Terrible. I saw someone asking people to give this anime a chance, but for what? The first 2 episodes aren’t great but seem like there is some potential, but it gets worse. I’ve only completed ep 4 but I now hate it.
The premise is typical isekai but seems like it could be decent. The anime quickly devolves into crappy fights and illogical plot progression. Nothing happens for a proper reason and every character, including the MC, seems dumb as hell and one dimensional.
The loner MC isn’t even really a loner. Everyone likes him and is friendly to him. By episode 3 he’s spending time with
Aug 13, 2023
Asobi Asobase
Asobi asobase is hilarious and has brought me so much joy. A gag anime through and through, it delivers exactly as it promises with interesting characters, quirky personalities, and solid gags.
Basically 3 girls being stupid after school and the show manages to do so much with that. As always, humour is subjective, but asobi’s humour is a little reminiscent of nichijo, so fans of that may like this too. Art is also solid with the occasional sudden, drastic changes in art style done well to reinforce gags and make them absolutely hilarious. Overall, a solid gag anime which I would recommend any day. Aug 13, 2023
As someone who read the manga, I absolutely love it. However, despite the hype, the anime doesn’t seem to match up.
The anime itself is… alright. However, it doesn’t seem to quite manage to capture the same sense of youth (?) and energy that the manga exudes. Although the show is serviceable, I find the pacing a little wonky. Too fast or too slow in all the wrong places. As a result, the anime seems to fall short of the manga. However, the anime is still watchable and the art is beautiful as always. Perhaps people who have yet to read the manga might enjoy this more, ... Aug 13, 2023
Genuinely the worst anime I have ever watched. I have never cursed an anime as much as this. I watch every episode hoping to find something even vaguely redeeming about the show, but am left destitute as it only ever gets worse.
For the masochistic few determined to experience the hell that is arifureta yourself, episode 1 is sufficient to give you a taste of what is in store for you. Although we’ve come to expect OP MCs from most isekais, the way arifureta does it is ridiculous. Loser MC is betrayed by shitty classmates and falls deep into the labyrinth. What looks like sure death ... Aug 12, 2023
Cute slice of life comedy. If you are a fan of the genre, I would recommend this. However, people who do not enjoy slice of life would find this dreary as there is no real story ongoing.
Although in the same (?) location, there is a different set of characters working here (as compared to the first season), and a possible failing of the show was perhaps that it made me miss the original more than love this one. As usual, humour is dependent on your own preference, so perhaps check a couple of episodes out first before deciding if you would like to commit to ... Aug 12, 2023
Yuusha, Yamemasu
Something worth watching in the heavily saturated isekai genre.
The premise starts off light and cute - OP human hero has been rejected by human society after defeating the invading demons for them, and consequently decides to join the demons. However, the story does get more serious and emotional as it progresses, with a fair number of twists as it progresses. Although not strictly an isekai, it follows most of the standard format initially and seems to do it decently. The demon generals are largely cute and likeable, and the MC is actually genuinely likeable with a personality that has layers. The show starts off with a ... Aug 12, 2023
One of the worst Isekais I’ve seen so far. It’s not just generic as hell, it’s massively triggering in how lazily it’s been written. All characters, including the main character, are but plot devices to move the storyline along and are completely devoid of personality. The only interesting characters are the slimes which are cute.
He also uses his “strongest” spell 7 times in just the first 5 episodes and if you were expecting creative use of his sage skills outside of “fireball”, think again. The isekai genre is riddled with bad and lazy writing, but this one is particularly bad. However, if you are ... |