Hey, Gordon Ramsey? Where did you go to become such a good cook?
GR: "Why, Totsuki Academy, of course!"
Ahhh, Food Wars, everyone's favorite show about food next to Cake Boss and Hell's Kitchen. Located to the east of Flavortown, Totsuki Academy is where most of our story takes place. Grab a bowl of your favorite Weeaboo ramen and sushi and prepare for the taste of SHOKUGEKI NO SOUMA!
The basis behind Food Wars is a fairly unique take on the whole Shounen genre. Sure, you got the same character stereotypes, but hey, it's the thought that counts.
During the camp, all I could think of was how similar this was to the test at the start of HunterxHunter where Gon meets Killua and such. Meanwhile, the "Shokugekis" reminded me of the battles in Bleach when they were in Los Noches.
It's shows like these that makes identifying the differences of plot and story easier. Though the plot of Hentai no Souma is predictable, the story itself is unique and a very individual "spoon of sugar".
Did I also forget to mention that the artist used to draw hentai? I didn't? Hmmm...
You know what a overly dramatic show needs?
What's that, your favorite food anime ISNT overly dramatic and you feel attacked because I spoke badly about your favorite show of the season?
But anyways, overly dramatic anime needs overly dramatic characters! Yaaaaaaaaay~!
This guy is Yukihira Semen, our main protagonist of Foodgasm the Animation. Don't expect anything new from him, because he's just a typical Shounen protagonist that can only think about the genre and trial of the anime; in this case, food. I'm going to read a bit of the manga, so hopefully that'll add some personality to him.
Now here's Nakiri (Not Kirino) Erina, the stereotypical Tsundere of, not just shounens, but ALL, that's right, ALL anime.
"Woah woah, Bright. Don't be talkin' shiz on my waifu. I'll have you know she's a Himedere; haderpaderp."
Ok cool. Unlike most Tsunderes, Erina doesn't show her affection to Souma as quickly as the generic ones. Though she doesn't show it at first, it definitely develops, just not as quickly. I'm hoping for some more of Erina in the manga.
(Maybe it's the Himedere, you idiot fanboys")
Oh also, her nickname is "God Tounge." Umm, you should probably change that nickname, unless you want crazy lesbians attacking you.
Then you got Tadokoro Megropey, the fanservice adorable cuddle fairy that you can't help but want to protect. Idk what it is with this season, but they helped me find a new kind of anime trope that I adore.
The character with a foreign dialect that's ashamed that it comes out sometimes. Sure, Marika from Nisekoi had this feature about her, but you only saw that when she was angry.
Another character that had this feature this season was Ebina from Umaru, but you'll see me fanboy about that later.
Its-a me, Takumi!
Its-a me, the other guy!
And together we're
The Aldini Brothers! Wahoo!
Ah sweet, Nikumi. I don't even have to make a pun for her name because her entire character is a pun. What kind of food do you think she makes? Her name literally says meat in Japanese! Honestly, Nikumi was just there to provide fanservice for the guys who couldn't "grab the meat" hard enough from Not Kirino or Megropey.
And then you got a whole bunch of other characters, yada yada yada. Basically, what I wanna say here is that there's a crap ton of characters in this show, so you're bound to like one of them.
Yes! Yes! Yessssssss~! The animation studios are finally learning that if you use your soundtrack, people will actually like it!
*le victory dance*
Anyways, probs to Shokugeki no Soma for actually using their soundtrack to entice the viewer. If I may complain about one little tidbit, it's that the opera son during the foodgasms became a bit repetitive and could've used some variety. Other than that, the music, including the opening and (kinda) the endings, were above average and entertained me.
What advice can I give you about watching Food Wars? Don't watch it with an empty stomach.
Seriously, this anime will make you hungry like none other.
As for everything else art-wise, it's all mostly average from an averagely-budgeted anime.
You wanna know what I liked most about this show? The characters and story of the anime. I honestly thought I'd drop this show quickly, along with Arslan Senki, but both of those shows back in spring blew me away. The story kept me watching, but the characters were what made me truly enjoy the show.
As a whole, Food Wars, Shokugeki no Soma, or whatever you want to call it, is an interesting take on the Shounen genre and I'd recommend anyone who likes watching shows like Naruto, Bleach, or even a sports show like Kuroko no Basket, to watch this show👌
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Feb 21, 2016
Shokugeki no Souma
Hey, Gordon Ramsey? Where did you go to become such a good cook?
GR: "Why, Totsuki Academy, of course!" ...K Ahhh, Food Wars, everyone's favorite show about food next to Cake Boss and Hell's Kitchen. Located to the east of Flavortown, Totsuki Academy is where most of our story takes place. Grab a bowl of your favorite Weeaboo ramen and sushi and prepare for the taste of SHOKUGEKI NO SOUMA! STORY: ...
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Feb 21, 2016
School Rumble
Today I'd like to review with you guys an anime I recently finished called School Rumble! Since this anime is fairly old and nobody I know talks about it, I figured I might as well check it out. Turns out that anybody who's anybody has seen this show and considers it a classic! Seriously guys, you need to tell me about these things!
Anyways, let's start off with the basics Characters First, let's look at my favorite characters in the show. I'll then focus on the few characters that I actually disliked. Harima Kenji It's not often that you find a protagonist done this well. Harima's personality is extremely accurate ... to what a guy in love would be. Also, props to his voice actor; his subtle voice makes me laugh every time. If there's one thing I might want to point out is the fact that he slowly went from big bad delinquent to a mangaka. By the second season, they completely forgot about his delinquent past. 😍 NOW ONTO THE BEST GIRLS 😍 Tsukamoto Yakumo Kuuderes don't usually leave a lasting impression on me, but for some reason, I found Yakumo absolutely adorable. I don't know if it was the fact that there was so many episodes to get attracted to her, or that Yakumo and Harima looked absolutely adorable together. Hibiki, I'm aware that Kuuderes are your main fetish, so I promise I'll take it easy on her... Ichijou Karen ...BECAUSE I FOUND THIS ANGEL! I love everything about Karen's character, and not because her name is the same as my current favorite waifu. When she was first introduced as a girl apart of the wrestling team, she seemed like an odd character, but after that episode with the moving job, I realized Karen's true beauty! Being a big fan of cute voices, Karen was an absolute must for my waifu list. If there's anything I could complain about, it's the fact that she was in that stupid band. Her voice completely changed when she starts singing, and that threw me off Ok, that's enough fanboying, let's focus on our other characters. CLASS D At first, I thought these guys were extremely annoying. WHY HAVE SO MANY FESTIVAL EPISODES!?!? However, by the end of the show, I considered them very funny side characters that made for a good laugh; especially Lala! Omg, she was amazing 😂 Lala was annoying at first, but her shouting became something that I loved. Now that those guys have been taken care of, let's briefly take a look at my least favorite characters Sawachika Eri Sure, her scenes with Harima were cute and I loved that arc where she was alone with him, but the anime left their relationship unresolved, which made me so frustrated! Also, I'd like to point out her extreme similarities to Sawamura Eriri from Saekano. Tsukamoto Tenma Screw you, Tenma. That's seriously all I can say about a character that messes with Harima's emotions so much. AND NOW WE MOVE ONTO A SPECIAL SEGMENT OF MY REVIEW! I BRING TO YOU: EVERY SINGLE HAREM PROTAGONIST EVER! The "I must protect my friends with everything I have!" Protagonist The "OPPAI OPPAI I LOVE OPPAI! Gotta get me some!" Protagonist *also, screw you Imadori for messing with Karen's feelings like that* The "I'm just an average high schooler with absolutely no experience with girls." Protagonist I could mention a lot more characters that I dislike, but I can't find any sufficient reason to hate them other than that they're annoying. Music The music for School Rumble is terrible. Sure, the first opening and ending is tolerable, but just listen to how terrible it can possibly get Animation Since this show is so old, I don't feel that it's right that I should critique it's animation because I'm unaware of the normal expectation from anime back then. Comedy The jokes in School Rumble rely a lot on the voice acting of Harima and The misunderstandings between the characters. FINAL THOUGHTS School Rumble is a funny and cute romantic comedy that has some of the greatest characters in a school life anime ever. While the music and animation are lacking, I'd suggest looking past that to admire how each relationship plays out. Overall: 8/10 On another note, if anyone knows where the anime leaves off in the manga, let me know.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Feb 18, 2016
Komori-san wa Kotowarenai!
Do my homework!
Make me a sandwich! Call that guy a stupid butt-head! Say sorry to the guy! And so on and so on Woah, that's a bunch of tasks! Who'd ever do all of those if asked to do so? Well, a middle-schooler known as Komori-san, that's who! If you thought doing chores around the house for your middle-class parents was hard enough, Komori-san literally cannot deny ANYTHING she's asked! Komori-San Can't Decline, or Komori-San wa Kotowaranai, is about your typical middle schooler who has a knack to do anything that people ask her to do, Komori. As explained later in the anime, this is because Komori has a HUUUUGE ... trust complex where every one needs to trust her in order for her to survive. Speaking of huge... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) She'll do ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Anything she's asked ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) That means she'll ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Do my homework ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) All of my homework ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) She'll do ANYTHING ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) It's a Seinen anime, what would you expect? Seriously though, she's in middle school? I don't usually like big breasts, but daaaaaaaaang! Btw, don't deny that you watched this anime in the first place to see if you could see some inappropriate ecchi action. Don't lie, I'm there with you... Wait, you DIDNT watch because of unpure fantasies? *backs away slowly* Komori-San Can't Decline is a short series comprised of 12 episodes with each being about 2 minutes long. You could literally finish this anime within an hour, which is why I'm linking you guys to each episode at the bottom of this review! Be grateful, you little skank niblets! But literally, the show is about a girl doing stuff for people... Or is it? ANIMATION/ARTWORK Who animated this show? Artland? Well, Artland seriously knows where to put there artwork and animation into. Two things: Boobs And Eyes Idk why, but when the eyes of the characters as well as their whole designs are so beautifully colored, It sort of draws the viewer in, which results with not noticing the other animation in the background and scenery, but honestly, who can blame them? What Artland does in Komori-San is make the character designs very colorful, vibrant, and add a finishing fade effect with certain colors on each characters. Additionally, they blur most of the background so your main focus is on its characters. Don't act like I'm stupid, Artland. I know what you're doing. I ought to ask Komori-San to (politely) beat you to a pulp. SOUNDTRACK With Komori-San only being 2 minutes long per episode, they don't exactly have the time to include a minute long opening. Instead, they have an ending theme that plays at the end of each episode, indicating the beginning of the timer of insanity until the episode next week. In the ending theme, there's not much to identify in the thirty seconds it's on the screen. It begins with an acoustic guitar followed with a twinkling noise to exert a bright and happy feeling. The next part is interesting: a whole assortment of instruments, from violins to drums, play chords that all seem out of harmony, but sound great as a whole. It's only for 3 notes that the instruments seem to have some kind of harmony and alignment before the finale of the song where waifu-san and her two friends are seen with a box holding a kitten. Where do they take this kitten? Nobody knows, maybe to a kitten concentration camp. F**king furries... PERSONAL ENJOYMENT Honestly, this and OPM were the reasons why I looked forward to each and every Sunday. The bright and fuzzy feelings emitted from this series seemed to rejuvenate me each week. If I were to say one aspect of the show was my favorite, it'd have to be how beautiful Komori's and we blonde-haired friends' eyes were drawn. Put simply, they captivated me. Also, anyone who doesn't ship Komori and that one Shrimpy kid can ask Komori to shoot them with a gun. OVERALL Komori-San Can't Decline is a cute little series that I'd recommend if you're interested in viewing the possible future of how anime eyes look in later shows. It's a great show if you want to just get away from the world and smile. Komori-San certainly won't disappoint ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Feb 18, 2016
Rokka no Yuusha
Recommended Spoiler
Imagine you're 13, it's recess, and you're with your posse of friends.
(Half of you don't even need to pretend ayyyy lmaoooooooooo) So anyways you're out playing Naruto or some stupid stuff like you roleplayers do when all of the sudden you see the weird kid that's in the corner of class following your squad. (Tbh that kid is most likely you and your otaku trash lifestyle being funded by your parents that are about done with your emo crap) You want him to buzz off, but can't say it straight to his face, so you make him play some stupid character like Sasuke. Just kidding, you're ... too much of an elitist to let anyone else but you be Sasuke. But seriously, comment the wimpiest character in Naruto, cuz Idk crap about it. I wonder how many people I've offended so far in this blog. What was I even talking about? Oh yeah, ROKKA NO YUUSHA! STORY: The story of Rokka no Yuusha is basically the analogy of 'role playing during recess, except you barely know the people that are playing and only six can play. So when seven people want to play, you guys come up with some retarded excuse that one of the seven is a murderer and must be killed. Let me get something straight outta the way: don't watch this show! You'll begin the show expecting something cool, like fighting the demon king, but guess what? 4 episodes into the show, all seven of the six heroes meet up and spend the ENTIRE REST of the show in the witch trials accusing each other of being a witch. Spoiler alert, it's Chamot. You're welcome, now you don't have to watch it. That sneaky slut. That reminds me, they did an awful job at explaining just what Rokka no Yuusha exactly IS. It begins as a generic adventure fantasy where they fight demons on their way to fight the demon lord, but halfway decides to become an edgy mystery? Just what is this? CHARACTERS Though there's technically 7 main characters, Adlet Mayer is the one we focus on the most. To be honest, Adlet was the main reason why I got through those 4 epsiodes. I thought his creative fighting style using weapons, poisons, and no Saint skills at all was pretty legit, so I kept watching it. There's kawaii-usagi-chan, aka the main reason I watched the show in the first place, but realized how cancerous she was. Also, she's completely not suspicious at all. Then we got swashbuckler pirate, Fremy who no matter how many times I see her, reminds me of Boba Fett. ARG MATIES I forgot the knights' name, but I remember that he was the biggest white knight I've ever seen. However, they made his armor black because chicks dig that emo nice guy. Chamot is a slut Oh boy, Hans. When this guy first appeared into the show, I automatically hated him and immediately suspected him of being the seventh brave. However, that was until he was the first person to believe Adlet wasn't the seventh and supported him. Hans is pretty chill-nya! Last but not least is Maura, my absolute least favorite character of this series. The whole entire time she was on screen, she was accusing someone of being an imposter. Seriously, that shiz gets old Maura. I don't care if she's one of the six Braves or not, I want her dead. ANIMATION: If you already didn't guess, you should know that the animation of this show, or rather the art work, is odd and not the best I've seen. Put simply, it could use some work. I'll agree that the backgrounds and scenery were well-done. What I find extremely lacking is the animation that matters the most when telling a story, the characters. Studio Passioné did pretty decent, until they got to the characters. Holy cow, there were scenes where I just wanted to gag when I saw their faces. If also like to take a moment to focus on the computer animation. It's like they're using an animation program from five years ago. Hello? Etotama and Saekano did it decently, so why can't you? Then again, this may just be an issue of money and how this studio lacks the funds to make their CG look bearable. MUSIC: Now the music; THE MUSIC! I'd like to give them props for being creative with the openings and adding a variety, but the music overall was pretty average, and that's me being kind about it. Why? Simply because the ending music was cancerous. Also, the background music during the actual episode, if there was any, was hardly noticeable and didn't stand out at all. PERSONAL ENJOYMENT: Now, everything I've said so far may point to you assuming I didn't like this show, but honestly, I liked it a lot. I may just be salty about it not continuing for more than 12 episodes. The whole mystery genre isn't new, but the way they executed it made the show quite interesting to keep up with for 3 months. Though if I could complain about one thing with the mystery aspect is that they include those final left hooks that we don't see coming because they never mention it at all in previous episodes. Nonetheless, Rokka no Yuusha was a pretty interesting show. Overall, Rokka no Yuusha is an interesting 12 episode mystery anime. However, don't watch this show if you expect a concrete ending: the show ends at a point where a second season is possible, but most likely isn't happening because of the lack of an announcement or the reliable sales of the first season to support a season 2. If you'd like to try by yourself to find out the identity of the seventh brave, give this show a shot, but don't expect any plot development with slaying the demon king at all 👌
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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![]() Show all Feb 18, 2016 Recommended
Hey kids, have you ever wanted to live in a fantasy anime with dragons, elves, nekomimis, and complete other bullcrap? Me neither! Don't worry though, because this anime called Gate does just that for you, except not quite as you'd think. Alright folks, let's HACK INTO THE GATE!
(My god, did I just say that? I just said that...) Let's add a synopsis, because no bad review ever has a synopsis in it! SYNOPSIS: In August of 20XX, a portal to a parallel world, known as the "Gate," suddenly appeared in Ginza, Tokyo. Monsters and troops poured out of the portal, turning the shopping district into a bloody inferno. The ... Japan Ground-Self Defence Force immediately took action and pushed the fantasy creatures back to the "Gate." To facilitate negotiations and prepare for future fights, the JGSDF dispatched the Third Reconnaissance Team to the "Special Region" at the other side of the Gate. Youji Itami, a JSDF officer as well as a 33-year-old otaku, was appointed as the leader of the Team. Amid attacks from enemy troops the team visited a variety of places and learnt a lot about the local culture and geography. Thanks to their efforts in humanitarian relief, although with some difficulties they were gradually able to reach out to the locals. They even had a cute elf, a sorceress and a demigoddess in their circle of new friends. On the other hand, the major powers outside the Gate such as the United States, China, and Russia were extremely interested in the abundant resources available in the Special Region. They began to exert diplomatic pressure over Japan. A suddenly appearing portal to an unknown world—to the major powers it may be no more than a mere asset for toppling the international order. But to our protagonists it is an invaluable opportunity to broaden knowledge, friendship, and ultimately their perspective towards the world. STORY: So for the 100% that didn't read the synopsis, Japan randomly gets attacked by a bunch of dragons, orcs and trolls. It's as if the Internet became real life. Japan, being in the 21st century and stocked with heavy artillery, go Hiroshima all up ons the dragons n shiz. If that wasn't enough, they decide to go into their dimension so they can genocide their sorry medieval booties. Let's meet our faptastic cast, shall we? CHARACTERS: First off, we got otaku weeb trash that u aspire to be. Get this, the guy is basically the highest grade of Japanese Marine someone can possibly be. "Your taste in anime is trash!" That guy will freaking find out where you live. As a matter of fact: "What the fuck did you just fucking say about my waifu,you little bitch? I'll have you know I am known on numerous otaku website's,and i've been involved in numerous meet ups across japan and I have over 300 Limited DVD release's of naruto. I am trained in Kanji and Katakana and I'm the top of my club at my local akihabara store. I will show you the otaku way's and skill with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth,mark my fucking words. You baka gaijin." Yeah, this guy is my inspiration. Then you have the three girls that convinced you to watch the show, but ultimately decided Rory is the best girl. This one elf chick who has daddy issues. Literally, that's all she worries about through the entire anime. Then RORY MERCURY BEST GIRL OMG OMG OMG! YASSSS😘😘😘💕😘💕😘💕😘💕😘💕😘😘😘😘💕😘😘😘😘😋💕🍍💕😋👌🍇😋😋🍑🍍🍑🍍🍑🍍🍑😘💕😋😋💕💕😋🍍🍑😋💕😋🍇💕🍑😋💕💕👌 Now we have Leilei. Let's hold up for a second and talk about the utter bull crap that is Leilei. First of all, why include her and elf at all when Rory is going to get all the attention in the first place. Honestly, it just hit my hopes up and those hopes were only slightly satisfied with Leilei cuddling with otaku marine. Literally, that's the only scene she had and maybe the bath. Second, I want to give props to Nao Toyama for trying a new type of character. In my opinion, she performed the personality of a Kuudere very well. However, the problem here is that even though she did well, it wasn't noticed because of Rory-sama. Toyama thrives when her character is the best girl, but her character was, for once, not the best. I'll just hold onto my hopes and see if she gets another opportunity to play as a Kuudere in a different show. ANIMATION & MUSIC I want to categorize these together because my opinions are the same for both of them and that's that they're massively above average and provide enjoyment even when there was times when the story was getting boring. I believe the times when the animation was truly at its best was when they were in battle and animated the tanks and helicopters. The computer animation of the dragon was slight and hardly noticeable and the animations of the characters fighting was truly fluent and felt natural. Music-wise, I may be biased because AKEBOSHI ROCKETS, but honestly the opening and especially the ending were great to excite and enjoy the anime. The addition of Flight of the Valkyries was an amazing addition to the soundtrack as well. Let's be honest here, that episode was a slaughter and we loved the hell out of it. I swear, I'm almost as edge hungry as this gothic Lolita goddess. PERSONAL ENJOYMENT: Let's look back on this show one more time. We have relatable otaku power soldier as the main character who literally doesn't give a f**k about anything except his anime along with some sugoku kawaii fantasy girls from my WoW dreams along with fluent battle animations and orgasmic soundtrack. Looking back at those points... Eh, it was ok. There was honestly some points that I wondered if I should drop it, but it ended up holding my attention with Lolita goddess and can we just hold up for a second here? See this chick? Her name is Piña Co Lada. Please tell me that was done on purpose. So, is Gate worth the watch? Here's a fun factoid really quick before answering that. After researching a bit about this show, I learned that the original material creator was apart of the JDF, or whatever that special force is called. Basically, he took reliable source material from what he learned fighting for his country and made it into an anime. Combine that you're learning a bit about Japanese military with Weeaboo trash anime grills, you have a pretty dope anime.👌
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Feb 14, 2016
Ping Pong the Animation
I haven't seen everything yet. You think you have, but you'll never be able to officially say so until you watch an anime about...
Ping Pong Yes, it's about ping pong! Your favorite sport to stereotype Asians around the world has become an anime! People who've watched this show will agree that it's a gem in storytelling. However, is that statement REALLY true? I decided to watch this show so you wouldn't have to in order to give my own opinions about its animation, soundtrack, characters, and supposedly-godly storytelling all mixed into the best gosh darn blog you've ever seen about a sport that's debatably not a ... sport. ANIMATION Let's start by getting this topic out of the way. Now, what keeps a large amount of people from watching this show, like Aku no Hana, is a little something called rotoscoping. Now, I won't go into detail about what rotoscoping is here, but if you'd like to know more about it, here's a link to my review of Aku no Hana, where I go into great detail about the animating skill called rotoscope. One aspect I found very creative on their part was animating different frames into a single frame. This makes the anime look very manga-esque. For those who don't know, the Ping Pong anime was adapted from a manga. Because of this, I believe that this aspect compliments the anime and gives the manga fans something to be happy about. Also, though the characters look unnatural and are god-awful, the backgrounds and sceneries are done exceptionally well. For example, take a look at the ping pong house, which is a reoccurring setting in the anime, and how great the artwork looks. 6/10 Though the scenery is great and they were creative in their animation style, that doesn't stray from the fact that the animation of the characters resulted in a negative reaction from viewers. If your animation causes people to stray away from your show, you might have a problem. SOUNDTRACK: Ping Pong is more of a sports anime, so they can still accomplish what they came to do without the inclusion of a good soundtrack. Though the soundtrack is composed of over 60 individual music pieces, only about 2 of them are rememberable. 8/10 I can respect the anime for being only 11 episodes, so they didn't have as much time as other anime to show off their music, which is why I gave them a higher score than I was originally. Though the soundtrack had some gems that were exceptional, I believe they could've done better. CHARACTERS: Now that you've learned a bit about the animation and soundtrack, les meet the people that make the anime what it is, the characters! Sakuma Manabu (Devil) Sakuma is a first year that attends Kaio Highschool and looks up to Ryu. When Ryu says that he wants members as strong as Smile, Sakuma becomes frustrated because he knows he could never become as talented as Smile. He then challenges Smile in order to prove his worth, but ends up losing. He then vents his anger by causing a fight with a passerby thug, resulting in him getting expelled from school. After getting expelled, the anime doesn't cover him as much, but in the final tournament, he attends to tell Ryu something while accompanied with who we believe is his girlfriend. Kong Wenge (China) Kong Wenge, also known as China, is a very talented ping pong player from China. Due to specific reasons, he's sent to Japan and kicked off his team in China. Through the entire show, Kong's motivation is to prove himself in Japan in order to fly back to his homeland and his mother, who he cares for dearly. Like seriously, he's a major mommas boy. Out of all the characters in Ping Pong, Kong is my favorite. I thought he was a pretty average character, but after seeing how happy he was in episode 6, my opinion forever changed. Can you imagine suddenly being sent away from your family while still in high school? Kazama Ryuuichi (The Dragon) Ryu is basically the John Cena of this anime. He's everyone's favorite to win the Inter High and appears in commercials to advertise ping pong products. Attending Kaio highschool, Ryu only thinks of ping pong and how to improve himeself. That's right, in a final scene where Sakuma is talking with Ryu, Ryu confessed that he play ping pong for himself and not for his team. He puts himself under major practice and strain in order to win instead of having fun and eventually, he forgets about having fun at all. What I find very aggravating about Ryu is that he has an extremely attractive girl that lives with him and has feelings for him. She invites him out during Christmas and even makes chocolate for him during Valentines Day (which was her birthday!) and IGNORED ALL OF IT! Towards the end, he's all like "Idk what I did wrong, herp derp" Ryu, are you freaking serious right now? Tsukimoto Makoto/Smile (The Robot) One of the two main characters in this anime, Smile is an extremely talented player, but at first he didn't show it. It took the massive pushing of his coach to unleash his true potential as a robotic player that identifies players in the first round to find their weaknesses and exploit them in order to win, hence being called "the robot". He considered playing ping pong as a job and often let players win out of consideration for they're feelings. For example, when Smile was facing off against Kong, we was basically dominating Kong, until Kong's coach yelled at him to win or else he wouldn't be able to return to his home, in which Smile lost the game on purpose out of consideration for Kong. Hoshino Yutaka/Peco (The Hero) Peco is our other main character of the series. Towards the beginning, Peco doesn't attend practices because he believed he had natural talent and could beat anyone on the team (when Smile held back). This all changed when he challenges Kong and gets totally rekt. The idea that people may be stronger than him becomes present, but he only realizes this when Sakuma defeats him in the prelims of the Inter High and Smile technically beats Kong. Peco then stops going to school at all, gets a girlfriend, and even starts smoking. It took a photo of him, Smile, and Sakuma as kids back at the ping pong house, seeing how much fun they had. This motivated Peco to do his own training with college students away from Smile and the others as he prepares to unleash the power of the hero. 9/10 Not much can be said about the characters except that they're all pretty unique and rememberable. However, they aren't masterpiece worthy, so the highest they'll get from me is a 9. STORY: And we reach the piece of resistance, the story behind Ping Pong the Animation. People hype this up as a very touching and beautiful story, but is that really true? In my opinion, the people hyping this story have all the rights to do so. The story behind this anime is absolutely amazing. It begins with Smile's upperclassmen bullying and hassling him about the whereabouts of Peco, who was currently challenging people at the ping pong house in order to earn money. The coach questions who Smile is and recognizes that he isn't using his full potential. The next day or so, Peco forces Smile to come with him to check out the new Chinese transfer student, Kong Wenge, play ping pong. As mentioned in the character section, Peco gets rekt. Kong then challenges Smile, but gets declined. It's when they return that Smile's coach decides to put him on individual training in order to prepare for the Inter High. Once at the Inter High, they get pretty far in the tounament, but eventually lose. The rest of the anime is showcasing the characters and what they go through before the final tournament of the anime. It's during this time that the story especially shines. I personally thought after the Christmas scene in episode 6 was when they truly set the pace for their amazing story. In that episode, we learn about the sweet spot of Kong, the family curcumstances of Smile, an image of how low Peco has become in his drinking and smoking habits, and the dramatic love triangle that's occurring inside Kaio Highschool. I've already spoiled a lot for you, so I won't go into detail about how incredible the last two episodes of this show were. I can say that in these episodes, we learn of Ryu's true nature, why Smile stopped smiling, the reasons why each player plays ping pong, and where they are after Highschool. 10/10 I came into this show knowing fully well why I was going to watch it; the story, and I wasn't disappointed. The story behind Ping Pong the Animation is a beautiful story discussing the relationships of people and how they can unite under one interest: ping pong. PERSONAL ENJOYMENT: By now, you've heard, or read, about what I like, dislike, and absolutely love about this anime, so I'll be brief with this section. While I greatly enjoyed watching each character as they mature in a beautiful story around a party sport, there were some qualities that prevented it from becoming one of my favorite shows of all time. 8/10 There was a small amount of people that actually thought the animation technique was innovative and improved the anime. I for one, didn't. The animation is quite possibly the only reason why I didn't enjoy this show as much as I could've. OVERALL: 6/10 8/10 9/10 10/10 8/10 TOTAL: 8.2/10 WATCH? ✔️ BUY? 〰 (you can if you'd like)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Feb 12, 2016 Recommended Preliminary
(3/12 eps)
What do you think when you watch sports anime? Many who're fans of Kuroko, Yowamushi, or even Haikyuu would probably think
However, you sad emo pieces of trash who'd rather watch shows like Elfen Lied and Serial Experiments Lain most likely think sports anime is crap and is a terrible excuse of an anime. Well do I have news for you guys. That's right, I spent 2 entire days marathoning the five season and still ongoing show that is Teekyuu! Get ready for the ride of your lives. STORY That synopsis doesn't the anime justice. I can tell you what Teekyuu is about in just one picture: That's right, it's ... literally nothing. One moment they'll be going to the beach, the next they'll be in Cambodia getting sworn at. And another thing: the entire show is fast af. You think shows lasting 6 minutes is short? Try two freaking minutes and still managing to have an opening sequence. How do they do it? It's simple, it goes machspeed. If you blink once, you'll miss a whole joke. Teekyuu is truly a challenge for the experienced of otaku. CHARACTERS Now let's talk a bit about out four special snowflakes First off is Yuri Oshimoto, the only girl of the four that has a sense of sanity. Her purpose in the show is to watch over the other 3 like a human seat belt and make sure they don't end up as strippers on the side of the street. Every slapstick comedy needs a sane person to interject, and that's what Yuri is: a big giant interjection. Who here likes pink hair on a cute anime character? I sure do, your grandpappy sure dies *ahem* Does. So what happens when you put pink hair on a nittlebopper named Shijou? One spaztastic demigod on LSD. Yes, Nasuno is by far the most snazzy Himedere you've ever seen. Whether it be traveling by eagle, having the mascot of KFC as a father, or intimidating a baker to sell himself as a slave, Nasuno is most certainly a rich dumb blonde without the blonde. Also, she has a sort of relationship with Yuri's little brother. Nnnnnnng, I ship it hard. And now, the moment you've all been waiting for. That's right, we're about to talk about everyone's favorite character in all of existence. Yes, I introduce you to Mario Brando, I mean Marimo Bandou. Voiced by seiyuu Goddess Kana Hanazawa-sama, she's literally the reason half of the people who watched Teekyuu actually watched it. However, what many don't expect about Marimo is her personality. You ever watch an anime where a school girl gets confronted by an old, smelly, and hairy old man? That is Marimo. Legit talk, on a scale from 1 to 10 on pervertedness, Marimo is a 69. SOUND There's seriously nothing good about the music in Teekyuu. I applaud them for somehow managing to include it in their 2 minute time frame, but that's about it. Other than the season 4 opening, none of the others are worth mentioning. ANIMATION Now hold onto your seats for this one guys. Strapped in? Ok You know the frames in Teekyuu? Yes, they're all done by a single guy. Pretty amazing, right? Considering you watched Shirobako, you can probably comprehend just how much work that really is. Because of that, it isn't necessarily fair to judge every single frame and compare it to studios like Madhouse or A-1 Steak Sauce. Yeah, he's that important. PERSONAL ENJOYMENT Let's be honest here guys: most of the time when there's a review of an anime on AA it's always positive. Well guess what? . . . . . This will be the same ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) the 2 minute length can be a turnoff for a lot of people. By the way, don't try and watch Teekyuu on your TV, it takes hella long to finish buffering. I will also say that the jokes of Teekyuu were humorous and random, the kind of jokes that I live in a comedy anime. I had a good time watching this show since you can literally watch the entire 6 seasons in a day. OVERALL If you'd like an extremely short and funny comedy anime to marathon with maximum retardation into the mix, Teekyuu is the show for you. My suggestions is to not focus on the sound and animation too much, as what really makes Teekyuu the bag of gags that it truly is are the jokes. You seriously don't have enough time to focus on everything in this show, so I suggest you simply try and keep up and remember: don't blink
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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![]() Show all Feb 12, 2016
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata
It is without question that the harem genre is slowly becoming worse and worse. This is mainly because since roughly around 2011, the anime industry hasn't tried at all to create brand new tropes and ideas and instead use the generic blueprints derived from their predecessors. In this regard, Saekano is the metaphorical parasite of the harem genre.
PLOT Let's go off on a tangent for a bit and talk about a little show I call OreShura. In my opinion, I consider OreShura to be one of the few harem shows that a fan of the genre must watch simply because it stands out from the ... thousands of other harem shows. This is because what OreShura does that many harems refuse to do is generate a unique plot and expand on the typical tropes found in the genre with brand new ideas and interactions between characters. So how does this apply to Saekano? Well, the director of OreShura, Kamei Kanta, also known for his works on a little show called Usagi Drop, was tasked with creating Saekano. Because of this, we can expect a unique perspective of the harem genre, right? Wrong. At first glance Saekano may seem to be another typical harem story. However, Saekano is, as most people would describe, a meta-comedy. To give you uneducated skank niblets an idea about what I'm talking about here, a meta-comedy is a show that constantly insults itself. Something that's very interesting about reviewing meta-comedy anime is that if you're reviewing it from a negative standpoint, you come across as a stupid and incompetent dillweed. This is because most of these reviewers point out the major cliches and stereotypes shown in the anime as if it's still a negative aspect of the show. Unfortunately for them, in the case of meta-comedy, they PURPOSELY insert these negativities as a joke to laugh about. So tell me: would you give an anime a 3/10 just because you didn't like the humor in the show? Again, this is a large reason that Saekano is regarded as one of the best shows of the year simply because nobody's brave enough to look like an absolute nincompoop. Yeah, you didn't expect to see nincompoop in a review, did you? Well, f**k you, this is Saekano CHARACTERS Ahh, the characters. In a show such as Saekano, the characters and many different personalities are arguably the most important aspect of the show. I'll briefly speak about the assortment of buffoons inside Saekano and how they affect the show as a whole. First, let's begin with Rinri-kun, also known as Mr. Ethical. Aki Tomoya is the main protagonist of Saekano and, like most rom-coms, is a male. Not only that, but he's a massive otaku. It's because of these features that many viewers of Saekano found themselves relating to this character and realizing: "Hey, since Tomoya is a male and otaku, I can basically pretend that he's me!" This brings me to my point that Saekano might be a great show, but the amount of fans that it can appeal to is limited and, to put simply, requires a previously aquired taste. 90% of the cliches portrayed in this anime (which is a lot) can be found inside the personalities of Eriri Sawamura Spencer and Kasumigaoka Utaha. From the blonde Tsundere pigtails and snaggletooth to the long flowing black hair accompanied with a calm and cool attitude, these two are what keeps Sakano going. However, Kanmei wasn't stupid enough to just fill their characters with the same bland broth we always taste; he made sure to add some special seasoning of his own. For example, though Eriri is the walking definition of a Tsundere, it's shown that she fakes this personality fearing that if she shows her true otaku self, she may not fit in and find friends. Oh, did I also forget to mention that she's an otaku? Also, Utaha may be that cool and calm girl, but her backstory reveals an interesting previous love interest with Tomoya. Additionally, she has an incredibly pervy side when drunk. The staple girl of Saekano is known as Megumi Kato. Tomoya first encounters her on a hill as the wind blows off her beret. This scene is what influences Tomoya to creste a video game with Megumi as the main character. Personality-wise, Megumi doesn't stand out that much. However, it's precisely because she doesn't stand out that she's the most memorable character in the entire series. Unlike the many other characters in Saekano, Megumi doesn't fall under any specific archetype. In fact, to this day, it's still a debate of confirming what type of dere she falls under. Megumi Kato is considered by many as the best character out of the entire cast of Saekano, and I don't blame them. With harem animes creating the same story over and over again with different characters and such, it's nice to know that some anime are still trying to break boundaries. Finally, onto Michiru. To be honest, Michiru is the worst girl in the entire series. She isn't needed in the show other than the fact that they needed someone to work in music. Eriri and Utaha have that constant rivalry and Megumi is there to make humorous retorts about the two as well as the relationship between her and Tomoya. In the 3 final episodes that Michiru was actually included in, she was a walking fan service bomb, which is the largest aspect people point out when listing negativities of Saekano. Oh, she provides a perspective from a non-otaku point of view? Nice try, we already have Megumi. With the second season of Saekano in the works, I'm predicting a large portion will be focused on Michiru in order to make it appear as if she's important for the show. However, first season-wise, she's less noticeable than Megumi. SOUNDTRACK Though Saekano is revolutionary in the comedy and harem genre, the soundtrack behind the show is painfully generic and would be what you'd expect from a rom-com sort of anime. Not much can be said about the opening and ending other than the female vocals were above average and that the lyrics were a good choice for the opening for Saekano. It's also worth mentioning that both the opening, ending, and entire soundtrack follow a sort of techno-pop sound, which is good considering the anime is about making a video game. Something interesting Saekano does is provide a cover of the Gurren Lagann theme. Referencing other anime music doesn't happen often in other animes—in fact, the only anime I recall doing so was Wake Up Girls. Scenes like this leave a large impression to remember that specific scene, especially if you've seen the anime referenced. ANIMATION/ARTWORK Now for my favorite aspect of Saekano: the animation as well as artwork. In a large amounts of scenes, especially in the beginning of the series, Saekano isn't stingy when providing well-detailed frames. This results with many scenes in Saekano very realistic and enjoyable to watch. Art-wise, A1-Pictures does a fantastic job, especially with the eyes, a large influence whether people watch a show or not. Additionally, viewers may notice occasional palette changes to characters in certain scenes. For those who've seen Ef, this isn't new. Directors may choose to do this in order to display what a character is feeling, or what sort of emotions a scene should evoke. Personally, I consider this technique creative, as a large amount of anime today choose to stay unexplorative and remain with prior techniques. Saekano, on the other hand, chooses to expand the boundaries of what anime should be and take chances. Though the animation and artwork excel is Saekano, I cannot fathom what Kanmei was planning to do in episode 10 where he doesn't even bother to color Tomoya's hair in a large portion throughout the episode. I'm unsure if it was intentional, or the animators were just too lazy to finish their work. Regardless, it was... Different. THE BADS Saekano is an exceptional anime. However, no anime can be perfect and comes with a few flaws, if any. First of all, the audience of Saekano is extremely limited. The jokes are directed towards the anime "otaku" which have seen hundreds of anime and understand the many references that Saekano makes. Though these fans will thoroughly enjoy this, a large amount of the fanbase won't appreciate what Saekano strives to achieve, which leads to their opinions of the show to be drastically different than that of the prior segment. A large flaw, as mentioned before, that's criticized a lot during reviews is the fan service of Saekano. While I acknowledge that the fan service is certainly there, especially with Michiru, it shows how foolish you are when you include the fan service shown in episode 0 with your review. People don't usually include the specials, movies, and OVAs when reviewing an anime, so why would you include it in Saekano? Episode 0 is nothing more than a pre-OVA. PERSONAL ENJOYMENT I know that Kato defies every expectation of a harem anime ever, but I can still say proudly that Eriri is best girl, if you haven't realized it already. Other than Eriri, I enjoyed Saekano from the animation, many otaku jokes, the animation, the subtle anime references in Tomoya's room, the animation, watching the characters chat over Skype, and maybe the animation. This is why I hold Saekano on such high regard and consider it one of the best new anime this year. OVERALL Saekano is an anime creates purely for anime fans and thanks them for watching with many humors and much laughs to be had. Though it cannot avoid showing many aspects that comes with the harem package, the wonderful director of OreShura and Dimension W next season did a magnificent job in offering the harem genre in a new pair of Air Jordan shoes. I look forward to speaking more about this anime when season 2 eventually airs, you guys are awesome for reading this review, Eriri is best girl, we out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Feb 12, 2016 Recommended
Just what makes this show THE BEST ROM-COM OF THE FALL SEASON?
PLOT Most generic harem animes have the same premise, especially the trope where the protagonist is the only male in the entire school. Though Shomin Sample has harem-esque tropes and cliches, it brings brand new things to the table. For example, how many harems have you seen where every girl in the show assumes the main protagonist is gay? How many harem shows have you seen where the Ojou-sama character lacks knowledge of anything "commoner" related? In this regard, Shomin Sample is just as innovative as it is naughty. I'm not going to pretend that it ... doesn't exist: Shomin Sample is an ecchi anime. If you're planning on watching this show, expect panty shots, booty wiggling, booby jiggling, muscle men boners And dem good old THIGHS! If you like Zettai, this is a MUST WATCH for you. Disregard the entirety of this review and start watching the heck out of this show. HUMOR The main type of humor that Shomin Sample prefers to use is where a person is unknowledgeable about certain objects that most should be expected to know. For example, give a starving African an iPhone. They'll most likely be amazed at what it is and when I say amazed I mean AMAZED. Of course, that'd be pretty funny, but it's morally wrong to laugh at starving Africans. However, since these are cute anime girls we're talking about, it's perfectly fine. This humor is distributed in two ways by our main character, . He can either introduce something new to the masses, like an iPhone, or McDonalds; or he can be a total troll to orange-haired tsun-pure. In the situations that he's being mischevious, he tells Aika that performing a certain action will make her EXTREMELY popular, which is most definitely not the case. If that were true, then every single girl I've asked to "Skip Netflix and just chill" would've slept with me by now, but we don't see that happening, do we... DO WE!?!?!! CHARACTERS Oh boy oh boy, it's time to talk about the best characters ever 😎 lets jump right into it. I'd like to introduce you guys to my bro, Kirito-I mean Kimito. Why is he a bro? Well, not only is he a complete troll, but he has a massive fetish for thighs and all things Zettai. Any character that acknowledges the beauty of kneesocks is alright with me. Aika is Shomin Sample's "Tsun-pure". To give you guys an idea about what that exactly entails, a tsun-pure is a character trope introduced in Shomin Sample (hey, that anime sounds familiar) that has the personality of a Tsundere, but at the same time, cannot keep what she's thinking inside her head. Additionally, she'll believe anything that you're told. Props to Shomin Sample to bringing new ideas to the harem genre left and right. Hakua is that one loli that was the main reason over half of the fanbase even watched the first 3 episodes of Shomin Sample. She has the personality of a shy 3-year-old and has a mind larger than Einstein. Other than being a loli and smart, her only quirk left that makes her interesting is her tendency to take off her clothes when she has sudden... "insights"? Arisugawa Reiko is the generic Ojou-sama character that you'd expect in an anime such as this. She has absolutely no other traits other than her big boobies. AND NOW ITS TIME TO COVER THE TWO MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTERS OF THE ENTIRE SHOW! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Karen Fuyou is an "elegant" young woman with long flowing black hair who considers herself a swordmaster. Her skills with a sword are unmatched as well as her cuteness. What makes Karen so great, you ask? In the beginning of the show, she's objectified as a tomboyish character, similar to Shovel Knight in Gakkou Gurashi. However, later on, we discover that she has an unrivaled adoration for all things cuteand adorable. Sure, this is pretty kawaii, but the other girls still outmatch her. Well, it's time for her to get serious. That's right, folks. Karen has, by far, the best thighs of 2015. With Kimito having a massive love for zettai himself, the anime HAD to include a character with thick legs, and that character was Karen Fuyou! In addition to Karen's zettai power, Shomin Sample shows off just how cute and adorable she can be when she's in love. After the dressing room scene, Karen looks at Kimito in a new adoring way that causes her to blush and do the craziest things in order to try and win his love. These factors are what makes Karen the best girl of the season. Accompanying Karen on the Waifu ride is Miyuki Kujou, Kimito's personal maid. Now I'm not usually the type of person that likes Kuuderes and maid characters, but there's something about Miyuki that makes her so much better than any maid or Kuudere I've seen, and that's her personality. From episode 1, Shomin Sample shows off Miyuki's hatred and disgust for Kimito. This causes her to say the most hilarious lines, including threatening to cut off Kimito's manhood, wishing he'd died in his sleep, and even clicking her tounge in disgust at him. Oh did I also forget to mention those garterbelts!?!? SOUNDTRACK All of you who watch Shomin Sample already know that they're a little bit odd with including a bunch of macho men into the opening. However, less of you may know about a scene with a glowstick inside a mans butt, in sighting homosexual tendencies. However, have you guys seen the upside down man in the moon? To be honest, I have no idea who the man is that's featured posing, but I have reason to believe that he's a director of sorts. If you guys have any knowledge about this man, please leave it in a comment below. Observing the opening more in depth, it's just an average song for a harem or comedy anime, beginning with the chorus, then a few lyrics followed by the bridge, which brings us to the chorus one final time. The ending is worse than the opening in terms of average-ness and isn't even worth mentioning... PERSONAL ENJOYMENT Like thousands of other viewers, I first began watching Shomin Sample because I was curious about the loli, Hakua. What would I expect to see from a character that looks like a toddler? Little did I know that I'd continue watching it because of the unsuspected comedy and the amazing antics of Karen and Miyuki. However, I will say that the ending was a bit anticlimactic and could've been a bit better. Because of this, I was left feeling as if I didn't receive enough of Shomin Sample, which is why I plan to start reading the manga, since I hear that Karen is much better there. OVERALL If the harem genre was a plate of raisin cookies, Shomin Sample would be that chocolate chip cookie you randomly pick up and savor each bite. It brings brand new original ideas in which they can call their own. Other harem series will try to use these tropes in which people will respond: OMG, they're copying Shomin Sample! However, though it's a great harem, it's still has its few raunchy moments in which watching with family members wouldn't be advised. Oh, and did I forget to mention waifus? How about Zettai? I mentioned those a million times already? Ok
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Feb 10, 2016
Ano Natsu de Matteru
Recommended Spoiler
Do you like romance? How about romance with aliens? Yes, I'm looking at you, hentai watchers; you know you love that shiz. With "Buy Your Special Someone Something In Exchange For Sex Day"—I mean Valentines Day coming up, you know love is in the air, so why not review a recent "romance" anime I've recently watched called Waiting To Get Dem Alien Nudes In The Summer, or AnoNatsu for short. SYNOPSIS "Movie hipster-nerd abandons his normal life in order to get into the alien-sluts' pants." PLOT The story of AnoNotSoGood kicks off the same way any other typical romantic comedy would. Heck, if you took the ... main characters' glasses and changed his hair color to orange, you'd pretty much be watching the first episode of To Love-Ru. Heck, if you changed the alien's hair to blond and gave her a ribbon, you'd be watching a show that just can't accept the fact that Onodera is the best girl. END THE MANGA ALREADY! My point is that AnoNatsu follows the same formula that mostly all romance shows are built around: Boy A meets Girl A Girl A suddenly becomes friends with Boy A and forever changes his life. Boy A and Girl A must go through trials of love to make them closer. Boy A and Girl A supposedly become a couple. It's a typical formula, but nobody gets on AnoNatsu's back because of the fact that it has the same character designer and director from AnoHana. Shoot, that's what you guys most likely care the most about anyways. I should make sure I put that at the top of this boring review. DRAMA AF AnoNatsu has more drama than an average day on Anime Amino. Actually, that's over-exaggerated, not even the Bachelor combined with Downton Abbey has more drama than an average day on AA. However, with AnoNatsu ending each episode with HUGE developmental events combined with basing the entire show around this love-orgy. I call it a love-orgy mainly because it's not a love triangle, but it's not simple enough to be called a love line. You have an average group of friends, two girls and two boys, in an agricultural area of Japan. Quiet shy girl likes blue haired broski who likes loli tsundere who OBVIOUSLY likes the dense and stupid hipster loser that is the main character when all of a sudden AYYYY LMAOOOOOO Alien slut makes the dilemma that much worse. Before, everyone was going to end up with someone (supposedly), but now that there's a fifth character into the fray, someone's gunna end up sad and lonely. Naturally, childhood friend is going to be rejected by nerd faggot for the huge honker alien from outer space which, by the way, we have no idea if they can even reproduce together or not. The real reason that we keep watching AnoNatsu is for broski to decide which girl to love and which girl to shove. This gives me an idea... LOVE OR SHOVE Welcome to the first and last ever episode of LOVE OR SHOVE! In this game, our bachelor must choose which 2D waifu he should keep for laifu. I'm your host, Remon/Lemon. In the anime I'm the mysterious insert character that is there for the main purpose of putting the other characters into situations that will potentially improve their relationship. Before we begin, let's meet our bachelor himself. Tetsurou is overly-handsome for his age. Because of this, he's often confessed to by many girls. Despite this, he remains true to his love for Kanna. However, what he cherishes more than his relationships with girls is his friendship. That's right, Tetsurou is a true bro through thick and thin. Kanna is the lovely lady that Tetsurou is trying to make happy. To do so, he'll go so far as to deny his own feelings, causing him more grief. Out of all the characters, Brightning believes that Kanna is the most developed. Her personality is the most vibrant, resulting in the viewer feeling more empathic towards her in her times of grief and joy. Now introducing the other contestant, Mio! AnoNatsu starts off with Mio being a quiet, shy and well endowed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) lady who sees Tetsurou hurting himself over Kanna and grows feelings for him. She begins as a bland and uninteresting, but as the story progresses, we learn more about Mio that makes her certainly... Unique. Ooohoohoohooh, looks like we have quite the dilemma for Tetsurou. Should he grow the courage to Kanna, or should he give up on the Tsundere childhood friend and put his dick in the girl who cares for him? Let's ask ultra-loser faggot and the female lead of the new upcoming film, Star Whores, space slut. First of all, my name isn't ultra-loser faggot, it's Kaito. I like directing erotic films and being an overall idiot. As for who Tetsurou should love, I think he should choose neither and join me and Ichika for a super awesome alien tentacle threesome. Right, Ichika? *loud alien screeching* Um, alright. Well, it's finally time to choose who Tetsurou will love and who he will shove. DRUMROLL PLEASE! It appears you'll have to watch the show to find out! Teehee~! BEACH ARC Most romance animes pull a generic beach episode halfway through the show. Not AnoNatsu. Sure, they include the expected swimming with swimsuits and beach volleyball, but they do so much more than that, thanks to these characters. Kaito's childhood friend accompanied by her best friend acted as rivals for the main girls. What they have that the others don't is courage, an outgoing attitude and an aspiration to get what they want which, in this case, is Kaito and Tetsurou. Naturally, the other girls aren't happy. Meanwhile, Lemon is just over there being a troll and slowly watching the world burn. I consider this as worthy to be mentioned in my review because in my opinion, it's the few episodes where the cast improved most on their personality and overall character. To list a few things that happen, Ichikunt realizes there's more than a feeling of friendship between her and Kaito, Kaito gains confidence with his relationship, Tetsurou realizes the entire romantic dilemma of his friends, and we get some MAJOR information and character development of Mio; and somehow through all of this, the two new characters get a large amount of character development in order for them to seem natural in the anime. In my opinion, these were the best episodes of AnoNatsu and possibly one of the best beach episodes I've seen. SOUNDTRACK I have absolutely no complaints about the soundtrack of AnoNatsu. Whenever a song is either done by Kotoko, Ray, Mami Kawada OR nano.RIPE, I always get a sense of warm weather or summer air. The sound director of AnoNatsu certainly knew that when they chose Kotoko to perform the opening. Not only that, but by somehow drugging the soundtrack with euphoric riffs and tones, the music was able to have a sense of space and sci-fi into the mixture. In case that wasn't enough, knowing that AnoNatsu was going to be a hella dramatic show, they had Nagi Yanagi behind the end theme, which, may I remind you, is utterly captivating. PERSONAL THOUGHTS SPOILER ALERT I saw what was going to happen, but I still continued to watch AnoNatsu because I'm a masochistic pig when it comes to romance anime like this. Like I did with To Love-Ru and Nisekoi and Sakurasou, I rooted for the girl who had feelings for the main character since episode 1 to, as always, get disappointed by the end result and utterly despise the main female lead that comes out of nowhere and wins the main characters' love. Why can't there be an anime where the childhood friend wins his love!?!?!? The perfect ending for me would've been a surprise twist where Kaito ends up with Kanna, Tetsurou ends up with Mio (cute af btw) and Ichika convinces her parents to let her stay on Earth with her new friends, but NO! Also, can I take a minute to express how pissed I am over the ending of this show? Showing a picture of them in the future may imply that they met again, but IT DOESNT IMPLY THAT THEY HAD A HAPPY ENDING! Well, considering that the director behind AnoHana directed this, I should've saw this coming as well. I guess I'm just an idiot when it comes to romance anime. OVERALL AnoNatsu is an anime where you get the most enjoyment out of it when you pair your favorite characters together at the very beginning. As the show progresses, you'll find yourself cheering on your favorite pair and get extremely into the show whenever something extremely dramatic occurs. Just a warning though: 5 characters = a fifth wheel. One of the characters will end up forever alone and you'll end up feeling bad for them. With that in mind, have fun watching your ships go to hell in Ano Not So Kind To It's Viewers
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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