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Apr 6, 2022
Story: 8. I thought the premise was intriguing. A slice of life dealing with experiments trying to live on their own with the humans. Definitely had potential. I wish they did more with it but I did like seeing what they'd get into each episode so it wasn't that bad. The ending felt so mean spirited. So depressiong
Art: 7. It definitely was pretty. Not anything spectacular but I did enjoy looking at it and it definitely was eye catching.
Sound: 8. I love the outro and intro and I felt the soundtrack fit well into the story. I
didn't skip the outro or intro song so that's always a good sign.
Characters: 6. They were okay. I did like how in each episode, at least towards the end, it focused on them in relation to the world and their little glimpses of the past. But like the story I wish there was more to them.
Enjoyment: 6. Overall, I did enjoy it. Though I feel the thing that I'm talking about that everyone seems to dislike is the voice actors and those minutes at then end. And. . .well they weren't that bad. Yes it is annoying but it was okay. I do understand why it's annoying and I also get that it needed to be done but it felt way too much of filler (which normally isn't bad) and it definitely needed to be shortened. It dragged way too long and made it more about the voice actors than the show itself.
Overall: 6. With everything said and done. . .I'm giving it a 6. It definitely had so much potential to it and it did have good moments and make me tear up. But the voice action end is way too long and it could've done so much more. Would I watch it again ? Meh maybe if I want to shut my brain off and have something short to watch. Would I watch a second season ? Maybe. Especially to see what they would do after ending it as they did
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 26, 2021
This isn't going to be like what I was doing with my other reviews; this is going to be more of a ramble stream of consciousness type of review; there will also be a bias because this was one of the first animes I ever saw. I loved this anime so much; it was well written, well drawn, well done and really shaped my childhood. I loved and looked up to Haruhi and honestly the insane and wild situations was entertaining to me that I looked past there's really not a plot. This may be biased and blinded by rose colored glasses
of my childhood but really I love this and recommend it, even when doing a rewatch, there are still problems yes (especially Haruhi stopping bullies and being villanized and scolded for it) but at least for me is holding up. Animation is I guess outdated or with the time but still for me it felt nostalgic and I can't fault it because it still looks good.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 26, 2021
Story: 5. It's a sports anime but with skateboarding. I will admit I never seen skateboarding done or even thought about it as a sport so it works in being a different variation of the sports anime selection. However it's predictable; the arc of the "break up" and eventual rekindling in order for the protagonists to beat the villain is common and done before. Of course it had shining moments, especially dealing with Langa and Reki but overall it was predictable. Also the laws of physics and gravity said bye bye and decided to bounce like everyone seemed to be doing
off of clips
Art/Sound: both 10. I know I say I love the art in almost all my reviews but really I did. It was so bright and colorful that certain scenes just popped out and that was real cool. The sound was also cool and gave me a 2000s era skate park vibe and I really dug it. The intro and outro is also great that I didn't skip over it to get to the next episode
Characters: 5. Okay I will admit as much as I loved the characters, they are a bit bland and lacking depth. The supporting characters I can give leeway too on that because everyone looks to the protagonists for that but as much as I love Reki and Langa, they needed more to them. In regards to Langa, he is the reserve and quiet one, which is refreshing, but it's expected, especially when compared to the "hot-headed" one everyone likes. Also on Langa, making him real good at skateboarding because it's similar to snowboarding (which I don't think happens in real life but I don't like any type of sports so what do I know) seems a bit. . .I don't want to say rushed but once again expected and shown very quickly. The side characters are also bland (which I guess I can give leeway because they always focus more on the protagonists). Adam seems like a villain just to be a villain, but I will admit I laughed at everything he said and was very entertained with him (even if he is a creepy man who literally decided to play baseball with Cherry and creep on a high school boy) so I will give the phantom of the skateboarders credit. Even though they are bland and lacking depth, they are designed to look as their character descriptions are (meaning when I think of skater I do think of someone like Reki) so there was care.
Enjoyment: 9. Okay so I said everything I needed too (as best I can) on story and characters (and Adam's behaviour with. . .just everyone), but does that mean I didn't enjoy it ? No I loved it. I was all for it. Yes I've seen it before and yes the characters are bland and predictable, but I'm not going to lie it's a pleasure to watch (especially the episode of the dub I saw but that's for a different matter). You will have to lower expectations and ignore physics but overall so enjoyable; I'd love to see more
Overall: 7. Like it was stated above I loved it even with its problems. I'd watch it again and would love to see more of it in any form.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 24, 2021
There may be spoilers and I am sorry if it's there. It may be something that's just unavoidable
Story: 7. It's a twist on romance dealing with the red thread of fate. I'm not one for romance but the story doesn't play it out too in your face. Still I didn't even know what the story was until midway. It seemed like it was going to be slice of life and then the switching of the bodies; from there I just assumed it'd be a funny little adventure but no. . .the romance and souls and the such. Might
be contrived especially when near the end. . .spoilers happen but overall it was good enough.
Art/Sound: 10 (art) and 9 (sound): My god is that beautiful. The art design was breathtaking, truly beautiful that at some spots I just focused on the scenery. The sound also was amazing; it added to the scenes and never detracted or went overboard.
Character: 5. I don't know if that's a mean score but the characters were fine. When they switched places it was funny and we do get insights onto them; Mitsuha is a young girl who's tired of living in Itomori because it's a small town in the middle of nowhere with nothing going for her (which is relatable for some). I wish I saw more of what she's interested in and more on her but of course the shenanigans of the switched bodies done by montage. Taki is just dumb for not writing his name down on Mitsuha's palm. Okay that aside, he's okay; typical boy who's father isn't around. Again I want to know more other. I know he's blunt and determined but maybe a bit more would've been nice. Then again the focus of the movie was their love in the form of switching bodies and growing so I don't fault it that much; the background isn't that important.
Enjoyment: 7. I put a 7 because I was definitely into it. Some parts near the end got me angry and gave me anxiety but it shows that i'm just real into it and got invested. It wasn't amazing but it really was quite good. I knew they were switching bodies from the first scene so I wish they maybe could've done something to hide that better but I'd watch it again so that means I enjoyed it enough
Overall: 7. Like I said above it was real beautiful and I was invested. It had problems and may end up being illogical, contrived and the likes but I liked seeing the red thread of fate shown in that way and all confusions aside in the beginning and the anger and anxiety I felt in some parts. . .definitely a treat to watch
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 24, 2021
Going to try something new and review by explaining the scores I gave. I tried not to spoil so let's hope so spoils made it in
Story: 7. It's the typical something happens to the protagonist and they have to go on a journey and get strong. It's not new and it's something we've seen before. However it's still done in a way that's adds its own flair and style so I liked it
Art/Sound: both 9. The art looked gorgeous, as if out of a comic book. The colors were gorgeous and it looked so beautiful. The sound
worked as well; it's really fitting and helped tug the heartstrings during the sad moments. So overall loved both
Character: 3. This might be a harsh number but I blame Inosuke and Zenitsu. They had their moments where I liked them, they weren't all bad. . .but then they got annoying and over the top I didn't like. Inosuke was all fight fight fight to the point where it got aggravating; there's ways to do it that still brings the charm but Inosuke had none of it. Zenitsu was all fear all crying all the time. I wish more of those moments where he was asleep and brave would come out. There's nothing wrong with a character scared of everything but when they're crowning moments are when unconscious that's not good. However his breathing technique he did in one episode was smart and I did enjoy that side of him. Nekuzo was good too; mainly a plot device so far but at least once in a while she's utilized. Also the fact she's a demon who won't attack humans is really a good premise to go anywhere. Tanjiro was the typical protagonist but he was also good. His heart I think is a big thing because normally or the thought would be he'd grow dark but no, he remained kind and kept his spirit; good on him
Enjoyment: 6. I gave this a 6 because it was good. Some spots were amazing, especially with Tanjiro and Nekuzo, but Zenitsu and Inosuke made me fast forward a bit and one episode (you know the one) made me so. . .not infuriated but made Tanjiro so OP. I guess that'll be explained in future seasons/movies and even in the manga but they made him that strong and then still need to fight was just. . .unnecessary. I know the protagonist has to have that OP to be the protagonist but still it gets tiring.
Overall: 6. I did enjoy it regardless of everythign so I gave it a 6. It's defintiely good but characters lowered it a bit, it's somethign we've seen before or variations of it and then that episode. I wanted to give it a 5 but I think the show's fair. Something I'd watch again after a while but still maybe after another season/movie is out for a while I'd watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 11, 2021
It wasn’t the best but I liked it well enough to watch all 13 episodes but I was confused on what it’s supposed to be. it poses as a post apocalyptic genre with giant bugs attacking and yet I only seen an attack once and then it brushed that off. It also doesn’t even seem to be post apocalyptic. In part of the first episode it did, and then that’s it it went back to normal world. While that isn’t a bad thing, I still need to see more of it being post apocalyptic with humanity on the brink of extinction;
they all seem cool with everything. To me, the art is cool at least. Nothing special but still I liked it nonetheless. The tone/story is also all over the place too. One minute it’s a comedy, the next is a drama and then full on genocide of children and macabre and dark. The transitions of the tone needs to be a bit better. Another thing that confused me is why young girls ? I can get behind that pregnant women can get it and it’ll infect the baby inside, but why does it have to be girls that were born ? Is it just pandering or am I missing something ?
Overall I’d give it maybe a 6 out of 10 because while it did have problems, I liked the art style and I did tear up at some scenes; the soundtrack is also nice too but it’s nothing to write home about or to go crazy over. The absolute whiplash of tones and emotions didn’t help it either. Not sure if I’ll watch the second one but who knows
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 2, 2021
As someone who's very interested in biology and how the inner workings of the body are, this is great for those who love biology or for those who aren't well versed in bio because it explains it in a way anyone can understand. Granted because it's explaining the inner workings of what the body goes through there's not much in terms of substance, but personally I didn't quite mind it because it was interesting to see what the body goes through (Even if it was over simplified as I said before, it's good for those just getting into biology or anything medical because it
explains the basics but gives you the drive and/or motivation to look more in depth)
Overall, I give this a 9 out of 10. This really was enjoyable for me and this is definitely going to be a re-watchable one for me
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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