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Aug 27, 2024
This franchise is officially done for. Even if its original creator would come back for another installment, he could never resurrect this trainwreck of a story.
But lets start at the beginning. First and foremoste: Yes, you HAVE TO WATCH this and the second case file at least, to understand whats going on in the third season, since these two case files build the ground for the third season. That is IF you care for the third season.
As for the story and the character development in this third case file it goes a bit like this:
Kogami wandering around getting from one war into another to "free"
people, but never ever wanna kill the people he at war with. Therefore, throughout the whole movie, he needs to remind the viewer evey 5 minutes that killing and taking revenge is very very very very very very...huhhh *grasp air*...very very very baaad! Even if its a psychopathic child molester who slaughtered your whole family right in front of your eyes (like the one who killed his friends family), your desire for revenge is wrong and you are scum if you hold on to that, in his eyes unworthy, grudge. So basically the writers turned Kogami into a whiny, bitchy and judgy(!) clown, which is the final nail in an already burried but somehow not yet shoveld up coffin.
Now, as if it wasn't enough to turn one of THE beloved characters of S1 into a whiny and judgy hoe...they also turned him into a hypocrit, which makes you wanna root for the so called "villain" at the end even more. Basically what Kogami is saying here, AFTER HE PREACHED THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE MOVIE, is that a Bandit without any morals and principals who only goes for himself and selfishly killing people without reason (like the one who killed his friends family) is way more respectable than a freedom fighter, who is a bit crooked and wants gain for himself, but eventually brings peace to A WHOLE FUCKING NATIION!!!!! At this point you just want Kogami to die slowly and with as much pain as possible and I enjoyed every ass whooping he recieved from our peace bringing "villain". Of course Kogami kills him...alongside a whole wagon of innocent not-knowing-whats-really-going-on-behind-the-scenes-soldiers, whom Kogami and his friend just 2 minutes earlier didn't want to kill, because the two realized they didn't have nothing to do with anything! But hey, if you a hypocritcal clown like Kogami, why would you care right?
The third and second case file were written by Makoto Fukami only. He was involved in the movie and the manga of season 1. It clearly shows that without the protecting hand of Gen Urobuchi, he can't stand on his own. He needs guidance by the godfather. And those two case files are proof of that. The characters and the overall story are lacking any kind of context or transprency. Everything is just a loop of neverending plot holes.
Now if a writer who can't stand on his own and a totaly non-talent writer like Tow Ubukata (single handely destroyed the franchise with S2) get together you get season 3. And just because of that mixture of pure Talentlessness and Clusterfuck-Mania I will never ever even consider watching Season 3.
I recommend to any true Psycho Pass fan (not fanboy) to make peace with the obvious fact that this franchise ain't going nowhere anymore. Its dead and burried. Make peace with it. If there may was any chance of hope for a good continuation (after the trainwreck called S2) this casefile executed it and laughed while doing it. Psycho Pass is just a chash grab now and it always will be that way. As much as it pains me, its time to move on and forget about the once perfect creation Gen Urobuchi gave us.
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Aug 22, 2021
Evangelion 3.0+1.0: Trolling Up On A Lifetime. Alternative Title: You Got Bad Kredit, Anno.
Yeah yeah, spoilers ahead I guess, but it doesn't matter anyway since the whole movie is just a compilation of random scenes with no connection, so...
Now, let's be clear here: this fourth installment of the rebuild series never had a chance to begin with after the pathetic display of the third movie. The only chance of being halfway decent that this movie ever had was to completley nullifie the third movie in all his tracks and act like none of it happened (just like the third movie did with the first two).But
at that point in time we all knew that this was never gonna happen and so the fourth movie, as expected, continues the sharade that the third movie brought to the table, only this time around the shitshow goes on for two and a half hours. See, if you wanna grow your own fruits or vegetabels and your plantation already consists of nothing but garbage but then on top of that you put toxic waste into that garbage ground, you don't need to wonder why there will never ever grow nothing.
First of all the whole visual presentation of this movie is just atrocious. You really don't have a sum bitchin clue at what you are lookin at the whole time. And I'm not talking about the CGI, I'm talking about the pure composition of things that you see on the screen. Just the way they are composed inflicts physicall damage on you. I think this pic right here sums it up perfectly: https://i.redd.it/80mcpfvbc1u21.jpg I hope OP doesn't mind, because this was actually posted in a review for 3.33, but even there it made perfect sense, because 3.33 was already looking like this and now 4.0 turns it up to the max. So it isn't even pleasing to look at this movie if you are just in for the looks of it. It's a horrible display all around.
Now lets get to the story/characters (or whatever you wanna call this circus). So basically the first hour of the movie is a slice of life anime of villagers living their lifes peacefully after a historical tragedy..in this case the third impact (that actually never happend, but ReTcOniNG)...but its strange ain't it...the same people who giving Shinji a hard time, whining and bitching that their families died in the third Impact, are living only linear distance away from the fucking ground zero of the SAME IMPACT!! Soooooo you all survived how exactly with ground zero basically nex to your village?! Oh wait, you got that black dildo WILLE ramped into your flora, right? But that didn't happen until many many years had passed already, so how exactly did you found that village in the first place, when basically the whole planet was contaminated? But we not done here..oohh nooo..lets forget about these villagers that would fit perfectly into something like "Flying Witch" and get to our main cast. Lets start with Rei. For some reason Anno doesn't really know that being a freshly new clone, doesn't automatically mean you are a braindead patient whose cognitve abilities are worse than that of a child. Rei, having apparently every brain desease thats in the book, strolls around the village for the whole first hour of this movie asking one dumb ass question after another (what is a dog, what is a cat, what is cute, what is thanks) just to get her head blown of for unknown reasons...yeah, her usfullness exceeded or whatever..Now Shinji basically is the same moody bitch he always was: first hes whining then he helps with the work in the village...for a whole hour...Then theres Askua. Now she is the only one that conveys some informatin here even tho its just being said within a few seconds..seconds of a whole hour...That information being the fact that apparantly all eva pilots that ever existed were clones too just like Rei except for Shinji and they all wear those dog collors. I don't even start fussing about how retarded that plot device is because theres plenty more where that dumb shit came from.
That being said lets move to the second half of that movie. I wrap this short. So, Shinji and Askua board the WILLE, WILLE fights Gendo, Gendo has a little chit chat with WILLE, robs WILLES ass blind, escapes in another dimension, and after a quick dispute everybody loves Shinji again and all the faith in him is restored. All of this with no rhyme or reason as ususal..just BECAUSE, thats why. Contradicting each and everthing 5 times the amount is somehow amusing to Anno. But after that the movie really just gets flat out disrespecting. Because after the, for the sake of argument lets call it "exploration", is done, Anno just flat out trolls the audience to a point where you really start to think that this was his real goal from the start 26 years ago; like it was all planned out from the beginning. So basically Anno IS SEELE. SEELE had their scenario written out 28 years in advance and Anno had his scenario written out 26 years in advance, the troll scenario. The holy sea scrolls of troll. Thats how it really feels. Because the rest of the movie Anno shoves everything from the first two movies that he retconned into your motherfucking face and then on top of that has the audacity to somehow break the 4th Wall and make it look like this was just another production, showing you old footage of the original NGE series that also hasn't been resolved. Its like he really wanted to say: "Yeah you see all that you lil bitty bitch youu..yeah you wanted a conslusion to this old ass shit now didn't you? yeah but you won't get it pussy! gotchu! Oh and remember this time right here were I said I wanted to tell the complete and coherent story with the rebuild movies, cause I didn't have the right budget in the 90s, but then retconned the whole original script and gave you this shit right here instead? hahaha sigght! Yeah look at it deeply, you dumb ho! Look at Yuis big ass head floating around, you remember that nonsense too right?! You won't get anything anymore! I never had a real concept anyway! But thanks for the money sucker!"
Now it is actually true that he, at least officially, said that he wanted to re-tell the initiall story of NGE in its complete and coherent form with the rebuild series. But unfortunatley he failed miserably at that when he retconned everything the first two movies established. But with this Trolling-Attempt I really believe that he purposley threw the original script away and just wanted to create some fuss among the audience. Because he knew he would get money regardless. Whatever the case might be, the rebuild series and the whole Evangelion franchise are beyond repair now. It is even questionable if Anno really ever had a true vision for evangelion as a whole or if he just put random things intentionally together because he knew Mechas alone would be a selling point on their own.
By the way: it is clear now that the preview for the fourth movie at the end of the third was actually something that was gonna be in the original script of the third movie, because you can clearly tell that the scenarisation doesn't match anything from the fourth movie.
And to all the people saying: "you would understand the movie if you read the 50000 page Eva-Enzyclopedia": 1. No, not even then 2. Like I said the rebuild movies were conceptualized to stand on their own and tell the original eva-story on their own as it was always intended even back in the 90s. But they failed miserably. Therefor they suck. End of story.
So to finish this up. The fourth movie might even be more trash than the third just for its lenght but at the end of the day its the same dumb ass blueprint and there is no conclusion or enlightment in any kind of form. Noooo, Shinji and Mari playing couple in an alternate universe is NOT A CONCLUSION! So Anno made lots of money and laughed his ass off disrespecting the audience to the fullest. Well..I could've give him some respect for that, but since he used other peoples illment as an excuse for his failures, which wasn't neccessary even according to his Troll-Scenario, I just have to say fuck him. May he burn in hell for all eternity.
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Aug 17, 2021
Evangelion 3.33: You Can (Not) Fuck Up More. Alternative Title: Retconing For Dummies.
It really is a shame tho, because they actually had it. They had everything figured out from start to finish in the vein of the first two movies. The preview in the second movie (for the third) already told you what to expect, where the overall story was heading and that the third impact definitely DID NOT happen; just like the second movie told you before that it DID NOT happen (but I will get to that in a minute)! So what happend now is this: Our poor,poor, poor Anno who blaims all
his failures on his alleged Depression, rewrote the complete plot for the third movie without hesitation and without even thinking once about the fact that the whole blueprint for the whole rebuild series was already made up and that rewriting the third movie basically means to completley retcon the first two movies, which already laced the foundation for the further installments. But Anno gave a rats ass about none of that and just went on with materializing his feverdream that he had before, where nothing makes sense. By the way Anno doesn't really have depressions. He is just incompetent and degenrated, not depressed,because people who are really heavily depressed can't bring up the ambitions nor the willpower to do more than they actually need, yet alone create a whole new script when a first one was already completed, thus not only createing more present effort and manhours but also a lot more future effort and manhours (and money) because now everything needs to be animated and melodized from scratch! I hate when people use other peoples misfortune as an excuse for their own incompetence. But back to the movie at hand. So apparantly according to Anno's feverdream, which served as the script, the third impact happened all of a sudden, even tho we all saw it NOT HAPPENING in the second movie! And with that premiss alone, the whole foundation and all the build up that the first two movies created, are destroyed and thus the movies beeing nullified. Congratulation, you played yourself! But, as this wasn't enough, Annos feverdream fails to explain why the third impact in this alternate universe happend then. Why? How? What happend right after that? Who gives a damn right, as long as there is fAnsERvIcE! The only thing that is being said is that now all of a sudden we are 14 years in the future, NERV fights the rebel alliance WILLE and everyone hates Shinji...no rhyme, no reason...just BECAUSE, thats why...This movie can't even explain to his audience the eDgY lingo they so desperatley try to establish in order to sound sophisticated. "Lillin" huh?..movie doesn't come out and say what it is, so I did a quick research. Apparently that term basically translates to "The Man". So "the Man" punished Shinji! The Man put the collar on him! The Man is unable to retrieve Shinji and Askua because the L-Barrier-Density is too high in the desert..ok, yeah that makes sense I guess *Carl from ATHF voice*. But the Man always tries to make the world adapt to him not the other way around, and therefor the world artifically evolves itself, which leads to giant human mouths with teeth on the surface of the earth and hands sticking outta the ground? C'mon Anno, I know your feverdream wasn't THAT retarded..Or the Man piloted the holy Mark 06 Unit even tho it was a fusion of the third angel and an Eva, which was piloted exclusivley by Kowaru, the first angel himself? Oh right, I forgot, we retconing everything the last movies told us, my bad.
I could go on and on about literally EVERY SECOND of the movie not making sense, not even on their own, because even with the first 2 movies completly nullified, the third movie doesn't even make sense on its own and fails to tell any kind of story whatsoever. But the Bottom-Line here is: this movie (the way it is) never had a right to exist in the first place, because the direction of all movies was clear since the first one in 2007. So making it a pile of incoherent trash-nonsense halfwaytrough is unacceptable and inexcusable. This movie annhiliated every chance of decency that the rebuild series as a whole ever had.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Mar 29, 2021
Here we go again...Tow Ubukata back at it again, showing the world once again that he chosed the wrong profession. Only this time around he is not fucking up somebody elses work but his own creation.
Mardock Scramble is basically the epitome of Ubukatas work routine when it comes to anime: rowing random, incoherent and incomprehensible scenes together one after another and acting like he created the deepest screenplay ever, while in reality its nothing more than a garbage ass shitshow.
If you watched Ghost In The Shell: Arise or the second season of Psycho Pass, both mangled by Ubukata, then you know exactly what to
expect from Mardock Scramble: random stupid shit that doesn't make any sense in no shape or form and character-exploration/development that is beyond retarded, plus uninspired and boring scenrey on top of that.
This movie trilogy is yet another example of what a non-talented and horrendous writer Ubukata is.
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Mar 29, 2021
A true Tow Ubukata Creation...which means we dealing here with the sheer amount of incompetence one should expect from anything that involves this so called writer.
In Mardock Scramble, Ubukata does what he does best: putting random, incoherent and incomprehensible scenes together and ACT like he did the deepest screenplay ever, while in reality he did nothing but creating a pure dumpsterfire.
If you watched the second season of Psycho Pass or Ghost In The Shell: Arise, both written by Ubukata, then you know exactly what to expect from Mardock Scramble: random stupid shit that doesn't make no sense at all and character-exploration/development retarded as it
gets. Plus uninspired and boring scenrey.
Mardock Scramble is yet another example of what a non-talented and horrendous writer Ubukata is.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Mar 29, 2021
Oh boy...I totally forgot about this garbage. I binged-watched all 3 movies after they got released back then since each movie is connected to the other and ends with huge cliffhangers anyway. So everything you say about one movie also applies to the other movies because you only get the full picture if you watch all three of them. Problem with that full picture is: there is none.
Why is that? Well, Mardock Scramble is a true Tow Ubukata Creation, and it shows..in every god forsaken movie of this trilogy..IT SHOWS!
Tow Ubukata does what he does best: putting random, incoherent and incomprehensible scenes one after another
and ACT like he did the deepest screenplay ever, while in reality he did nothing but putting hot trash together.
If you watched the second season of Psycho Pass or the Arise-Series of Ghost In The Shell, both for which Ubukata wrote the screenplay, then you know exactly what to expect from Mardock Scramble: random stupid shit that doesn't make no sense whatsoever and character-exploration/development retarded as it gets. Plus uninspired and boring scenrey.
Mardock Scramble is yet another example of what a non-talented and horrendous writer Ubukata is.
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May 11, 2020
The reboot/remake/continuation of Waraus Salesman follows the exact same premise from the original series down to a T, but with a modern touch to it. If you liked the original show you will certainly enjoy this one too. The only gripe I have with this new version is that there are very few new and exclusive storys being told. Over half of the stories being told in "New" are reboots of episodes from the original show.
As for the content it is literally the same blueprint as the original Warau Salesman. So here goes my initial review I did on the original series:
Warau Salesman is not
only one of those "one of a kind anime" but is also heavily underrated and missunderstood.
First of all, Warau Salesman is a Horror-Comedy with pretty heavy social commentary. I don't know why people always deem it as something else. But lets start at the beginning.
The show is about a mysterious salesman, Moguro Fukuzou, who deals in human souls (the literal japanese translation is "kokorou" which means heart, but its symbolic for souls). He offers people a splendid deal that fits their deepest desires perfectly and that they won't possibly refuse. All free of charge of course. However, Moguro has always one condition that he makes clear to his clients. If the client breaks that condition, the whole deal is void and Moguro can collect his soul (visualized by basically fucking up his former clients life). Now here is where the whole horror and also social commentary comes in. Moguro himself is of course not a normal salesman yet alone a normal human being. His true origins are never made really clear throughout the whole series, but its safe to say that he is some sort of a devils advocat if not the devil himself. He always hangs in a bar called "Demon Nest" so that basically covers that. And just like some demons Moguro, in some way, has to be invited by the people. If the client is on the hook and agrees to Mogurus terms, from that point on Moguru is in his life for good watching him at all times without being noticed (except if he wants to be noticed). Now why would anybody break a good deal that last forever as long as one tiny condition won't get violated? Because human beings are selfish, ignorant and greedy scum who always want more! You give them the little pinky and they take the whole hand! And that is the premise of this show and Moguros transactions. He knows of that selfish nature and feasts upon it. He knows eventually every last one of his human clients will turn into a greedy and dishonest pig, so he can collect his souls in peace.
But despite all the deep commentary, Warau Salesman is still a funny comedy show with some great humor in it. Not least due to Moguros crazy monologues and self awareness. The events in each episode make up for great situation comedy as well.
If you want sophisticated and social critical, yet dark, crazy and unpredictable comedy this is the show for you. I definitely recommand it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 10, 2020
This is the promotional start up to the overall great dark comedy series Warau Salesman. It is basically the prologue to the story of episode 1. Due to its short lenght and cliffhangerish ending that gets picked up in its entirety in the reall season anyway, this prologue episode is a bit forgettable.
But for its time I can imagine sitting there at home, seeing this for the first time on my TV and being immediatly hooked and craving for more. Its certainly well made and pulls you right into the interesting world of Mogoru Fukuzou. See it as a Promo Trailer for the actual show.
Its actually quite fitting that this came out around Halloween. Quite fitting indeed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 10, 2020
Warau Salesman is not only one of those "one of a kind anime" but is also heavily underrated and missunderstood.
First of all, Warau Salesman is a Horror-Comedy with pretty heavy social commentary. I don't know why people always deem it as something else. But lets start at the beginning.
The show is about a mysterious salesman, Moguro Fukuzou, who deals in human souls (the literal japanese translation is "kokorou" which means heart, but its symbolic for souls). He offers people a splendid deal that fits their deepest desires perfectly and that they won't possibly refuse. All free of charge of course. However, Moguro has always one
condition that he makes clear to his clients. If the client breaks that condition, the whole deal is void and Moguro can collect his soul (visualized by basically fucking up his former clients life). Now here is where the whole horror and also social commentary comes in. Moguro himself is of course not a normal salesman yet alone a normal human being. His true origins are never made really clear throughout the whole series, but its safe to say that he is some sort of a devils advocat if not the devil himself. He always hangs in a bar called "Demon Nest" so that basically covers that. And just like some demons Moguro, in some way, has to be invited by the people. If the client is on the hook and agrees to Mogurus terms, from that point on Moguru is in his life for good watching him at all times without being noticed (except if he wants to be noticed). Now why would anybody break a good deal that last forever as long as one tiny condition won't get violated? Because human beings are selfish, ignorant and greedy scum who always want more! You give them the little pinky and they take the whole hand! And that is the premise of this show and Moguros transactions. He knows of that selfish nature and feasts upon it. He knows eventually every last one of his human clients will turn into a greedy and dishonest pig, so he can collect his souls in peace.
While the first episodes are very tame in regards of violence, some of the later episodes turn out to be quite gorey. But despite all the gore and deep commentary, Warau Salesman is still a funny comedy show with some great humor in it. Not least due to Moguros crazy monologues and self awareness. The events in each episode make up for great situation comedy as well.
If you want sophisticated and social critical, yet dark, crazy and unpredictable comedy this is the show for you. I definitely recommand it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 10, 2020
First of all, everything you say about one installment of the Arise-Series, automatically applies to all the other installments, cause all of them follow the same lame ass blueprint. So that being said, there is no need to differ between the 5 entries (and the movie).
So, here we have another true Tow Ubukata Screenplay. You can recognize that garbage only 2 minutes in, cause NOTHING makes any sense or is well sceneraized. Just like any other Tow Ubukata Screenplay, we have randomly thrown together scenes, that don't make sense on their own, yet alone any sense withe the original manga. One random occasion after another,
trying to fool you into thinking you just watched the deepest shit ever. But you really didn't. Things just appear and then go away. No content whatsoever. The characters literally beam themselves into the next scenes. It goes without saying that character development is non-existent in an Ubukata Story.
Remember the one South Park Episode with the sea cows that just randomly picked balls with words on it out of an aquarium and made a sequence out of it? That is exactly how Tow Ubukata writes.
Ok let me try that:
Character: Major
Location: Park
Occasion: Birthday
Activity: Shooting
Ok cool, so we have Major holding her Birthday Party at a Park while a Shooting going on. That is a perfect Tow Ubukata right there. See I'm capable of that method myself, let me write the next screenplay. Geez...
Oh yeah and: don't watch this junk of a movie.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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