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Feb 21, 2018
The posted plot synopsis from Crunchyroll is way off the mark really, first off their ages range from 4 to probably 30 and calling it some kind of friendship development story is stretching it halfway to the moon.
What you can expect is a ton of females designed to appeal to every fairly common taste so everyone has something to look forward to, then they mostly get an episode each to do something amusing relating to their personalities and Oda Nobunaga shows up and defeats them in some entertaining manner. There is very little real violence going on, the selling point of the show is the
comedy, which is nothing impressive but at least I giggled pretty frequently through the whole season.
The art is all over the place with some characters looking like those horrid 2005 anime characters appearing to have downs syndrome but there are also opposite extremes with very stylish adult looks with high realism factor, I have no idea what in a bucket of soapy rubber ducks is going on with that but it sort of annoyed me a little. The sound is quite a lot better, in fact so good I can't find anything to complain about in the slightest!
I spent a good while deciding between a 6 and a 7 for this show, it ultimately ended up with only a 6 but if you're just looking for something to make noise and pictures on your TV while you knit a scarf it's a good choice until you suddenly laugh and accidentally stab yourself.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 8, 2018
I jumped on the bandwagon of hating on this idiotic show and expected it to be so bad I'd be able to laugh at the cringe. I'm frankly a little bit disappointed it actually wasn't all that bad, a horribly dumb setup like "guy gets to respawn in other world and of all the awful crap he could choose he brings his stupid phone and to top it off he becomes invincible" should not have had much redeeming quality at all.
The story starts about as badly as anything possibly can, a teen guy is informed he died but just sips tea and goes "K." as
if the people he left behind would not be bothered in the slightest by his death, what the cheese is wrong with this moron? Same fool gets a once in a million years chance to ask the boss of the universe any random favor before being resurrected in another world, he chooses to keep his phone and just have it tweaked to work with the other world. At this point it's normal to want to high five him in the face with a chair.
Things move forward, he gets more magic power than anyone in the new world thus eliminating any doubt that he will ever face any situation he can't handle almost immediately. I didn't like "One Punch Moron" but at least that show captured the struggle of someone fighting the boredom of being invincible, this anime had zero of that. The only struggle he faces is what to do with all the girls that throw themselves all over him and he's often so oblivious to their feelings you end up wanting to punch him in the nuts because you feel sorry for the girls.
So how doesn't the above end up being enough to warrant a rock bottom score? As bland and aimless as this OP moron is he actually does and says occasional funny things and he does in fact appreciate seeing girls exposed as opposed to many pathetic stereotype protagonists in other harem animes. How often do the girls get exposed then? Like 3 times in the whole season, and even then they don't get exposed enough for an ecchi rating. This stuff is so tame it's frankly annoying but it is slightly alleviated by the girls being rather sweet and enjoyable most of the time even with a bunch of clothes on.
At the end of the day this anime rides on bad jokes that are sometimes actually really funny and it does have generally pretty good art and sound. I'd even welcome a second season, despite my expectations remaining low since the main story is still crap.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 6, 2018
The anime equivalent of junk food, this tastes like mass produced garbage but sometimes you might actually want exactly that. A guilty pleasure.
No need to read any more than the title or watch 30 seconds of an episode to figure out that it's based on some presumably dumb and uninteresting game, a general rule is that any anime that contains "schoolgirl" in the title isn't going to have a deep and moving story. The little events and stuff going on around the lame story are sometimes quite amusing however, not by a long shot anything you'd call genius but some of it is refreshingly clever
even by normal anime standards, as long as you actually pay enough attention to notice what's going on besides the shower scenes. The jokes are much the same, most are in-your-face mediocre stuff but not all of the better gags are obvious if you get too distracted by the fan service.
On a more technical level the art is actually high tier stuff with plentiful visual quality and lots of fluid movements, the sound isn't quite as fine as the art but someone with sharp ears (not literally like an elf) will probably enjoy the lack of flaws if nothing else. Two of the character voices are most likely generally described as annoying but other than that all the acting itself is totally fine. As for the characters themselves... well I did compare this anime to junk food, it just pulled some bland stereotypes together but at least they are likeable. Few things are worse than shows that insist on having a character that is just an insanely annoying evil turd but refuses to die for 6 seasons, thankfully this anime didn't have one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 12, 2017
I hereby rename the guy Eyebrows, because that's the only feature that gives him a shred of personality. Also his eyebrows look slightly disgusting.
The anime revolves around a handful girls giving advice to troubled students, in the form of Eyebrows presenting messages from students and the girls give mostly amusingly terrible advice until someone says something useful and that becomes the official reply. Since this (and small sidetracks) is all there is to the story you should watch with your focus entirely on the comedy that is thankfully sort of goodish. Eyebrows is the only character without real personality, I'm guessing pathetically hollow guys who
never get anywhere with girls are meant to be able to relate to him easily.
The art and sound certainly won't disappoint, even if nothing particularly stands out the quality is high. Overall this anime is a mildly amusing way to kill some time if you're not in the mood to watch anything with story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 11, 2017
Trying to keep up with the story feels like trying to keep up with a mental institute all out of meds while you're being stabbed in the brain with a fork.
The art and sound actually qualify for a whooping 8 but it's by no means consistent, it starts at 9 and slowly declines as the season continues to pollute your grey matter. After the first two episodes nobody keeps watching for anything other than the nudity since that's the only enjoyable thing you've seen at that point but then you've already seen half the nudity of the season because it starts trying to lean on
the story instead of the one thing that made it worth watching at all.
Ah this story is hard to describe... after the first episode I wanted to rate the story minus 5 billion because it was just randomly thrown together scenes, however after some time it is made clear that underneath it is an actual plot. Around 20% of what happens is actually somehow related to the plot, even if it's done in absolutely retardedly incoherent, inconsistent and illogically roundabout ways. The characters are beyond saving because every action they perform is to either get caught in tentacles that somehow dissolve their clothes or they attempt to do something related to the story. I do give a single point for the actual plot but it's buried beneath a mountain of idiocy.
My advice: Just go watch hentai instead, many of them have a story that is at least coherent and the scenes go those important 3% further.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 9, 2017
Do you think random cosplaying, riding naked on a wild animal, flashing panties and blatantly breaking the laws of physics doesn't belong in an anime like this?
Well you'd better like it as of right now, cuz ready or not that's what we've got! If this had been far more realistic it would have been some sort of slice-of-lifeish sports drama with shower scenes, that could have appealed to some viewers but as a general rule any show that dishes out loads of fan service has a much better chance of getting a warm welcome if it's silly comedy. Softenni succeeds really well in doing what
it sets out to do, it aims low and hits.
As weird and dumb as this show manages to be it isn't cutting any corners, except with the script that must have turned circular in shape. The art and sound are nothing fancy but fits like a glove, just like the over-the-top characters with their quirks. If this anime doesn't make you laugh you probably need a beer or something to loosen up, as long as you don't take it seriously it's often quite hilarious.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 9, 2017
Do you like immature boys that abuse little girls and act like selfish scum and only get turned on by old hags? This anime is about that kind of boy.
Not sure what kind of person it takes to create a main character bordering on sociopath with no redeeming features and have him constantly abuse a poor girl until she cries but someone thought that would make a great anime. I think it's sickening. The entire story is complete trash, nothing can justify this horrid shit.
The only passable elements would be "everything except the story and the main guy", I did laugh at a few jokes
so there's that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 9, 2017
73 episodes of getting almost nowhere. Forget about the mediocre art for a moment, the real problem is that behind it is a story stretched so thin it makes a slice of cheese feel like a brick wall in comparison. Everything about World Trigger screams "cheap filler".
Do you have even the slightest capacity to reach logical conclusions? I've got bad news for you, this entire show will tick you off by tripping itself up every few minutes. The best example would be how they somehow pretend that the most basic of combat training that you can learn in 60 seconds by even having a brain
and changes you from being instantly defeated to having a fighting chance... wouldn't be taught to ANY student for the first YEAR of their combat training, because that's the "advanced" stuff for year two. Had this happened once I would have been forgiving but it happened all the time because there is almost nothing being taught to any of the students at all, the stuff they pretend to learn in 3 years even your average real life student could learn in 3 weeks.
The next issue is that not only do they drag out every single insignificant little thing for as long as they possibly can, the "recaps" are so excessive in length that they take up a big chunk of the actual episodes and by the end you've watched 60 episodes worth of what barely qualifies as content and 13 worth of recaps. I wish this was a lie, it's not.
The few saving points are occasional laughs, the characters staying consistent (even if some are utterly useless and have such severe learning disabilities they wouldn't last a week in elementary school) and there actually is a decent plot in the background, even if it only shows up every few hours and it would have been fine to shorten the entire show to 20 episodes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 8, 2017
If you expect harem ecchi to have a deep and moving story you're gonna have a bad time and you have nothing in the entire universe to blame except yourself.
Have you watched Death Note? I haven't. I never will in my lifetime unless threatened or bribed. Forget all about this having anything to do with Death Note, that connection is nothing more than the type of comedy that most people who worship Death Note won't like at all.
Everything except story gets an 8 from me, this is also the first time I've ever loved (instead of absolutely despised) a yandere because she isn't just a
violent bitch for no reason. The story is exceptionally half hearted and mixes a few very good elements with many other totally "meh" elements, instead of expecting anything from it you should just watch for the comedy and have a good laugh at the crazy happenings and weird characters.
Despite being a horny pervert and having watched the season 3 times by now I don't even remember anything in particular about the ecchi scenes, this means it's probably best to expect them to be nothing special as far as getting you turned on goes but you can expect them to be funny.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 7, 2017
The art surrounding the story is like a beautiful wedding dress surrounding a goat that was mauled to death by a bear last week.
This series gets the first 10 I've ever given for art, rounded up from 9,6 because the derpy faces of some characters could have looked better while the rest looks like it had the budget of an entire small nation. That's the only good thing about this insanely retarded mess worth praising.
Mr. Shepherd keeps clinging to his ideal that nobody should ever be killed and it gets ever more annoying as time passes. There are so many thousands of good examples of
how refusal to do away with a souce of suffering and death results in absolute disaster that I won't even bother listing any. Yet this blockheaded colossal dork never even once has to make a tough choice because he is ALWAYS conveniently presented an option where he doesn't need to get his hands dirty, his disgusting aura of plot convenience even infects others.
As awful as the brain dead single track characters are the story is even more appalling, the first season was terrible but could have had some development that turned it into something mildly interesting if the second season had been the least bit clever. The main problem is that the stupid idea of "malevolence" is a core pillar and the story adamantly held onto it being a manifestation of crappy feelings and emo stuff from people and it can be "purified" by beating it up with magic, this is so childish I can't even find proper words to describe its idiocy. "Oh you're an evil person? Lemme just brutally slash you with my magic sword that does zero physical damage and you'll become a good person and totally won't become evil again only to ruin someone elses life, because your malevolence isn't part of you despite being part of you and stuff."
As if the above isn't bad enough the story also includes numerous plot holes of enough size to comfortably fit an apartment complex, three market stands and a community pool. No matter how low your expectations you will likely still be disappointed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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