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Apr 18, 2020
This anime is purest thing I've seen all year.
Senryuu Shoujo tries its best to fill that void in your heart, where innocence once used to lie, and I must say, it does a very good job at that. Here's why.
First off, the characters, literally every single one of them is so cute and innocent that you just feel clean watching the episodes. Nanako herself is as expected, the best thing about this anime. Watching her interact with everyone is always a very pleasant delight due to how innocently she handles her life.
Despite the vibe, this anime does manage to be funny. I really liked
most of the comedic moments, although it is to be noted that the recurring gags get boring really quickly. Still, there isn't that many to really drag down the anime as a whole.
The art style is also really beautiful and fits the overall vibe of the story. Although, I wish they didn't rely on that much bloom since it's a bit overkill and makes it hard to see the daylight scenes. Still, the faded and pale color scheme works very nicely in relaxing you the viewer as well.
Character design is also very good. Every character is adorable and really emphasize how relaxed the overall anime is going to be. Nanako, while pretty cute as well, for some reason keeps her eyes open at full blast in most scenes which kinda creeped me out, but it's almost not even noticeable since she's so cute.
I could very easily nitpick at the anime and criticize it's lackluster love story progression or the multiple story lines that this anime doesn't end up exploring, but they are all so minor, that when you're in the mindset that this anime expects you watch it in, they all tend to not really bother you enough to matter.
Adding on, the byte sized format of this anime makes it very easy to quickly watch. They can even be watched out of order as is the case with most anime of this format. I'd imagine it would be super easy to make a Season 2 for this, however unlikely that may be.
Summing up, this anime is the type that you can easily watch regardless of whether you like it or not, it's format allows you to quickly ascertain that without much time investment. I personally really liked it, and chances are, you might just watch the entire thing even if you didn't like it anyway.
I, for one, definitely recommend it. Go give it a watch and who knows? Maybe it might be enough to cleanse your soul, just a little bit.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 15, 2020
Let's start off with the obvious.
It's very easy to see why this anime is as popular as it is. It ticks all the boxes for what to expect from a romantic comedy for a lot of people.
That being said, this anime leans much heavily into comedy than it does romance, despite the title. Watching those two geniuses try an outsmart each other makes up the bulk of the main conflict in the show and holy shit, they went all out.
Dramatic reactions, crazy camera angles, a VERY effective narrator backed by an energetic OST, all of these elements combine to make that outsmarting, inner dialogue sections
really interesting to watch. Sure, the conflict is predictable, but they try their best to keep it fresh by introducing different situations and making use of uncontrollable variables, namely Fujiwara.
It is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. If there's one thing that this show gets right, it's the comedy. Despite a few okay repeating gags, most of the comedy is kept interesting throughout. There definitely some laugh out loud moments that are quite memorable.
Another strong point was the art style. The mind conflict scenes makes use of very pretty looking backdrops that really do add a lot to the visual character of the show itself. Reactions of the characters can really be felt by the viewer, which is a job well done in my book.
I especially liked Kaguya's eye design. It almost looks like there is a blood red city in her eyes, which enables her to be cute and terrifying based on context. She somehow manages to be more expressive in emotion that Fujiwara somehow, despite her being the more reserved type. Unfortunately, this cannot be said for Shirogane.
This brings me to character personalities. What Shirogane lacks in design, he very much makes up for in the personality department.
While Kaguya also manages to keep up an interesting persona, ultimately it's hard to NOT view Shirogane as the underdog as he tries to swerve and dodge his way through Kaguya's plans. Shirogane has MUCH more comedic value than Kaguya however. This leads to me being much more endeared with Shirogane's character rather than that of Kaguya.
All the other characters also manage to have enough of a personality to keep up with the two MCs. In my opinion, four well fleshed out characters will always be better that many interesting characters.
The anime does seem to fall into the typical rich person cliches a lot. This is not helped by the fact that there isn't that much romance for most of the series before we get slapped with it at the end. Still, I enjoyed it.
At last, the AMAZING intro deserves a mention. Everyone's absorbed by the Chika Dance, but the intro has a great music track that goes super well with the whole James Bond style aesthetic. Never skipped it once.
Overall, it's important to consider what you WANT from a romantic comedy. That will help you determine your affinity towards it.
I wanted a hilarious anime to watch that would have interesting characters with a great art style. I couldn't care too much about the romance.
Based on that, this anime is PERFECT. It does what I wanted to an exceptional degree and that's probably why I've given it a 10.
As for you the viewer, assuming your views doesn't line up with mine, I would still recommend giving it a watch just plainly because of how funny the show is. It's THAT good.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 14, 2020
Have you ever looked at an anime you're planning to watch and think, "Man, this is gonna be bad, isn't it?"
That was my initial impression of Aho Girl. But BOY was I surprised.
Aho Girl is probably the only anime I've seen of it's kind, where the girl gets beat up by the support character instead of a dude.
Not just lightly bonked like in a cute way either, she gets FUCKING SUPLEX SLAMMED INTO THE FLOOR.
Aho Girl represents the standard for physical comedy in anime for me. It's very easy to pick a male comedic relief character and have the straightman girl bash him up for
no reason to garner cheap laughs. The way this anime differentiates itself, is by making it so that almost every smacking she receives is justified and appropriate.
One of the things that stood out to me was the character design. Yoshiko, or the Aho Girl's design is made in such a way that it's quite difficult to look at her sexually or treat her as this innocent fragile flower that most female characters in anime are usually treated like.
Not only does it make it easy to swallow the fact that she gets absolutely shitmixed by Akuru almost daily,this also makes it easier to see her as this absolute idiot that somehow transcends her medium and annoys the viewer as well, which is amazingly remarkable.
The VA for Aho Girl, Aoi Yuuki did an AMAZING job in giving her a voice that's just the right amount of annoying to get the point across, while still keeping it bearable to watch. Her voice, while being annoying, is very suited to Yoshiko's personality, which makes it easier to digest her stupidity.
Unfortunately, because of the near perfect character of Aho Girl, all other characters, with the exception of Akuru, were not explored enough. This is especially true in the case of Sayaka, who got so little screentime, that Yoshiko's dog was more prominent in the anime than her. While it doesn't really affect the anime as much, that was just my personal wish.
The intro gag is pretty funny, not gonna lie. It makes it worth it to stick around to see it on every episode. It's little things like that that elevate this anime to such an enjoyable experience overall.
Since this is a gag anime, things like story and character development are barely needed. This anime definitely doesn't have any of them, but it does the one thing a gag anime is supposed to do VERY well.
That is, this anime is FUCKING HILARIOUS. Not only because of Aho Girl's antics, but the supporting cast is also very funny in their own right. Somehow, everytime Aho Girl get smacked into orbit, it makes me burst into laughter. It took me a while to get used to it.
Other than physical comedy, the thought process jokes and other jokes landed very well for me. Every episode managed to get me, despite the fact that I could feel my brain slowly being rubbed smooth.
Overall, this anime is regarded pretty well by the community, and it's easy to see why. This anime knows exactly what it wants to be, which is a gag anime that's actually funny. It absolutely nails it.
I definitely recommend this anime. Sure, your brain might feel numb after watching it, but it's definitely worth it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 14, 2020
I'll get the obvious bit out first.
Yes, this anime is the most basic formulaic ecchi/harem anime out there. There should be no surprise there.
This is a key fact which I'm using as a base for this review. It doesn't make sense to treat this anime any more seriously.
Let's start off with the characters. You already know them if you've watched any ecchi anime ever. They are just as basic as the show itself, presenting commonly seen behaviors and personalities. There is nothing interesting about them other than their figure. I won't dwell on it any longer because this is to be expected from the statement
I made earlier.
The concept was definitely something different. This anime is set in some kind of Maid/Butler/Noble lady training school. I can at least give them props for that since it's the only thing that stands out at all. There isn't anything particularly unique about the OST or the atmosphere either.
Art style and fan service. Okay, this is something they did well. If you're here to beat yo dick, this anime will serve you well with very unnecessary ecchi scenes in almost every episode. I really liked Selnia's design with the drill looking hair no matter how ridiculous it may be. The ecchi scenes were pretty nice as well, which just barely pushes the anime to make it worth watching at least.
As for the comedy... it's a mixed bag. I personally didn't find anything funny in it, but it does have some decent enough attempts at comedy that don't ALL rely on ecchi. The recurring gags got old VERY fast, and soon it was almost annoying to see that gag again since they were never funny to begin with. This is entirely subjective of course.
Overall, did I enjoy this anime? No. I feel like I wasted my time.
But does this anime deserve such a harsh critique?
No. This is because such anime isn't made for stellar fleshed out characters with masterful storytelling. It's there to give you heaps and heaps of fan service. If you're into the whole maid fetish, then it's got heaps of that too.
This anime doesn't take any risks with trying to be different and is very much content blending in with the mass. However, for those who watch Ecchi anime for...well, the ecchi and don't expect anything more, this anime absolutely delivers in that aspect and that aspect only.
So, if you fit that, go ahead and give it a watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Apr 11, 2020
NouCome is probably one of the most innovative harem anime I've seen so far.
Why do I say this? Well, it's quite simple. Most harem anime seem to be similar in story line because they know that their target audience would probably care more about the girls and ecchi than a compelling story or whatever.
NouCome took an interesting approach by wrapping a story around the consequences of CHOICES. This is instantly evident by the first episode.
Where most harem anime would rely on accidents or sticky situations to initiate ecchi scenes, this anime straight up yells "CHOOSE!" and makes the MC directly enter that situation out of
his own will. I can see how that was a relief for the writers. That being said, NouCome has just enough ecchi scenes to BARELY qualify as a ecchi genre anime IMO.
Of course, innovative concept aside, that alone isn't enough. Fortunately, the MC also differentiates himself from the normal tropes of a harem. The only thing that makes him more interesting that any other harem MC is his sense of humour and the literal choices he is forced to make.
These two concepts combine to create an absolutely HILARIOUS anime. Almost every episode is filled with meta jokes, an ungodly amount of references, and overall just a side splitting experience. The MC alone is the most funniest character in this anime on his own. There are moments where you do feel bad for him, but most of the time, it does lead to some amazing comedy scenes.
The humour alone is enough to save this anime in my opinion from it's flaws.
Despite it's many unique offerings, it wasn't able to save itself from what I consider to be the biggest flaw, which is underdeveloped characters.
Almost all the characters in this anime, including the MC, don't evolve overtime and in the case of the female cast, remain adhered to their stereotypes till the end of the season. There were multiple character developments that the anime was smart enough to feature, but never bothers exploring further at all. But then again, this IS a 10 ep comedy after all so it would be harsh to expect too much of this. That being said, a little character development never hurts.
Absolutely do not expect a decent story out of this anime as is the case with most harem anime. The overall story, while being wafer thin, ends with a very underwhelming ending. Much like the characters, there are a LOT of questions about the mechanisms of the MC's affliction that almost never get answered.
Overall, it's absolutely amazing that they even TRIED to be different. That gets points in my book. It's almost tiring to see the same tropes recycled over and over again even if I'm mostly there to beat the shit out of my dick to. NouCome's uniqueness outshines it's commonly seen flaws. It's therefore, much easier to just enjoy the amazing comedy and tasteful ecchi while laughing along with God at the MC's plight.
ABSOLUTELY recommend it. Go ahead and give it a watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 10, 2020
Tejina senpai is a really hilarious anime. I really liked it.
The series is chock full of ecchi comedy as one would expect. The side characters are all interesting as well and are also interesting to watch on their own as well. The assistant is definitely the best character for me tho, the dude is hilarious as the straightman.
I know this anime isn't meant to be taken seriously, but I wish they would have dug a bit deeper into Tejina's character. She's hilarious and has a goofy personality, but honestly I wish they showed her in some serious scenes at least. It does feel like a
facade that she puts up so it would have been interesting to see what goes on behind the scenes in her mind.
They show her as being this alone girl in school that has no friends, but never explored it in any meaningful way. This seems to be a recurring theme in this anime too. Madara's character is never explored either. This show is full of potential to be honest.
However most of the potential seems to be lost to make space for the ecchi. Don't get me wrong, the ecchi fan service is fucking FANTASTIC. But I somehow got used to it overtime. The chemistry between that of Tejiwara and the Assistant works really well however only because of the ecchi component.
As per the character design, I'm not a fan of the insanely mega sized body type myself, but I'd be lying if I said I hated it. The assistant looks pretty dull and boring, but makes up for it with his personality for sure.
One peculiar detail that I wasn't able to get over was Tejina's eyes. I appreciate the different looking design, but I felt it looks a bit off and as a result, I feel like she wasn't able to express that much expression with them. This is some SUPER nitpicky shit, but I liked the different style of eye drawing in this, so I wish they did it a bit better.
The intro is very nice and fun to watch too. Really good music too. It's a bop to listen to.
Overall, I really wanted more from this anime. I love what I got sure, but I wish they'd explored the characters more. Tejina is a great character and I can't help but root for her too. The series is filled with really good ecchi moments too that are definitely worth a re-watch too. Definitely check it out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 9, 2020
Tanaka Kun is by far, the best anime I've ever seen, for the following reasons.
Favorite bias aside, the MAIN reason I like this anime, is because of how much fun it is to observe the chemistry between Tanaka and Ohta.
Despite Tanaka basically living off of Ohta, it never ends up feeling like a one sided friendship because of how beautifully this anime manages to balance the amount of support Ohta offers to Tanaka as a friend. It also helps that most characters in this entire anime don't have even an iota of ill intent or selfishness.
Tanaka as a character is very interesting because we get
to observe unique reactions from him for every new situation. Despite his laziness, the dude knows how to tackle a situation in more than one way. This allows me to be much more engaged to see what he'll do next.
Secondly, this anime is legitimately FUNNY. Maybe it's just my sense of humour, but I laughed my ass off on almost every episode, whether it's because of Tanaka's innovative thinking or hilarious character moments between him and the rest of the gang. It's not a serious anime of course, but it definitely delivers on some key emotional moments as well, which makes it all the more fun to watch.
Another reason is because of how fun the supporting characters are to watch, both Echizen and Miyano have very fun to watch interactions with Tanaka and even are fun to watch by themselves. They maintain that fun chemistry that Ohta and Tanaka share as well.
Moreover, they all eventually evolve to be better versions of themselves at the end of the series. This is something I never expected from this anime. While not by too much, it is still very refreshing to see this type of evolution which is often not seen for supporting characters.
I also really love the intro and outro songs. I've watched them all through without skipping for every episode, which while overkill, it is something I almost NEVER do.
Finally, the art style. I think this is one of the best looking anime personally speaking. The faded and light colour palette really captures the essence of the characters and the atmosphere. Character designs are also really beautiful with the exception of Tanaka, who seems to almost blend in with the background characters almost, which actually kinda makes sense considering how he is.
If I had to nitpick anything, I'd say Rino, Tanaka's sister is probably the most non interesting character overall. Her comedic value never really caught on in the first place, and scenes with her weren't particularly fun to watch. She seems to be the only character who doesn't develop at all over the course of the series.
Other than that, this anime has almost everything I want from an anime, it's got great slice of life moments, hilarious comedy, interesting characters, and a very relaxing vibe.
I have re watched this anime countless times and still find it interesting everytime. I would absolutely LOVE to see a season 2 of it.
100% would recommend watching it. It's not everyone's cup of tea of course, but if you're looking for chill vibes and laughs, I'd highly recommend checking this out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 9, 2020
I went into Tamako Market expecting a heartwarming little adventure that's more about the journey than the destination in terms of story. I went into this to feel at ease, to not be expectant of anything and most of all, to relax.
Tamako Market very much delivered that for me.
The story, honestly, I really couldn't care about. Hell, it seems like even the anime doesn't care all that much considering the only person related in any meaningful way to the plot for most of the series seems to be a talking bird. Even the ending to the main plot was quite predictable and lackluster.
Dera was
not really a character I was able to give a shit about unfortunately. I initially did like his whole royal speak shtick, but that got tiring very fast. This also applies to all the other members of the whole royal family thing. They just weren't interesting enough to care about.
But goddamn, I just loved watching the daily life of a girl who lives in a close knit community market. It embodies all the beautiful parts of such places very nicely, the atmosphere was fun and cheery. It made me want to be a part of such a community.
That being said, however, in the interest of showing how some things don't change, the anime ended up not really evolving the characters either. Most of the relationships between the characters didn't change all that much, which saddens me, because I wanted to see how that would affect the other members of the market.
Tamako as a character is charming enough to warrant watching through the series. I do wish they explored more of her personality as she remained this cheery, upbeat happy person throughout the series without any real emotional moments except towards the end.
I'm not saying that I wanted to see her cry or anything, but it would have been nice to see that she too is a person with complex emotions and thoughts that don't all consist of mochi and cheeriness.
The music is really nice and one specific track really made me invested to the character of Tamako's dad since he seems to show much more of his vulnerabilities that Tamako ever did.
Art style of course is beautiful. I especially love the way Anko is drawn. SO CUTE!
Overall, I just love the vibe of this anime man. It's heartwarming and relaxing enough for me to overlook it's flaws and just enjoy it for what it is. I'd recommend this anime to anyone going into it for similar reasons to mine.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 7, 2020
Here's the thing. I really like anime that focus on the education journey for entrance exams, because I went through that myself. So, it's the reason why I have a soft spot for this anime.
BOKUBEN is pretty good, in my opinion. The characters are fun and have their own little quirks which are fun to explore, although they don't really have any developments in character other than a love for the oh so perfect MC.
The MC is pretty basic, nothing too outstanding although I like how they show that he too has dirty thoughts and is not this perfect being of innocence. I couldn't
hate him though.
The OST is also super nice to listen to. I really loved the soundtracks. They're worth a listen on their own, I'd say.
Coming to the art style, I.. really like it. Not because of the ecchi scenes, they didn't stand out that much to be honest, but because of the character design and the overall comedic scenes. It keeps it really interesting to watch.
The only development I've seen in this is that of Fumino, which was VERY refreshing. I really liked that, but that's about it.
One disapointment is that Kirisu Sensei seems to have been reduced to just another damsel in distress for Yuiga to save. I would have appreciated some level of character development on her part at the very least.
Overall, fuck man, I'd still re watch it, the character style and the ecchi is fun enough to warrant that at the very least.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 7, 2020
Yosuga no Sora was for me, a very mixed bag of unfitting elements all jumbled together.
Personally, I LOVE the OST, it really adds a lot to the atmosphere that they are trying to create. If anything is to be remembered from this anime is the simple, relaxed and pleasing music that elevates the series as a whole.
Another thing I found that really helps this series out is the art style, everything is just looks so fantastic and in tune with the overall atmosphere that it's hard to not get sucked in to the world entirely. The character design especially gets props from me as it
made the ecchi scenes that much better. Heh.
Coming to the negatives, the biggest negative that I felt really kicked this anime in the dick is the lack of character development.
None of the characters in this anime seem to have changed in any way from the first episode to the last. As a result, they become completely forgettable. Even the MC seems to have a very static personality overall, even though there was some interesting development towards the end of the series.
The twin sister, Sora, is somehow the most easy to hate character in this entire series despite the fact that she's drawn BEAUTIFULLY. There is no redeeming quality in her till the end of the series, which is a shame.
Overall, I'd still recommend this anime mainly because of the fact that nobody came to watch this shit for the story or whatever, even though there's a decent enough story to see.
Everyone's here for the sex scenes and honestly, this anime absolutely delivers in that aspect. However, don't expect too many interesting plot developments or heart griping character moments from Yosuga no Sora.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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