Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya: Oath Under Snow is an excellent watch and a must-watch for Fate fans (especially those that are following the actual Prisma Illya manga/anime). Before I continue, I will disclose the fact that I have been following the series (both manga & anime) and read the manga story-line the movie adapts so have this in mind when reading my review.
Story: 10
Having read the original story prior to watching (and loved it), I had high hopes for the story's adaptation into movie format. For the most part, the movie had adapted nearly every aspect of the story save for the actual framing device
of the story in the original source material and a few minor parts but those were not issues for me. As for the actual story, Oath Under Snow is the prequel to the events of the Prisma Illya series that tells the origins of Miyu (a main character in the aforementioned series) prior to her appearance in the actual series though the story's focus is placed on her brother, Shirou Emiya. There are some changes to certain parts of the story from the source material (with some key moments switched to other parts of the film) but I found that those changes benefited the movie in establishing certain facts (with some possibly being able to help fresh newcomers gain a grasp of the story - I can't say for certain on this point since as I've stated before, I am following the series). Overall, I give the story a 10 for how much I enjoyed this adaptation of a story I already loved.
Art: 6
Firstly, bear in mind that I am not the best judge for aesthetics so take what I say with a grain of salt: This is probably the film's only real weak point. For the most part, the art was good and the animation of an acceptable quality. While nothing compared to Ufotable's animation, I found the art of the film satisfying to watch.
EDIT: Upon retrospective, I would have to amend this part. The animation is not that great. The animation is not that great and definitely could be improved a lot. The direction of the main fights while good, are hampered by the film's animation. With that in mind, I'm changing the actual Art score to 6. It's fair, not great but not god awful either. I've seen god awful animation in other Fate anime and this film... is not that bad. Just not great for this arc.
Sound: 10
I will have to split this part into two segments, voice and music. For voice, the voice actors pulled off amazing performances all around. Noriyaki Sugiyama especially pulls off an amazing performance as Shirou Emiya, hitting all the right notes and tones for the dialogue and monologues for his character. The only gripe I can come up with is that Kiritsugu (yes he is in this movie) comes across as lacking emotion at times but this is a negligible issue at best. As for music, it is fitting and great at setting up the tone & emotions for the scenes with a recurring Leitmotif that plays in appropriate moments in the story. The editing of the music was great as well. The best of the music in the film would have to be in the final battle of the film with every beat matching up with the scene to make for an amazing viewing experience. Even now, I still want to go back to watch the film again just to watch the climax again and see that amazing blend of visuals and music. Thus, I would give the sound a 10.
Character: 10
Part of why I enjoyed the story is due to Shirou Emiya's arc in this story. I will not go into detail on Shirou here to avoid spoilers but let me just say that Shirou's arc is well-portrayed and presented in the film with stellar voice acting as mentioned before. As for the rest, they do their parts well with the Ainsworth family being antagonists with heroic goals (though being cruel enough to make Shirou sympathetic despite the implications of his success). Sakura also appears in this film too with a great performance by Noriko Shitaya, hitting the right notes and tones for her character (I wound up liking Sakura quite a bit here which is a stark contrast with my indifference to her in the original series she is from). Overall, the characters are outstanding to me at least which is why I give a score of 10.
Enjoyment: 10
As someone following the manga and having read the original source material, this film was an outstanding experience for me from start to finish. As an adaptation, the film is great with key points and moments adapted well along with fitting voice acting and music throughout. I still recall sitting at the edge of my seat in sheer glee as scenes straight out of the manga are adapted into enjoyable spectacles (and as mentioned before, the film even adds on an original montage showcasing more of Shirou's battles). In the end, I was left thoroughly satisfied and happy to have seen the film in cinemas. I'll probably watch the film again in the near future. Overall, this gets a 10.
Overall: 9
I enjoyed this film as a person following the original source material and its anime adaptation. Every element was done well enough to provide for a great experience that I want to relive through future re-watching. After the rather poor final episodes of 3rei during its original airing (though I hear the Blu-Ray versions are better), it is great to see Silver Link putting in such a good amount of effort to make such a satisfying final product.
EDIT: Now thinking about it, here's another definitive issue. Pacing. The film goes by fast.
Nov 4, 2017
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya: Oath Under Snow is an excellent watch and a must-watch for Fate fans (especially those that are following the actual Prisma Illya manga/anime). Before I continue, I will disclose the fact that I have been following the series (both manga & anime) and read the manga story-line the movie adapts so have this in mind when reading my review.
Story: 10 Having read the original story prior to watching (and loved it), I had high hopes for the story's adaptation into movie format. For the most part, the movie had adapted nearly every aspect of the story save for the actual framing device ... Sep 10, 2015
With all the shows that have been airing, I would like to draw attention to Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei Herz! which happens to be a good stand-out anime for anyone with patience. This review is based on the 7 episodes that have aired so far and may not be relevant by the time the show ends.
(MINOR SPOILERS may be present) Story (7/10): This series adapts the second half of the Fate/kaleid liner Prisma ☆ Ilya 2wei manga and continues from Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei where the main characters have to deal with the mysterious Eighth card. The reason why the score is rather low here as the ... |