First review yay!
STORY: I would say it's pretty unique (in a good way) It's basically just your average romcom but with a twist :O
ART: Very nice! Characters are really expressive, and i like how sparkly the eyes look on the characters. I don't really have anything else to say but it's good!!
8/10 (It's more of a 7.5/10 actually but i thought 8/10 looked nicer)
WRITING: It's alright, the comedy relies a bit more on the facial expressions than the actual writing (I wouldn't say thats a bad thing, but it depends on who's reading.) other than that the character writing and stuff was pretty good,
Jun 18, 2023
[Oshi no Ko]
Idk what to say but this manga is kinda meh for me..
i felt like this could've been a great manga but it ended up feeling like 70 percent of it was filler. I actually watched the first 2 episodes of the anime and it was great (didn't read the chapters that were already covered in the first two episodes, but from what I've seen the anime is pretty faithful to the manga.) I couldn't wait for the next episode to air so i just ended up reading the whole manga. (which was both a good and bad experience but ill get into that later) First of ... Jun 8, 2023
This show is an absolute trainwreck... that is still somewhat enjoyable.
When I first saw the trailer I was genuinely interested in it because the plot seemed somewhat unique compared to any other generic isekai story I've seen... But If I were to describe the first episode/entire show in one sentence it would be, somewhat interesting but extremely underwhelming at the same time. The shows comedy and voice acting carries the show, art is fine but the animation is abysmal.. I've seen hentai with better animation than this. Despite how bad a lot of stuff in the show is.. I still found it (somewhat) enjoyable, if you ... Aug 16, 2022
(This is gonna be a very short review.)
When I saw the rating, I thought this was gonna be an ok show but was pleasantly surprised by how good it actually was. First off, Comedy: 6/10 I laughed a couple times while watching but it’s not the best. Animation/art: 8/10 the fight scenes were really good, and though the art looked kind of plain sometimes it was mostly pretty good for what it is. Sound: 7/10 I don’t really know it sounded pretty good but that’s it, wasn’t really surprised by it. ... |