First of all I would like to say, I never really expected this anime to be that great. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Here's why...
At some point a while ago, I got rather bored of watching the regular series that I tend to watch. Not for the fact that what I was watching I thought was bad- but I wanted to step into a darker territory of anime that I hadn't experienced. So what I did was, I googled "worst anime ever"... Somehow, I managed to find this... This hilarious yet unbelievably crap masterpiece that had been panned elsewhere on the net as being really
bad- the worst thing that japanimation had ever spawned, supposedly.
Now, you see the plan was this- find an anime and get some real laughs from how shitty it was to kind of change the atmosphere of what I had been watching. I'd like to think that I had been watching some pretty decent series beforehand and that it was time to experience what the worst of the anime world could offer. So without hesitation, I started the series to try and get some light on this predicament I had decided to put myself in. Braced, ready for the "abomination" I threw myself in headfirst and began watching with bated breath.
Only to end up laughing harder than I'd laughed in a very long time.
This series, quite frankly is the very pinnacle of "stupid humour". It's utterly ridiculous. At some points I was left unable to even grasp what I had just seen- I ended up going back and watching parts again thinking "did they really just do that?". Though, for an anime somebody said was bad, I can see why people would think this. There is a high amount of immaturity and I can easily imagine a lot of people being turned off completely by this anime. But truthfully, this kind of humour only adds, ultimately to how good it really is in the same sense. Honestly, it's very easy to comprehend how people will dislike this series because of the nature of the humour- for example I can't really imagine a lot of female audiences enjoying watching a drunken naked chick doing unbelievably provocative things with a carrot (yes, really), but the whole thing in my eyes, seems to fit together in one quite well rounded package of pure idiocy. Simply put-
It's so shit it's good.
What I would have to say is the main element that drives the entire series, without any shadow of a doubt, is the characters. All of the Ina-chuu Ping Pong Club members are just perverted losers, but together and put in some of the most insane situations- they give a fairly entertaining performance. Takeda is basically just (Insert generic main character here) who flawlessly screws up even the most menial of tasks without even realising, though still manages to maintain the position of being able to push the story along. Kinoshita is that one guy who somehow all the chicks dig, though he's such a dense imbecile that he doesn't take advantage of this and won't even quite seem to realise how much he actually fails given his status. In one situation, he even ends up getting tied up and thrown into a garbage bin. Tanabe is your wacky half-Japanese, half-American that is more grotesque in appearance than words can really describe and every now and then, will spout something in English spoken so horrendously bad in a Japanese accent that you'll want to cry. Tanaka is some kind of better-drawn pubescent edition of Shin-Chan that doesn't talk very much, sent from the nether-regions of a world we couldn't possibly understand to do some very, very weird things with animals. Maeno & Izawa are a serious package deal due to severity of their stupidity. Together, these two characters form the backbone of the humour in the show. Whether it's riding around dressed up as animals on panda cars inviting little girls for a "ride", cross dressing and pretending to be a married couple, erecting a giant turd statue, pretending to be the school doctors and sexually molesting girls in the process- whatever, they've pretty much got this aspect coming out of their ears. The truth is, this doesn't even begin to cover it. Maeno, by himself is quite frankly one of the most unbelievable characters in many different indescribable ways. A couple of scenes involving Maeno were just so funny to me that I had to stop watching because I thought I was going to have a stroke.
Aside from the plethora of morons that clearly brighten the viewing experience for many, there are a various number of characters that practically mean nothing and exist merely for convenience, or to remind people that the show can't just be about random insanity, dick jokes and a pervert's wet dream (rather, the show would be allowed to be a pervert's wet dream but our network won't let it happen). I find that these characters are nothing more than supplements to our main cast, creating the senseless yet somehow creative comedy environments in our show, but adding subtle moments of relief from this to convince us that we're not going totally insane watching it. Ultimately, there is no serious plot. At all. There are a lot of tits. The main characters are oddly charming retards. Some of such a great intensity, in reality people like Maeno and Izawa would be very at home in a mental asylum.
The other aspects of this anime, when taken into account become a very different story. The ending, is nothing to get your hopes up about, I'm afraid. The art direction of the show is quite poor, though given when this anime was released you can forgive it- because ultimately, I found that where things needed to look crappy, they looked crappy. Where things needed to look more presentable, they were. I don't think that the Art is a failure in this show. But it is definitely nothing spectacular, by any standard, especially todays. For some people, all you'll need to see is Maeno's badly drawn penis and if your first thought isn't telling you that this show really your thing, it's at least telling you that the Art isn't the focus on this show. You can expect it to be menial, something that overexaggerates the silly.
Musically, the show delivers a little poorly. It is definitely an aspect of the show that I believe could have been improved upon, but yet again, it's not really of great importance. Music is fairly generic in places, though quite odd in others. In all fairness the show would not have delivered much differently if more effort had been put into the soundtrack, though in places it does start to show. After the first dozen episodes you can start to realise how much of the same music gets re-hashed into different scenes and it can really annoy some people, which is more than understandable. The OP's and ED's are fairly decent, they aren't the kind of thing which would really gear you up for the show- but that's okay- given the content, why the hell would anyone concerned with this kind of aspect of anime be watching this anime for that reason? I think it all levels itself out.
In the end, this is an anime that as I'm sure people have said before- is not for everyone. Personally, I enjoyed this greatly. I don't find many comedies very memorable as a person, but this was unlike anything I had ever seen before. This series really pushes the boundaries of how acceptable this kind of humour is in places, but for people like me- who enjoy this kind of thing every once in a while... It was nothing short of hilarious. I think that it's safe to say that a lot of times when this kind of immaturity is attempted in comedy it comes out in a very half-assed unfulfilling way, but this is a show that doesn't hold back- it's that part of us that wants things to be totally asinine and rude, with no real justification. If you enjoy total stupidity and perversion over-accentuated in a very amusingly random way, then step right up- this is definitely an anime that will have you in stitches.
Jan 8, 2012
Ike! Ina-chuu Takkyuu-bu
First of all I would like to say, I never really expected this anime to be that great. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Here's why...
At some point a while ago, I got rather bored of watching the regular series that I tend to watch. Not for the fact that what I was watching I thought was bad- but I wanted to step into a darker territory of anime that I hadn't experienced. So what I did was, I googled "worst anime ever"... Somehow, I managed to find this... This hilarious yet unbelievably crap masterpiece that had been panned elsewhere on the net as being really ... |