When an anime becomes so popular there will always be some haters, in my personal experience I haven't met many and I'm quite sure there are meaningful reasons.
Story 10
I am not a fan of fighting anime and I often criticize them, nonethless I am totally in love with attack on titan.. how so?? The main reason is: the anime is not interesting just because there are fights, it doesn't try to appeal through the fights but there are many other elements. also,
the reasons behind the fights are serious and not common. Some examples: it won't be like dragon ball where a new bad person that
wants to destroy the world appears and the protagonist must fight him, it's not like boku no hero where the protagonist wants to be an hero and so he fights bad people.
This anime mostly talks about freedom, humans live behind a wall in order to protect themselves from titans, they don't know what is a volcano, they don't know what is a sea, they are oblivious to many things that are considered common knowledge for us. Here behind these walls lives Eren, our protagonist, he feels like he is trapped in a cage and he feels humiliated by this. Going slightly off topic, the walls are most likely a metaphor about how the author feels in his real life and he absolutely succeeded on expressing his mental status through his work, the message arrived very clearly to me because,since I was child, I have always felt in a similar way, oppressed by the society which, in the anime, is represented by a "government" of very few people.
The anime is not simple, boring or predictable, there are some very interesting plot twists that can make you speechless. The are many reasons why attack on titan is so appreciated but the key might be the mysteries, there are many questions, many things to discover and every single mistery has very deep and interesting answers. I liked every episode and got never bored.
Art 7
I still remember my first experience with attack on titan art and drawings, to be honest it wasn't a positive one. the style of this anime was something i had never seen before and it took some time to get my eyes used to it, after all this time and after many re-watch I can say that it totally fits the atmosphere.
The characters drawings are not perfect for sure, I have noticed some off model faces (deformed) in some cases more noticeable than others. Also the characters outlines were awfully thick. There were some epic drawings with epic background especially in some important moments that i won't spoil. I am not an expert of animation but it didn't bother me. Also i want to say that everything has totally improved in next seasons, This is a review for first season but i want to precise that next seasons get better
Sound 9
Every seiyuu did a fantastic job but i want to give an honorable mention to Kaji Yuki and his outstanding performance, as I said before, the main character feel humiliated and in a cage, this will trigger inside of him anger and a desire to rebel, eren's seiyuu has expressed all of this in absolute perfection, what's best is that this happens not only during important moments, even in minor scenes when for example when mikasa is worried about him, the way Eren says it's not the right time to think about this when humanity is risking extinction is perfect.
Another seiyuu i want to mention is Kamiya Hiroshi ( Levi's voice ) When I say Hiroshi it comes spontaneous for me to think about monogatari, this time hiroshi takes a different character which needs for sure a different voice, even here he's been flawless, the voice of levi 100% perfectly fits the character, and it does in every moment of the anime, I'm quite sure I could understand what kind of character is Levi just by hearing his voice.
I love the first opening of the anime and even after years i still find myself going to youtube to hear it again, the endings are very good too. What it's been impossible for me to like is the second opening, I don't wanna say it's very bad and in fact it isn't.. but it's very hard for me to skip an opening song and when it comes to the second one i found myself doing it a couple of few times. The insert songs are very good, I often have a particular one in mind which puts me in hype, i can't write about every single insert but there's not a single one I didn't like.
Character 9
I love attack on titan's characters for sure, might seem childish but what I like most is the protagonist. First of all he is not the usual strongest person in the world that everyone relies on, he s not the weakest person in the anime, the victim weak character who becomes strong. The protagonist is an average person, he can be me, he can be you, he can be everyone watching the anime, a normal person who feels like he is trapped in a cage and wants to conquer freedom.
the powerful characters are done very well too, they succeed on creating the hype whenever they get in action, in general every character grows, obviously there are some in particular who grow a lot, christa for example, is a very well-written character, one of the best ever but I can't talk more about it since I want to avoid spoilers
The villains are epic too but I can't talk about it because it would need to spoil and to talk about next seasons as well, I just want to say that this anime will surprise you. Also every secondary character is important and never forgotten.
Enjoyment 10
I think everyone can love attack on titan it doesn't matter what genre they like. I have rewatched it many times and each time i did I understood something new, which is a wonderful thing.
I am sure that people who don't like anime in general will still like attack on titan, how popular this show has become is the proof. I think this series has left a mark in the anime industry!!!!
Sep 16, 2018
Shingeki no Kyojin
When an anime becomes so popular there will always be some haters, in my personal experience I haven't met many and I'm quite sure there are meaningful reasons.
Story 10 I am not a fan of fighting anime and I often criticize them, nonethless I am totally in love with attack on titan.. how so?? The main reason is: the anime is not interesting just because there are fights, it doesn't try to appeal through the fights but there are many other elements. also, the reasons behind the fights are serious and not common. Some examples: it won't be like dragon ball where a new bad person that ... |