The one thing about Afro Samurai is that it's presented well. Visuals are incredible at some parts and keep you glued to the screen. Soundtrack is also very good.
The thing it lacks however are the most important aspects, story for one is not there. Well, lets say it's bare-bones at best. Characters aren't really that interesting or identifiable either.
However it is a fairly reasonable anime to watch for enjoyment. Be stunned by the visuals but don't rage over the lack of plot too much. It'll just bite you on the ass.
Dec 4, 2008
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Gurren Lagann is by no means an original series, almost every idea is borrowed in one way or another from another show and of course it was filled to the brim with references and homages some fairly obvious, others a little more subtle. However, what Gainax does do is execute these ideas flawlessly and that is what counts.
I also find it to be a more accessible super robot show for just a casual viewer, and hope that this would then lead them onto other shows such as GaoGaiGar or Getter Robo. From start to finish Gurren Lagann is entertaining and 'fun' to watch, I ... |