Hola! :) Hola! :) Hola! :) Hola! :) Hola! :) Hola Hola! :) Hola! :) Hola! :) Hola! :) Hola! :) Hola! :) Hola! :) Hola! :) Hola! :) ! :) Hola! :) Hola! :) Hola! :) Hola! :) Hola! :) Hola! :)
I can feel it, trembeling inside of this body as my fragile skin starts to be torn like wool cloth. I loose control of my fingers 21 time a day and my hands are unable to hold even a feather to write with. My vision obscured by something wich resides not on top, but inside of, my eye, i see no more blues or greens or yellows or even purples, only reds, the colour of blood its the only colour it wants me to see so it pains me with blindness the times i resist it, about 21 minutes does the times of my blured vision last until it clears away and i return to my world of red and brown and black and white and mostly drab grey. The bones of my Skelletum move against my will at many times and dislocate or even break appart like brittle sticks when i attempt resistance from it. It swarms inside. Its voice comments on my behaviour, whispers its cruel orders with malicious intent or keeps quiet, but i know it looks throgh my eyes.
The black spot in the upper part of the sclera of my right eye keeps growing, each morning i look into the mirror for 21 minutes and i see it, sitting there like it belongs, giving the rest of the eye a red tint from how much i rub it hoping it goes away by daybreak. I have told the doctor that the eyedrops wich i have been comanded to take are not effective and i can barely keep the eyelids apart from each other, it has been just like this for the las 21 days, but as he ignores my rant he keeps on telling me that i must not resist against the power of good, Theseus has sunk. Psychiatrist, psychotherapy, medication are words i have been made to remember every once in a week for 21 weeks, the woman in a stark white lab coat and a illfitted dress listens to me rant for 21 minutes at a time each moonday before interupting my speech and asking me the single quistion she asks everey moonday of every week, is your mother sleeping well?, a question i respond with a singuilar and decisive yes every moonday of every week, still unsure of what she means though, i tell, i tell all, i feel it inside of this vessel feeding and drinking from my thout itself, it grows inside and i slowly become it and it slowly become me until i do not resemble my own self anymore, i feel how i become something else apart from who and what i am now. Growing.Feeding.Breeding.Multiplying.Melting.Becoming(whole).Growing.Growing.Growing.
And by the end of it all in the day of the ritual of the third and final of all the atacks on the sombernes of mankind all of man shall disolve, melt, flow, so all may become one once again and the human race may be joyfull for the rest of time. May all men become brothers once again, there Where your soft wing covers them.
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
- Total Entries17
- Reread0
- Chapters1,185
- Volumes142
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