**Spoiler free**
If the word underrated had a form then it would be this anime
You may think i am over exagerating this but this is possibly one of the best anime i have ever seen in my life and yes i have seen
almost 300 anime so i can say this.I am absolutely sure many people is gonne skip this due to the lack of "score" in MAL,but i really
don't understand why this is a 7.57 (at the time of writing),it is a solid 8.90 show or even a 10 for me.
Never thought a slice of life almost ecchi horror anime could make me cry and has
Jun 6, 2021
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
Alright I agree that nagatoro didn't have a very convincing start with the bullying and all but lets just get one thing straight.
This is an ANIME not to be taken SERIOUSLY or PERSONALLY. Also this is a romance anime so we all know where this is going and 'senpai' really doesn't mind getting bullied so we really don't need to make anything controversial out of it. Now for the story Its a nice kind of M and S relationship with limits of course and is getting very wholesome episode by episode. We have the classic anime "accidents" which is kinda refreshing to watch and the smug face ... Oct 10, 2020
This review has all the points of the entire series including Season 1 , Season 2 , Ovas and ofcourse the Movie
Oh man too bad MyAnimeList does not have have ratings for Enjoyment above 10 points because i would give this masterpiece of a show above 100 points. I mean if a thing or word like Anti-cliche existed then it would be called Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Correction !!! This is not Anti-cliche ..This is Anti Anti-cliche because everything becomes soo unexpected after one minute of each episode (I have already watched all the previous seasons and ovas and this review is about all of them. I ... Oct 10, 2020
This review has all the points of the entire series including Season 1 , Season 2 , Ovas and ofcourse the Movie
Oh man too bad MyAnimeList does not have have ratings for Enjoyment above 10 points because i would give this masterpiece of a show above 100 points. I mean if a thing or word like Anti-cliche existed then it would be called Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Correction !!! This is not Anti-cliche ..This is Anti Anti-cliche because everything becomes soo unexpected after one minute of each episode (I have already watched all the previous seasons and ovas and this review is about all of them. I ... Oct 10, 2020
This review has all the points of the entire series including Season 1 , Season 2 , Ovas and ofcourse the Movie
Oh man too bad MyAnimeList does not have have ratings for Enjoyment above 10 points because i would give this masterpiece of a show above 100 points. I mean if a thing or word like Anti-cliche existed then it would be called Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Correction !!! This is not Anti-cliche ..This is Anti Anti-cliche because everything becomes soo unexpected after one minute of each episode (I have already watched all the previous seasons and ovas and this review is about all of them. I ... Oct 10, 2020
I actually don't know what to say about this anime. I feel soo empty after watching this because i enjoyed each and every moment of this masterpiece. The story is top notch like its very well made and why the characters do things is explained very correctly. Now about the animation... it gets a little bad around the middle of the series i mean not entirely bad but maybe that is obviously because of less budget and timeline issues but that doesn't stop anyone from watching this masterpiece of an anime does it. The sound quality is pretty decent eventhough i won't give it ... Sep 29, 2020
Well for those people who thought this would be another romcom trash ,
well.. i got some bad news for you. This anime in one sentence would not be enough but still i will say it anyways. This anime is what happens when someone overthinks stuff too much but at the same time it actually enhances your personality in kind of a good way. Well spoiler alert. Ok first of all i would like to point out the demerits of this anime.. Well the stuff that annoys me a little bit is the fact that the character 'Yui' should have been more, you know rewarded with something or someone like ... Sep 28, 2020
Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!
I swear the people who are hating on this anime are a bunch of karens and cry babies. I mean what is actually there in this anime to hate..
Oh now people will say oh this is another romcom trash just like all others and uzaki is soo irritating and what i have to say to that kind of people is to just read the fuckin description you guys this anime is supposed to be like that no matter what you say. Serious plots doesn't always matter( oh ho ho things are about to get very serious in season two if you know what i mean ... Sep 28, 2020
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou
I swear this comment section is full of hates
I mean why are people hating this. This anime fullfilled the purpose it was meant to fullfill. I don't care how overpowered the mc is this was definitely worth watching I mean the ending was one of the most satisfying comedy ever.. The main reason i like this is because it was worth watching trust me it may seem like a harem ending at first but you will be surprised when you finish it. Don't take my word for it just go watch. You may think the story will be very predictable and you know who will win at the ... Sep 18, 2020
Psycho-Pass Movie
This is how a film should be made and especially that of a anime series Don't just skip this review just because i gave it a 10/10 Because it rightfully deserves that rating We can relate this story to our current society very much like you would not believe ...And it also teaches us that what would happen if there are no human emotions at work and also if there is no law Humanity and justice should be based on righteous human emotions and rightful law. We can't just leave our law and system of our society to artificial intelligence But this also ... |