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Jul 27, 2009
There is no way this 20 minuite ova stands up on it's own. The story is jumbled with most of the interesting parts seeminglly taking place before the anime actually occurs and what you're left with is nothing but a small side story from a manga that if you didn't read, you couldn't care less about. This seemed to me as if they were thinking of making an anime rendition of this manga and wanted to test the waters a bit, but they picked the wrong angle completelly. What would have been interesting to see would have been the beginning of this story, not some
random middle subplot. I could see a fan of the manga being interested in this but aside from that theres just nothing here. Even if they did make a full length anime of this it seems like the all too boring typical high school romance with nothing of interest to keep you entertained.
Story-2 theres nothing here other than some randomness about a girl forgetting a guys birthday. Theres no begining middle or end, it's like picking up a book opening to the middle and picking a random chapter to read.
Art-3 I couldnt believe when I saw this was made in 01 it looks like it came from the 80's, back when anime artists where still trying to copy disney style. Horribly drawn. The characters are so typical you probably couldnt pick them out of a line up.
Sound 3 cheepy done, little to no backround music
Characters 2 they were there... apparentlly but you don't care either way, this story is so boring and though you learn a bit about their past it rushes by so quick to get to more of this borring subplot you couldn't care less about them
Enjoyment 1 it's only 20 minuites but I was terriblly bored through all of it. If it had been any longer I wouldn't have even be able to get through it. Pointless to even try.
Overall 2. As an anime (or possibly movie) it has potential, at least it they starter the story off at the beginning instead of randomlly in the middle, as this is now, its nothing better than dreadful.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jul 27, 2009
I wasn't expecting much from this series but what I got really surprised me. This seems like the complete opposite of something I would enjoy but it turned out to be very well thought out, cute and tender.
Story 8 It does have a bit of a juvenile feel to it, but thats what an anime like this is supposed to be like. This series did not disappoint and did not lead off with a cliff hanger or unanswered questions. Though I would love to see a second season, this stands up on it's own just fine.
Art-9 Not the typical style I usually like,
the colors here are bright and unrealistic, but in a world like this it really works. Opening animation was great and while at the begining I was turned off to the character design as the series progressed I was able to just view them as another cute quirk of this anime.
Sound- Op was great, ending was interesting. Voice acting was top notch. The character Meme has to be one of my favorite characters of all time, due mostly to her voice actor. The voices fit seamlessly into the animation. The male side character's voice is a tad annoying, but he is playing an annoying side character so even that worked.
Characters-9 My only gripe was with the male lead, his character came off as incredibly selfish and you spent most of the anime thinking what a brat he was, or how could someone do that. While that may not have been the creators intention it didn't hinder the show too much, and by the end you grew to care so much about the other characters you didn't really notice.
Tenko- Was amazing, the personality, the character design the voice acting fit together perfectly. I love that every time she gets flustered a little poof of halo smoke pops out of her head along with a little fart type noise.
Meme- Just might be one of my favorite characters of all time.
Misa- Proved herself to be quite essential to the plot and a valuable member of the family, I would be interested to learn more about her character since none of her personal life ever really gets discussed.
Another great concept this anime had was the little people talking... thing.. Hard to describe but sort of like telekinesis, just with little minature pupets. Only the members of the family (and Tenko) have them, and it really brought alot to the show.
With shows like this it can get a little crazy sometimes, random abilities constantly being introduced, a new concept in every episode etc. But that wasn't the case here, the writters clearly had a vision of what was, and what wasn't possible even in their world of the gods and they didn't stray much from the first episode, which makes it much more believable. (Not that any of it is actually believable, but it wasn't one of the series where you roll your eyes at every episode)
Enjoyment-8 it was rare that I sat at the end of my seat after an episode, but while watching them I certainly enjoyed it. I'm surprised this isn't a much more popular anime. A few times the characters seemed to be traveling down their road and you're waiting to see where they end up, when boom random sub plot kicks in, the sub plots weren't bad and while for the most part I can see why they were included, weren't really needed.
Overall 8- As far as cutsie animes go, this is one of the best I've seen. I highly recommend this to fans of the lighter side of anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 25, 2009
This is a perfect example of the all to familure anime falterings of having a good concept but failing completely to execute it. While the story it self is good enough to keep you interested it never really seems to go anywhere. Hopefully the movies to come will shed some more light on this but judging this as a complete series it is majorly lacking. The story starts off with a series of interesting questions and circumstances that are begging for an absolution, but few answers are ever provided and the few they do offer up just lead to more unanswered questions. You might as
well stop watching after episode 1 because the story line isn't going to get all too much clearer to you, and you'll be left asking yourself the same questions at the end of the series that you did at the end of the first episode.
Art 8- Character design is rather poor and childish but the texturing and animation is outstanding. This is a great example of CG blending with traditional animation that looks great. Some of the most interesting art in the series can be found in the ed, really original concept they used there.
Sound 9 The main girls voice is a bit on the annoying side but other than that no real complaints, this is one of the best intro songs I've heard and it really does well in summing up the themes of the anime.
Characters 6- You never really grow to care for any of the characters in this. With the exception of the male lead most characters are typical and bland, and the main intrigue of the male lead is the fact that he has no memories. The main girl comes across as whiny and pathetic with out any strengths of her own aside from her looks. Undeveloped love story angles, which would have been fine not to develop if they hadn't started on that path and then just seemed to forget about it by the next episode. There repeated use of the term 'Johnny' to refer to a penis comes off as childish and silly, in some instances it's made to be taken this way, but in other, more serious parts of the show, such as threatening to rip off ones 'Johnny' and a character that has never been treated right by any ones 'Johnny' and needs to be loved by a good 'Johnny' just comes across as bad and makes it almost impossible to take the scenes seriously.
Enjoyment 7 For the most part I sat through this waiting impatiently for the next episode to find out the answerers to the questions raised previously, but since those answerers never came apparently it was all in vein. So while it did keep my interest for awhile, it wasn't much more than a disappointing let down in the end.
Overall 6- I had some enjoyment while watching it but I can't particularly recommend this to anyone. Hopefully the movies (or perhaps second season?) will help to actually finish the story that they did a good job in creating. If taking this as a complete series, it fails, but as an opening to a series it could have alot of potential.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 30, 2009
I enjoyed the second EF much more than the first. Story lines were much deeper in this, characters seemed more realistic.And while I liked how they kept with the 2 main stories at a time deal as they did with the first, the flow between these two seemed almost seamless and really complimented eachother.
As for the story, like any anime I watch I can't tell how much I'd like the story fully until the ending. Far too many times do animes with great stories ruin it with the end. The end here was a bit anticlimactic for my tastes, it wasn't completely screwed up
to the point of ruining the series for me but it seemed a bit meh for all the tension it was building.
If you watched the first EF you will notice that the main charaters in this one are the side characters from the first season. I loved this part. Usually I hate when an anime dives off its main story line into side characters excessively, but this being a new season with a whole new story line and the original being completed I loved it. Really original, while the main characters from the first season appear here as side ones. Great concept.
This one threw in 2 different plot twists than memories, the first being the time aspect, one of the stories occurs during the past and if you've watched memories your pretty much know where it's going to go. But the way they alluded to this story line durring memories was so interesting to me. They teased you with it and never told you, until melodies.
The other is the distant thing. I was completely unaware during memories that the two stories were occurring on different continents. This part really didn't come across well at all. The characters switch around what country they are in at the drop of the hat, they made many mistakes as to who was in what country when (Listing them would all be spoilers) While I liked how they tied the characters together some of it just seemed forced and trying to draw the line between how this character knew this character from where- when the lines were crossing constantly and across continents just made my head hurt.
As for the characters themselves, much, much better than memories. I'm really impressed with how much of an improvment they made with this one. You grew to genuinlly care for these people for the most part, I hate when a writer wants to have two characters fall in love and instead of taking the time to build a logical relationship, showing the cause of the love between to characters they basically just shove them together for a day and when they come out declare their love for one another for no apparent reason. (Or not a believable one at least) While memories was riddled with this problem, melodies mearlly featured it. A little more build up in the love story would have been good, but this wasnt horrible.
Miki was the one character that just got under my skin. And as her earlier story line progressed, got really confusing. The earlier parts gave her depth, but I really wish they had expanded on that because as she is now she just seems like the typical ditzy anime girl.
As for the visuals in this one I didnt find them as dynamic as I did in the first. This one was all about good characters and good deep story lines. Memories to me relied way more on its looks. The english in both series's OP and end were a funny listen, though with the amount of drama contained within the episodes probably not the time you want to here something funny. I dont think anyone would find it romantic if I walked up to them and told them I wanted to see their insides. They should have just done them in Japanese, it would have come across much better and taken the cheese factor down a notch for me.
Overall this was a pretty good anime. Some minor flaws keeping it from perfection but after memories I am pleasantly surprised with this one. Defnitley worth the watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 26, 2009
This is the second part of a 7 part series. With the first movie there was serious lacking in the character development department, with this movie however there was not only a story line but you actually got to understand a bit about the characters and where they're coming from. Story moves quite slowly, and there are many instances where you will be staring at the same pointless scene for far too long. Such as her lying down for bed and a random shot of her room is on screen for about 45 seconds. This may have been done to add suspense, but it didn't
work for me and just made me want to hit the FF button. Unlike the first movie this one actually made me interested to see where the characters go from here. The story line in this one seems more like a stand alone side quest of the back story to the characters appearing in the rest of the movies. But that's a good thing, because if you can't care about the characters in a series, then I can't care about whatever happens to them in the series. Has many flaws, but is still leaps and bounds better than the first. If you watched the first one and decided not to continue I urge you to give this one a shot.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 26, 2009
The images and art is what makes this a must see. The anime looks beautiful, the story is horribly lacking, given that this is one, in a series of stories I can only hope that the story will develop with time. Though this being the first of the set it certainly didn't intrigue me enough to want to continue. I found myself pausing numerous times because I just got so bored of watching the lack of story develop. This is one of those animes that fall along with the same lines as Paprika, in that its beautiful to sit back and watch it, but
don't try understanding anything that's going on, you're only going to give yourself a headache. I do hope the other stories in this set do better with the story line, but I'm not going to hold my breath and judging this as a stand alone story, it doesn't do well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 21, 2009
It's not your typical high school comedy/romance anime. It's worth the watch but I can't say it's fantastic. Story line goes a bit slow at times, but the interesting characters keep your attention. Character design was good, one thing I especially appreciated was how they designed the male lead, he doesn't look like your typical anime romeo, they designed him to look like 'one of the bad guys' which I thought was really refreshing and new with all the staples in anime design it's nice to see someone step outside the box every now and again.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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