U can call me whatever u want, but i (obviously) prefer my nickname.
I'm 16 and i'm spanish, but i can speak english and a little bit of japanese!
Well, my anime taste is strange, since i started just like a year ago, but i started heavy with Jojo's, then move to JJK, and rn im watching everything my friends recommend me, such as CSM or SNK.
My favourite anime is JoJo's (my first love).
My favourite manga is Jujutsu Kaisen, and it will always be.
Just for u to know, i'm a bit shy, but when someone shows me trust, i'm the worst clown u'll ever meet.
Besto dudes
I love this guys down here.
Jujutsu Kaisen: The besto manga!
JJK was the reason why im here rn.
Thanks to akutami, now i can say im a weeb (kinda).
It's just perfect, every single panel makes me want to read more and more!
Steel Ball Run: Read it now.
Well, this was, as JoJo's, my first manga to read.
It was stunning and just perfect.
As i said, just read it, no extra context, just read it.
Even if u don't like JoJo's it's a must read.
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