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Mar 13, 2025
Great fan service, but hard to imagine for those who experience the Nier series for the first time, I think Ver1.1a should be an OVA instead of a full anime.
From anime only watcher's stands point. To be frank the pacing is awful and the story telling is bad, the anime includes many side quests from the game they are important for the overall development but without any exposition or conflicts it reaches climax and just end within 5 minutes that is also awkwardly jammed in between the main storyline, as a player I can understand what going on and why it is here but
the exactions are horrible. Besides, as an action game adaptation there is no action, the MCs slice through the problems with easies, there is neither struggle nor hardship, no raising action nor conflicts, the supposedly ‘boss fight’ ended in two slashes not even climax directly get into the resolution, so as good looking as the animation looks like, there is no real fight scene (until the later half of the Part 2). Everything in Ver 1.1a Part 1 and half of Part 2 is lacking of weight and impacts and also confusing, hence not recommend to any anime only watchers.
To player who has finished the Automata game thinking this anime is an alternative E ending, as I have mention in the previous section the anime can be quite sloppy sometime so think it as the 5th playthrough where you can treat the sloppy portion of the anime as a short recap. To fully enjoy the game I think you need to 100% the quests list in game same goes for the anime, and if you want to get all the references and Easter eggs you have to be an achievement hunter or at least have knowledge of them and played or have knowledge of Nier: Replicant as well. Therefore, for the game fans it is a fun watch with a brand new ending and new angles and tons of fan services and easter eggs.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 1, 2024
--- What is it like to gaming with a cheater on the opposite team?
Glade to have another 'Gundam' from UC universe and this time from the POV of Zion's side since most is not all UC universe's 'Gundams 'are from the Gundam/federation's perspective. It really bring up the scale of war from a real, normal, and mature Zion foot soldier's POV instead of a problematic teenager, especially when she actually need to face the really protagonist of the franchises ---Gundam, a really underdog story that struggle to survive. This show is screaming with the original UC era vibe, so if you are a
'Gundam' fan you won't disappoint...And then lets address the TWO elephants in the room....
We anime watchers are all too familiar with the term 'anime CGI', the CGI from the beget anime industry just cannot compares to big company like ILM, and the 2D platform never sit too well with 3D yet... however if only one genre of the anime where the CGI could shine it is the mecha genre, and man this show looks good! Giving the credit to all original hand-draw animators but I think the CGI mecha is superior, the weight and impact behind every moves they make is really hard to achieve with traditional 2D anime. To be honest the Gundam in this show is a little wired, sometimes it feel too light (teleporting) yet sometime it feels to heavy and clumsy, but Zakus in this show tho, Zakus are perfect! It can moves fast but still has weight in it, it bend the knee and bring down the center of gravity then kick the ground extend the body, it has motions instead of 'teleportation'. This show really brings Zaku to life with the crudeness of that hundreds tons of metal monster, really a breath of the fresh air when today's mecha is more magical than mechanical.
The writing is a little bit childish but to be fair majorly the 'Gundam' does, so no big deal, the problem lies with the 'woke' perspective of the show. Personally I do not consider this show as 'woke', let me explain. Sure there are defiantly some 'woke' like/influence when it comes to the character design, yes I'm talking about the pink head rifle girl who is a badass female support with 'bad-girl' character design which is a classic character trop we have seen in shows and movies many times way before 'woke' exist e.g. the girls from Mad-Max-4 or 5th-Element or Cyberpunk-Edge-Runner, etc, slightly 'woke' maybe but as long as the 'woke' doesn't over-reach for the story I am cool with that. Then the only other female character is the main protagonist, she being a strong willed mother is the key factor that responsible for the progression of the story, the decisions she made and how her surrounding reacts to her because her character and background is essential. Therefore, the story does bend to have a female lead, the story has a female lead because she is the perfect character for the story.
To sum up, this is a short fast piece action pack OVA that is faithful to the origin material an honest tribute to the 'Gundam' fans with great visual (Zaku has never look this good! ever!), So if you are a 'Gundam' fan what are you waiting for??
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 16, 2024
The DRAMA! The CHEEZE! It is a cheese fest! Not just the problem for 2nd season the 1st season as well. The cheesiness of the emotional scenes is not the only problem of 'Link Click' but defiantly is what occupied my mind the most.
In my opinion this is supposed to be a 9/10 angle of a show, it got great mystery, fluent story telling, memorable characters, top notch animation, refreshing art style, super awesome sound track op & ed for both seasons, and not to mention a well concluded ending (could be more in future but an conclution along is hard to come by this
days)... but the execution of emotional scenes are kinda lackluster, they occupied too much time and they are way too cheesy.
This show tried to makes the emotional scene super extra emotional (makes the sad feel sadder) with the crying shot, slow motion, and sad music etc. (the cheesy tactic). Doing it once it will work, but this show isn't short of emotional scenes and this show does the same thing every time which in reality it backfired and ruined the mood. To draw a parallel, a quote from 'Gakkou no Kaidan/ Ghost Stories' the English dubbed version: '"it is from our mother, our dead mother! You feel sad now?" this is a sarcastic line to describe the cheesy emotional moment in many drama shows and 'Link Click' has done exactly the same but seriously and over and over and again and again....
Alternatively, to draw another parallel from other shows 'Violet Evergarden', which also use the same "cheesy tactic" but in the 'Evergarden' the emotions are the main focus of the story so it spends more time on the slow build up and settle emotional development which are what makes the cheesy tactic work in shows such as 'Violet Evergarden' but not a mystery/action driven show such as 'Link Click'. I believe if the show down plays the emotional scene a bit and make them run more settle would yield a better result than become a cheese fest.
This is still a very good show, I am just disappointed it couldn't become something even better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 27, 2024
I wanted to test the water with this anime before picking up the light novel since the light novel is critically acclaimed but very long, and needless to say after watching this anime I am not planning to pickup its light novel any time soon...
I have watched 6 episodes, the first 2 are unbearable, get a little bit interesting on episode 3&4 but nothing got developed, and nothing really going on on episode 5&6, so I dropped it after the 6th.
World Building: Barely exist. In this show the MC travel though the world so there are many location to be visit, however each episode
can go through one two or more completely different settings, the only common thing share between the world settings is 'this world has magic and majo'. Thus, although there are many world settings, there are no world building.
Character: None. The MC's character is flat as a paper after 6 episodes, and the others are people with personality traits such as 'the loud one' 'the quite and shy one' 'the narcissist one' 'the leadership one' etc... They are NPC with tags not characters.
Story: Fascinating or boring? There are 3 types of story so far, the generic anime story (awful), the short fable story (good), the adventure story (mixed). The generic anime type of stories (Ep. 1&5) are taking place in one full episode with classic anime tropes such as the training arc or academic arc which normally going to take a big chuck of the season or few seasons for the matter of the facts in other anime to establish the world or develop the characters which previously discussed not exist in this anime (to be honest it took me 3 separate times to finished the Ep. 1). The The short fable type stories (Ep. 3&4) are like the old fairy tales where the MC takes a bystander point of view, although they are very short and packed, they are still fascinating and completed. The traveler story (Ep. 2&6), they feel like the filler story for other story driven anime except with the characters (NPC) that I am not connected to.
Animation and art style: The art style looks good and fitting really appealing to the eye, and the animations are fluent and pretty... (wish I can praise it more if other sectors aren't shit)
To sum up, I don't know where should I put this anime, it has everything yet get nothing right, hope the light novel is different but this anime really discouraged me from reading it soon.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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May 14, 2024
It has been a journey, not going to denied this is a good read (I gave it a 7/10) however not a strong one (I can only gave it a 7/10). I believe to most of us light novel is an undiscovered gold mine and unlike amines there is no aging for literatures so there are plenty gems hidden in the depth of the light novel world. Thus, although "Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu" is good enough, the others are just better. If you decide to give it a try I highly recommend to read this novel accompany with its spin-off
"Ano Otome Game wa Oretachi ni Kibishii Sekai desu"(IF: Mari line) to have a much full filled experience. Let me explain...
*When I mentioning earlier volume I am generally referring to Arc 1(first year) and first half of Arc 2(second year)
Character: The most important part for any story in my opinion, and in terms of characters this novel is semi-ok (very mid). For main characters, aside from the MC Leon, Mari, and Luxion got a sort of decent development the others are barley got any attention given to their characters especially the harm girls they are pretty boring and serve strictly as plot devices I think they take more of a side-liner supporting roles even compares to Mari's gang (the 5 idiots). On the other hand, the spin-off(IF: Mari line) introduces new perspectives to and from different characters while providing them space to be developed which makes their characters more dimensional than just flat harm girls. The actual side-liner supporting characters in this novel is positively ok, there are many characters were introduced through out the journey and they do affect the overall direction of the story and sort of memorable where I could recall their involvement of the story when their name appeared during the final finale but who is he/she still the first thing comes in my mind no one really stand out.
World building: The world building is quite 'loose' in the earlier volumes which you can tell the author was just thinking on the fly which also did get a confirm during epilogue. After the world building takes off majorly of the dots got connected and the world structure got expended, it is a pretty interesting world and personally I am satisficed.
Plot: "Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu" is a power fantasy with harm elements, cannot give much detail without spoiler but plot is where this novel shine. The MC is reincarnated in a dating sim with game knowledge but as a side character (duh as title suggested), so we can get a reality check of the clichés and tropes of the dating sim from a bystander's perspective where the simple fantasy clashes with complex social norm and expectation shifts with MC's perspectives when he is not the MC of the 'story'/dating sim which a lot twists and turns. The 'under dog actually overpowered' + 'bad guy is actually good' type of tropes was used a lot in the earlier volumes, and as a power fantasy the MC always overpower the norms and expectations to become the true MC of the 'story'. In the later volumes, it is just world saving power fantasy mixed with political dramas while more world building and random events keeps being introduce... To be honest I do prefer the earlier volumes but the later volumes also have their charms, which always makes me wondering what if the MC didn't get into the spot light due to the nature of the power fantasy and where the plot is heading if the MC stays in the shadow and makes different options? this is where the spin-off(IF: Mari line) comes in, if the "Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu" is the alternative-line(where the MC actively intervenes the 'story' of the dating sim) then the spin-off "Ano Otome Game wa Oretachi ni Kibishii Sekai desu" would be the side-line (where the MC intervenes much less? with the prior knowledge of the true ending/alternative-line it actually could be more) and follows more truly towards the game progression, however as we already knowledge in both parent and spin-off this world is much more complex than it seem and since the spin-off has been only been half way of the Arc 1 (web version goes further) there is no telling of which ending is going to be the better or worst yet...
To sum up, this is a quite good light novel to read if you decide to read it. Is it a mind-blowing masterpiece? no; Is there better reads out there? yes; Am I regretting to read it? NO!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 5, 2023
To follow non-idol fans...
I don't like idol anime, and to be honest I despise the the idol culture in general, but I did really enjoy the Oshi no Ko despites it being an idol anime because Oshi no Ko is not about idol (season one at least)…
To non-idol funs unfortunately Oshi no Ko still is an idol anime that heavily influenced and based on idol culture, BUT fortunately the 'idol story' is really minimum that it doesn't play a big part in the story happened so far. To me the explanation of the mystery and the nature of the entertoyment industry is the center of
the season, in fact I think the the Reality-TV show section has more screen time than the idol parts combine.
So for follow non-idol fans give it a chance try to watch it for 5 minutes see if this show interested you (true story I was cringed out and dropped this anime months ago without 2 minutes in by the 'idol talk' at the beginning of the anime, but now I have picked it up and benched the whole season in one day).
The story telling/writing is top tier and the 1hr+ long first episode is a breath of fresh air a very bold decision but it gets the job done, it introduced and explained the mystery, the background, the main protagonists, and set the overall tone of the story all at once. And the way stories are presented, the angle of the approach, the focus the the camera, the switching between point of views translates the information to the audience very well and connects the stories and keeps them in a consistent flow. Even as someone who despises the idol show as for the only 'idol event/show' the protagonists actually on the stage by how the show is portrayed that I still feel the cringe but I didn't hate it as much. This is a good anime despites if you like idol anime or not, it is just good, a good anime.
I only gave this season an 8/10 (pretty high score by itself), however I feel it could be higher because this season feels like a 'Part 1' this season merely introduced the story and characters, a set up for potentially what will coming in the future. I will probably coming back to bump the score to a 9/10 after watching the season 2 but for now as for what it is just this 11 episodes by themselves an 8/10 to me definitely worth a watch will recommend to all non-idol fans.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 4, 2023
Feels like a non-canon spin off... with many key characters removed, pasts altered, and some personality changes. So if you enjoyed the First and Second season I personally would recommend you to skip it because in my case this season (Full Throttle) does left a sour taste in my mouth and kinda tainted my overall enjoyment of the Taiho Shichau Zo series; if you are a casual enjoyer just want something to fill you mind, "Full Throttle" is not unwatchable per se but can be boring sometime so certainly there are more better shows that will worth your time out there.
Firstly talking about how
actually is "Full Throttle", that it contains about 20 of 24 episodes (episode numbers for Taiho Shichau Zo on MAL is kind of a mess) of filler stories, some of them are good but none of them made much of a dent to the series, and if you have watched the 1999 5 episodes Taiho Shichau Zo Special you know what I mean, this is basically a 20 episodes of that, they are just meh like chewing a piece of gum that has already been chewed out of flavor. The only pro on top of my mind is the animation quality, the technologies for animation definitely improved in 2007 than 1994 with the help of computer animation the action scenes are smoother and more lively than before.
The elephant in the room for me is most key side/background characters from the previous seasons are missing, and instead of making some excuses such as 'they have moved away' or 'they are busy' the "Full Throttle" decided not to mention them and any past events they have involved in at all, it almost feels like "Full Throttle" trying to pretend they have never existed. Which made it even worse are in some occasions where the mentions of those characters/events are almost unavoidable due to the curtail parts they have played for the protagonist's character development, the "Full Throttle" bypasses them with out of place obscure dialogs or forcefully pretend those events never happened... It is so intentional which drives me mad... ironically some of the 'ignored' characters does showed up... in the very last few episodes... like at least be more consistent since they were erased for the whole season!! Changing the pasts and erasing the characters breaks the canon which is my biggest criticism towards the "Full Throttle".
All on screen characters which including the protagonists has their personality slightly altered in "Full Throttle", which resulted in Over all the flat/one dimension characters and less dynamic relationships. As for protagonists the major traits are still there but different which feels like freshly built character with the old characters frame, especially for me just off the First and Second Season the strong disconnection of personality and characters are really obvious. Besides, all the support characters become more one dimension and fallen to stupid and useless teammate type of role and less interesting and more annoying. Small segment, the animation art style in "Full Throttle" that mentioned previously may also contributed to the personality change a little, cause the new animation used made male characters actually looked and vibe-ed differently from previous season. Further more, the characters perorated in "Full Throttle" are more 'serious' and 'formal' (less playful and less grounded), the amount of 'formal' administrative big talks use in this season alone are longer than the previous 80-ish episodes combined. Could be just bad writing but either way the personalities are non canon and flat, and relation dynamic is pretty much not exist, which made the only 2 non-filler stories feels short.
Upon writing this I realized the non canon factors, which triggered me the most, are probably just because of bad writing, but also there are few interesting filler episodes... Well any way I do not recommend this season to anyone just enjoy the previous season and I wish this season was never been made.
(*I intentionally did not check the stuff list while write this review and upon checking indeed all the directors, story board etc. were different)
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 30, 2023
Definitely going to recommend if you like the First season! The Second Season follows the story from the First and done everything better, the stories are way more polished, and pacing is done well; the Second Season is also shorter with less fillers so the plots are denser and way more engaging in comparison.
There were nothing haven been seen before comparing with the First Season, the overall arc of the Second Season is more grounded and tame and less over the top actions, but the stories are very compiling and really focusing on the characters. If you look hard enough you can spot some familiar
tropes from other anime or Asian TVs in general but the progression is so natural thanks to the well established characters from two seasons everything happened so seamlessly, the decisions and the struggles characters been through are very believable and immersive.
Finally, it is good to see the characters' journey, the personal growth is finalized in a well round up Second Season with a well tide up ending to end the series which left me very satisfied.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 24, 2023
Surpassed my expectation!!! This is a good anime by itself and even better for classic TV standard. So If you are feeling nostalgic and want to sit down and enjoy a slow burn 90's TV anime, this could be the one on your list.
At first I thought this is just a motor fun's wet dream type of anime that I don't really care about, and the classic old TV cartoon format with self contained episodes really didn't help. And since the protagonists are two female buddy cops but set in Japan* this is probably going to be a stay true to the reality boring generic
slice of life or an unrealistic over the top boring slice of life anime , so I have thought...
But in fact this is a slow burn character driven show, each characters have their own quirks and they are likable, believable, and relatable, and everyone severed a purpose even for those who only showed up a few episodes that are interesting and still contribute to progress the story, and be honest they are the one who break the normal formula and stirring the water to keep the story going. The downside of focusing the story on female traffic police in Japan is there aren't many big cases but when there is one it feels really matter, and again this is a character driven show although the development is slow but it is there, and it paid off when it is matter.
*Japan female "cops" weren't real cops (not sure if it is still the same today but back then there were no female cops), only female served in frontline were traffic police who served primarily as a hospitality role which can be shown by their not action ready uniform... good old sexism... which also explained how the back story of the character Futaba Aoi came to be before she joined the traffic police department.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 8, 2023
Great vibe; good visual; decent animation; and nostalgic. but I do not recommended it.
This anime followed the classic 80' TV format which is one stand alone story per episode, there is nothing wrong with this format a lot of good animes adapted well but not this one. There is no story line or bigger pictures, it won't make a difference if you watch the 24 episodes in random orders (to be fair there is a story lasted 2 episodes). In short, occasionally there are interesting ideas but Dirty Pair failed to built up anything exciting in a short 24 min(20 min without op, ed,
and ad break) time spend from start to finish which only makes it feels more unsatisfying and disappointing, and then copy and paste the feeling 23 more times and that is the sum up of Dirty Pair.
If Dirty Pair is going to be re-write in 2023 it will be really interesting cause it got many thing right from setting stand point, the pair protagonist futuristic space setting... man Dirty Pair is a shame.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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