Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica, henceforth shortened to ‘Magica’ in the interest of concision, is a show that came out in 2011 and was met with stunning praise and, as with most popular shows, harsh rejection. I decided to watch the show on a whim and assess for myself what I thought of the show and if I would recommend it to someone else.
In short, my answer is ‘yes, it is’. I should clarify my perspective. I approach Magica at the angle of someone who has never really watched the mahou shoujo genre, though I have watched some deconstructions of the genre and am not unfamiliar to
its tropes. I also come at it from several years after it was originally produced, so I think it would be safe to say that hype, good or bad, is not going to enter into this review. With that, let us begin.
Story -
Life for Kaname Madoka, is happy but unexciting. Madoka has a happy family, good friends and overall a normal life. This is all turned up on its head, however, when, she and her close friend, Sayaka Miki, rescue a mysterious cat-like creature called Kyuubei. Kyuubei, as thanks, offers the girls a deal. In return for having whatever wish they want granted, he will turn them into magical girls, whose job it is to fight off the evil witches who threaten the town.
Fairly typical set-up, right? Mysterious, cutesy creature finds young girls and turns them into magical girls to fight off the forces of evil. Cue the moe, right? Well, if you don’t know, I won’t spoil it in this review, but it is obvious from the first episode that Magica refuses to simply be put in the box of ‘another mahou shoujo anime’.
I personally was already partially spoiled as to the nature of the deeper plot, which did slightly dampen my experience. However, by no means is the story terrible and indeed it is actually quite good. While I think the story alone is decent, I think the main aspect that draws people in is the contrast between the preconceptions about what should happen and what does happen, a theme I will go back to later.
Characters -
The characters, much like the plot, seem at first to be very box-standard. You have Madoka Kaname, the cute, shy type who only wants to help everyone and protect her friends and family. The rest of the main characters follow suit. Sayaka Miki is the spirited, tom-boyish type who want to be a hero. Homura Akemi is the mysterious and cold transfer student. Kyuubei is the cute, alien-animal sidekick. And so and so forth. Much like the plot, though, from these predictable base archetypes, you start to see fully-grown 3D characters with their own motivations, personality flaws and feelings. Indeed, motivation is an important theme in the show, although explaining more would spoil the most interesting character conflict that I have seen in a long time. So, I’ll stop there.
Animation and Sound –
The animation, I would say should be split into three parts; early-series, late-series and battle.
Early-series, the colour palette is light, with lots of bright blues, yellows, greens and other bright colours that present the aesthetic of a happy atmosphere that suits the overall atmosphere and nature of the start of the show.
Late-series the colours grow darker, but also richer and starker, taking on various tones of grayscale, whites, deep reds and dark blues. These help represent the change in tone the show undertakes, with the bright, innocent colours that featured so heavily before, now only appearing infrequently and now seeming much more fake and fantastical than before.
My favourite animation is definitely present in the battle scenes, both in and outside of the ‘witch worlds’. Inside the witch worlds, the art-style moves from cute to abstract and creepy, taking on a picture-book style. These scenes have some of the best artistic choices, including a whole battle carried out in silhouette form. The animation is overall fluid and fast-paced, with mercifully short ‘transformation’ sequences for the magical girls, though still maintaining the feel of a traditional transformation.
The OP and ED are easily my favourite part of the show. ‘Connect’ by ClariS is a bright, fast-paced pop/rock song the brings the viewer into the mind-set of adventure and magic that would be expected in a regular mahou shoujo anime. It’s filled with bright, innocent scenes of the main characters having fun. The opening does, however, hint at the way the show will develop, certain images gaining new meaning as the show progresses as well as the lyrics.
‘Magia’ by Kalafina, leans more into the rock side of the genre, the tone of the song tempered by the inclusion of bells and a much deeper and richer sound than the opening. This represents the latter half of the show and features; images of the girls being sucked into an encroaching dark force. The lyrics here to, present a much darker picture than the OPs did. The rest of the music is incredibly good too as well, though these songs are what stick out in my mind.
Overall –
So, on balance, adding in my own personal enjoyment of the show, the show weighs in at 8.4. The show is definitely good and I would definitely recommend it to a friend for them to try. Like most people that rate Magica highly, most of this comes from the main theme that connects all aspects of the show that I have mentioned here. Duality. There are many examples of this; the mahou shoujo genre vs. psychological genre, fantasy vs. reality, light vs. dark. The show embodies the concept of combining two seemingly incompatible elements. The studio obviously knew what they were doing when they thought of how to present this show and that is why I highly recommend you watch this show, if not for its excellent plot and characters, then for its intriguing thematic elements.
Dec 30, 2015
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica, henceforth shortened to ‘Magica’ in the interest of concision, is a show that came out in 2011 and was met with stunning praise and, as with most popular shows, harsh rejection. I decided to watch the show on a whim and assess for myself what I thought of the show and if I would recommend it to someone else.
In short, my answer is ‘yes, it is’. I should clarify my perspective. I approach Magica at the angle of someone who has never really watched the mahou shoujo genre, though I have watched some deconstructions of the genre and am not unfamiliar to ... Aug 18, 2014
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