May 15, 2016
While watching this show, I had a few mixed feelings that were all in the same general ball park. A show like this sets out to make you smile, laugh, and even envy the love between the two main characters. However, throughout watching this, I could only keep one thing in mind, which was a much more fitting alternative title in my opinion.
"How many times is this bitch gonna get raped?: The Animation"
This show was almost a chore to watch. I honestly can't recall most of the events that take place in it and I only just finished the series 20 minutes ago. The
main love interest is Usui, who is a generic handsome boy who is like a prince and good at everything. Why do I feel like I've seen him ten times already? Not because this archetype for a character has been used to death, but because half of the antagonists in this show feel and look like different versions of him and nearly all of them corner Misaki and are about to rape or touch her at some point (Way to put the message out there that even a woman as hard working and strong as Misaki is still just a woman, and nothing more than a target for sex offenders. Good job writers.) It is also very hard to consider Usui himself a protagonist because he is constantly forcing himself onto the main character Misaki, in a way that feels like the story is trying to be romantic but ends up
feeling forced and dirty. All of the characters are jokes and you have probably seen all of them before if you have watched any other anime. It boggles my mind that this show has such a high rating on MAL and I feel like it was done all wrong. Towards the end of the series they introduce a third wheel in Usui and Misaki's relationship who is honestly way too good for either of them and shouldn't have been in the anime at all. He is much sweeter and genuine than Usui, has a more flushed out background than him, and is just as faithful to Misaki, without having to be the pervert Usui is. But of course he had no chance so his inclusion in the story felt like a big "Screw you!" from the writers by making you like someone more than anyone else in the show then casting him aside.
Anyway, I gave this show a 4, and I really didn't enjoy it other than a few laughs here and there. But, this is all just my opinion, and you might actually enjoy this show, a lot of people seem too so it doesn't hurt to give it a shot. If you ask me I would recommend a show like kimi ni todoke or say i love you if you're looking for a sweet romance that doesn't end up being rapey and kind of generic. Whether or not you decide to watch this show is up to you, and hopefully you enjoy it but even if you don't there are much much much much MUCH worse shows out there. I hope this was helpful, See ya my dudes c:
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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