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Jan 12, 2022
Should I Read This Story ?
Cuz it's a masterpiece, not only as a sports story, but as a story in general.
Why is it a masterpiece?
Welp....many reasons actually, i would like to write about it for hours but i think by the time you read what i wrote, you could have already been at chapter 10 and by then the story would take you by your throat and never let you till the story is finished.
Just know this. Halfway through this journey, you will not have any idea how it will end, who the protagonist even is, who the antagonist even is. You will find yourself exposed to one of the coolest and most inspiring characters ever. You will find your self inspired not only by the GREATNESS of SPORTS but many real life things, things that actually matter, small things that can make a big difference.
This is a story about hardships, life & death situations, anxiety, hate, despair, miisery, lonelyness, friendship,family, friends, true heros, real life values, finding your true self, finding your purpose, finding or being found by that one person that can turn YOUR WHOLE WORLD upside down, it is a story about lending a hand when someone is down, helping that someone in whatever way you can because even if that small help or words of courage seem miniscule to you, maybe, just maybe...it can mean a world to them.
Thank you, JH.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 17, 2021
Meliodas vs Escanor has found its successor!
ANIME STUDIO WORLD!!!! You had ONE job....not to mess this up(cannot use curse words)...
Yeah manga readers hyped this anime WAY too much, i get it...except...IT WAS FOR A REASON!
Shuumatsu no Walkure is a story where basically all that carries it is awsome mix of 'history', myths, legends integrated in awsome characters that FIGHT for the SURVIVAL of human kind.
I know many of you remember God of HS and how it was only made to show animation of fights in tournament 1 on 1, couple of them outside the tournament and nothing else(skipped chapters etc)...welp HERE IS YOUR TOURNAMENT STORY
THAT ONLY NEEDS YOU TO ANIMATE IT PROPERLY AND the rest will be carried by amazing individuals that fight in it...WHERE ARE U MAPPA!!??
Kind of a normal review:
As you see what this show lacks is pure quality that studio's in 2021 should be able to deliver, outside of PowerPoint Presentation fights characters are really good, you will found yourself cheering for both sides in many fights and art(not animation) alongside music,voice acting is really solid.The problem is clear and if you need reference, imagine AOT s3 part 1 (with Kenny) with garbo animation,or Haikyuu for example.
Since there are only 3 fights covered(out of 10) i am hoping that somehow the studio will change or this studio will animate it much better next season so we can enjoy it to the fullest.
Have a nice day
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 22, 2021
Since i see a lot of comments and rewievs about this show being childish and getting boring and stuff i just want to adress something in my review of SEASON 5.
Almost all the shonen shows you like don't go where My Hero Academia goes to: INTRODUCING EVERY CHARACTER AND SHOWING THEM GROW BOTH IN MIND AND BODY!
This arc of the 5th season may be NOT AS ENTARTAINING AS some very high stakes arcs BUT it's essential to the STORY OF MY HERO ACADEMIA! It's showing how all the characters are improving their line of thinking and how they are honing their skills. The writer of
this story is showing you how everyone in this story matters to some degree and is giving most of them a chance to shine. Yeah he can go develop only Midoriya and carry on with the story, BUT NO! He shows you REAL CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT of MCs, Side Characters, Villains and others.
NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE A HIGH STAKES FIGHT.Yeah those kind of fights give all of them an example of where their place is right now, but what happens after that, what will they do, how will they improve, do they even want to improve? MHA is showing you how all the characters are improving to be able to help or be a BIG PART of those HIGH STAKES FIGHTS that will come after.
SEASON 5 is really good people it is giving everyone's character development and showing their "improvement". It is good and it will continue to be good.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 18, 2021
If you are not of strong heart, skip this anime and never look back.
Fumetsu no Anata e or To Your Eternity is a story made by creator of Koe no Katachi(Silent Voice) and in its first 5 episodes it made me feel double the pain i felt when watching that movie.
This review is a short one and won't have any spoilers.(oh yeah..nice animation and the sound is cool (I HATE THE OPENING OF 5TH EPISODE))
If summary doesn't give you enough stimulus to watch this, then know that behind this summary is an endless pit of sadness and pain, know that if you see any new
character that you like, be prepared for worse(whether or not something bad happens), know that this show in its 5 episodes has caused me more pain than Silent Voice and many many other, know that the writer doesn't hold back(if you want fairness, proper judgement and characters getting what they deserve you won't get it), know that you probably wouldn't be able to stop watching it no matter how much you hurt from this show, know that this journey will be a real one for both Fushi and us.
Have a good day :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 5, 2020
WARNING! This won't be a long review(i know my people)!
Last Evolution is basically a 20y ani movie to wrap things up(even though it doesn't wrap up anything)
If you are a person like many of us who is often hit HARD by nostalgia and doesn't like sad endings, then you have two choices:
A)Prepare for your heart being torn apart or don't even watch it if you cannot take it
B)Consider 02 ending a CANON sequel and then you can be left with a really cool and heartaching experience
We basically have the whole story revolving around Yamato,Taichi and company getting older (losing their unlimited potential)and because of that losing their Digimon partners.
***Villain is really relatable in terms of you can understand why he would go so far for his goal.
***Music was epic with ofc original Digimon Adventure OST, and really good OST in the final battle that i don't think appeared in the original.
***Characters other than Yamato and Taichi were nonimportant (except Koshiro and 02 crew a little) and Sora was done the dirtiest i don't know for what reason,but she was already going through what Yamato and Taichi have gone through in the movie.
***Studio and its producers really don't get Digimon fanbase as in they think we need to move on from this story(like DigiDestined from their Digimons) and that's
We just want to enjoy the series that changed us and touched us like almost nothing ever before and after. We just want to enjoy their adventures, listen to best OSTs ever and SMILE, NOT CRY! We are older now, we are not living in the past, we know that there is a real world and real problems to face onward, we don't need Digimon franchise to tell us that, just give us joy that you gave us for 20 freaking years !!!
Gabumon and Agumon vanish while talking with Yamato and Taichi while asking "what are you gonna do tomorrow", later in the credits we see that every other Digimon from the original crew vanished, and some time later Yamato and Taichi are seen looking in the sky and Taichi running forward while both saying something along the lines of "Just wait, we will see each other again for sure".
And that's where 02 kicks in with its ending, as we all have seen that they have kids with their own digimon(the kids AND the original crew), which implies that they found a way to get back together.
Also there is a new Digivolution of Agumon and Gabumon in the final battle which implied imo that they still possess UNLIMITED POTENTIAL(which was the reason why Digimon disappeared)
Thank you for reading :) DIGIMON FTW!!!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 28, 2020
Everyone knows that feeling when at the end of an anime they give you "F*** you go read the manga" type of ending, well GOH is not that kind of anime.
GOH is one of the mont popular Webtoons today, and for a reason, it's damn entertaining, having really cool characters, really cool fights and moves, and all in all a text book type of SHONEN.
Well this anime studio thought "ok so UNREALISTIC FIGHTING,COOL CHARACTERS,TOURNAMENT, ok we got it" and thats all they did. They just put in a tournament out of nowhere and managed to "adapt" 29 chapters in 4 EPISODES ! ! ! !
They didnt bother with really non important stuff like character introductions,how they even ended up here, details about this tournament, NOTHING. Not only did they cut so many important stuff that happened in those 29 chapters but they even changed the story for no reason.Grandpa was only mentioned in the anime which literaly made people think that he was dead, but in the Webtoon, he makes couple of important appearances(even talks with the MC on the phone)....i can go on and on.
All in all, as i said in my opening, GOH is not that kind of an anime...
i advise all of you who are watching this and u are interested in the story to go read the Webtoon, because you really lose on a ton of information, events that transpire,literaly you need first 3 chapters to realise what kind of baffoonery they did in the anime and see that it's ONLY role was to advertise the Webtoon. I should have just said that it's worse than Tokyo Ghoul root A and re s2,instead of all this :D.
Hope this helps.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 17, 2019
"Sport is the way of life"
Run With The Wind embodies, to the core every word of this sentence, and is truly,in my opinion, a premier example of what, not only sports,but every anime should be about.
Inspirational message that runs throughout this whole show makes it all the more captivating and relatable to, not only all of us who have been very good or bad in sports, but to every person in general,because the life lessons that it teaches many of you can't even be taught in real life.
Friendship, connecting with people, sacrifice, purest emotions within you, questioning what are we actually "running" for,pushing forward beyond
your limits, leaving everything on the line and having no regrets, are some of the lessons Run with the Wind teaches us and gives us a proper time for soul searching.
As of now,this amazing show has been watched by 32k people on MAL,which is kind of sad because it can honestly help people.
**To all of you who are maybe reading this review, thinking "Oh man it's not as popular" or "Sports anime is not often good and this is about running" etc. i sincerely reccomend watching this through the end, YOU WON'T DISAPPOINTED!**
And to all Chikuseisou residents,from the bottom of my heart...thank you!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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