be desired. I don't know how to describe it other that saying a lot of stuff just isn't... animated. They find other ways to show that events happened like still images or caricatures instead of the normal animations. I take it this was don't for budget reasons? I wish I could say it doesn't distract or take away from the anime but there are times where it does. It isn't a complete deal breaker though, as this isn't a battle anime or anything like that were it needs an A++ in animation quality.
2) The sudden introduction of a rival competing for the MC's love interest around episode 8 really threw me off. This character wasn't even mentioned before and they went on to be such a major part of the show. The MC plays a back seat role and isn't even seen as this new character steals the screen for a good 3-4 episodes. It felt so out of place. This wasn't the MC's anime any more, it was this new characters. Also the way the love interest was so smitten with the new character really felt out of place for the way her character was written. It made the MC look like a cuck at some parts or that he was competing for a woman that was already in love with someone else. It made you wonder if the love interest was even worth having if she could so easily be captivated by someone else even after knowing the MC loved her.
3) Poor pacing and introduction of random one-off characters are also a minor annoyance with this anime. There are big events that are built up that either get cancelled, never occurred, quickly glossed over, or turn out to be a minor event. I think this is a pacing issue more than anything. Also, in episode 7 (I think) so many random new characters are introduced (they are presented to be important but we never hear from them again) and these character have similar design to other characters in the main cast that it really made it hard to even tell who's who. It didn't help that for this episode many of the main cast were wearing disguised or dressed up (even dressed as the opposite sex). It didn't help things that certain characters are non-binary or androgenous. I was so lost that entire episode.
The ending was a good ending but it felt a bit lack luster. Things you normally expect to see at the end of a romance anime were not shown. While things did wrap up nicely, we were TOLD what happened instead of actually see it play out which as really unsatisfying.
Overall I think its a great anime that was much different from anything this season and worth the watch for the characters alone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 10, 2024
I RARELY ever drop anything but this was just bad... First of all this anime has no real plot or objective, and it's not something like a slice of life where that could be excused. This anime doesn't know what it wants to be and is just a bunch of character trying their hardest to be as edgy as possibly and it just comes off as so random; and as a poor attempt to appease the cravings of a 13 year old edge lord. I think in the second episode the female MC gets her kidney removed to prove how edgy she is (I understand
this is later ret-conned). It's all just stuff along those lines. There's nothing here, just don't even watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Oct 6, 2024
I am naive. I thought this could be a wholesome anime with none of the usual creepy Japanese BS (blatant pedophilia) that we're used to. I thought that would be the case because the female MC is very clearly a CHILD and the male MC is clearly an adult. Nope. Make no mistake, this is an anime about a romance between a female child and a man. The most hurtful part is that it doesn't start out that way and gives you the impression that it might be wholesome and explore a really interesting world that this story is based in. The worldbuilding (while minimal)
offered something a bit different and interesting; post-major disaster in an isolated island with no/limited electricity leading to the characters having to get creative with inventions and exploring underwater for essential parts. All that great storyline gets lost in your basic cliche Japanese blatant pedophilia BS. Let me make one thing clear: the female MC is a CHILD. She has class with other elementary school students, looks about 10 (they say 14 in the anime), acts like a 6 year old, emotes like a 6 year old, and has the real world knowledge and expertise of a pre-teen. The male MC is described as being a university drop-out and even ends up teaching senior high school students. They would have won gold in the Olympics for jumping through hopes to justify the pedophilia in this anime. Since the female MC is a robot (who again, will always be what they say is 14) she saves the male MC when he was about 9 or 10 and he fell in love with her then. Now that he is a grown man, they justify the pedophilia by saying its okay because he fell in love with her when he was 9 or 10. We are then gaslit by the cast of characters who, though the address the age difference, justify and even encourage the relationship. I've noticed this in a few animes now, where there is blatant pedophilia, and the rest of the cast just acts like its a normal relationship between two people that are the same age. I thought it would be a passing joke but the disgusting "romance" comes to dominate the entire storyline. Even when other stuff is going on, its always in the background distracting from everything else. This anime shines when it steps out of all that and focuses on the world of the anime, what's going on in the world, exploration, and the healthy relationships between the other characters. There are deep subjects like suicide (twice), bullying, depression, and what it means to be human; but those storylines are never addressed fully and just glossed over to focus on the pedophilic relationship. I almost dropped this anime around episode 6 or 7, when the "romance" became the main element of the story. Note that in most romance anime the love interests don't even hold hands until the season 5 finale. Yet here, the adult male MC and the Child female MC kiss multiple time, share the same bed, she flirts with him like an adult, strip teases, is severely sexualized - making seductive faces, and they even do the thing where the male MC has to shove a toothbrush in her mouth repeatedly to brush her teeth for her because remember this is a CHILD. Remember this was all written/animated by some gross 40 year old man somewhere. If someone could edit this anime to remove all the clear pedophilia and just had all the other great elements of the anime, this easily could have been an 8/10. Save yourself and don't even consider watching.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 6, 2024
Has no right being as good as it is. If you like isekais but want something a little different, then this is for you. The story is surprisingly deep and complex, with everything answered at the end. MC is likeable and practical but still fits into typical Japanese beta-male tropes, though he is never cowardly and takes up being a leader. Female MC is likeable, surprisingly deep and flawed (especially towards the end), and would be my pick for best girl. Let's not beat around the bush, this is a silly concept. But the way it's explored, the worldbuilding and rules of the isekai world,
the relationships between characters, the non-convoluted plot, the seriously DARK subplots and motifs that arise, the bittersweet moments, the payoffs, and the complex bond between the main characters (shown throughout the series but especially in the last few episodes), all make this anime worth watching and worth recommending.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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