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Feb 8, 2025
Kyousougiga is a show that I thought held a lot of promise, eye-catching character designs and background art that feel straight out of a classic Gainax production. The worldbuilding was instantly captivating.
However all this comes off as a bit of a confusing, unfocused mess, I found myself struggling to keep up with this show's pace, so many things happen that you can't fully process as it moves from one thing to another at breakneck speed.
Which is strange considering at least plot-wise nothing really happens and seems content with spinning it's wheels with abrupt flashbacks and low stakes slice of life goofiness.
Personally my breaking point was
the third episode where a good chunk of screen time was dedicated to running around a town trying to find a lost PSP console stolen by a crow.
I found myself asking: ''What has any of this got to do with the grander narrative?'' It reminded me of some of the worst comedy parts of Kill la Kill, except far more obnoxious and centre stage.
I'm quit dissapointed, if it only took it's premise a bit more seriously this could possibly have been something quite special.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 20, 2025
This is a very good-looking show, but to be honest, it's pretty bare bones as it gets...It's vibrant, but shallow.
The main cast feel as flat as Natsuko's peg bar and their dynamics don't strike me as particularly interesting either.
You can expect there to be great animation sequences at least once an episode that pay homage to iconic animators and art styles, but it all feels a bit to formulaic and predictable.
There are hints that the plot may take a more dramatic turn later down the road, but judging based on the 3 episodes currently available I wouldn't strongly recommend it.
Throughout these 3 episodes I
was waiting for ''the hook'' to appear, but nothing grabbed me. I don't think this anime has a firm grip on what it really wants to be, it's a fun concept, but it needed a bit more time in the oven to flesh out those ideas further.
Comparatively something like Re:Creators captures your attention within it's first couple minutes, your time would likely be better spent watching or re-watching that series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 17, 2025
The Visual and aesthetic presentation:
Momentary Lily demonstrates a complete lack of restraint and understanding of visuals tools. It tries as hard as it can to fill the screen with as much visual junk as possible, taking no heed in how disorienting it is for a viewer to follow what is happening in any given scene.
There are no leading lines to guide the viewer's line of sight during during these overstimulating and exhaustive action sequences. The camerawork comes off as un-studied and generally incompetent. Alongside and overabundance of composting effects: lens flares, lighting overlays, needless shaky cam and fish-eyes perspectives result in total sensory overload and
lack of cohesion.
The 3D rendered clouds and flat PNG ground textures give the entire production an artificial ''Green screen'' quality feel that breaks any immersion. It look more like a showcase for a game engine rather than an anime.
Now, that's not to say the animation is what's at fault here, on the contrary, in isolation the animation itself is rather unique and impressive. However the magic it brings is muddied by an overkill of unnecessary effects.
Character Design:
The cast of ML are far too over-designed for my tastes, The color pallet of their hair and outfits do no compliment each other at all and makes them unsightly to look at. It violates basic rules of design and use of color, our brains aren't programmed to process all that visual information crammed in to their designs. In typical GoHands fashion ''More is More'' apparently...
Characters and Dialogue:
Every girl in this series can be boiled down to their basic archetypal surface-level traits and their gimmicky verbal tics. Bland and one-dimensional in every conceivable way. Devoid of any real personality or characterization.
The dialogue is just as disorienting as the visuals, the girls will constantly talk over each other, the flow of ''conversations'' feel disjointed and random as if the characters are not in the same scene together, as if they're all having a synchronized schizophrenic episode...
The OST is generic and sounds like it was pulled out of any conventional Dating Sim/ VN game.
This show cannot decide if it wants to commit to the cutesy slice of life aspects or go completely dark with it's premise. These two sides seem to be at odds with each other and the quality of the storytelling will suffer because of it in my humble opinion.
Pacing and stakes:
Zero escalation of tension. There is not even time to let a ''scene'' (I'm using that term generously) breathe. I also feel no narrative ''intent'' in the shots and directing style. It's all just ''things happening''
Overall: 3/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Nov 20, 2024
7 episodes in and I can confidently give my verdict on this one.
As much as I was genuinely rooting for it's success, being an anime original....I'm sad to say, this one isn't it.
On paper this should have worked, but in execution it does not. There just isn't any ''bite'' to this series. The key word I keep coming back to is ''safe''.
All the predictable cliche's you've seen are here, in this (admittedly) very polished, yet watered-down imitation of every Trigger/Gainax show we have seen up until now.
The power of friendship trope can be done well with the right direction, but here it just
feels lazy and half-baked to force the plot forward.
If you are looking for a casual vanilla action series with a mid-200's vibe, you might enjoy this, but it doesn't offer much for those that are wanting something a bit richer and ambitious in storytelling...
Even the well-choreographed action feels somewhat ''standardized'' and loses a lot of impact with what I would describe as ''lacking'' sound design that does not sell me on every strike and hit. There is a particular ''oompf'' that is missing.
The OST's are servicable, it does what it has to do, but I can tell this is not Sawano in his element, this is Sawano on auto-pilot....
Most of the supporting cast are either unlikable or bland with the exception of Alma himself who is a stand out in this cast with his bubbly optimism brought to life by Suigita.
Overall: A by-the-numbers, decently animated casual action series that ultimately is a bit hollow and un-ambitious in it's narrative. Not bad by any stretch, but not particularly remarkable either...it's good, but the lower end of ''good''.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 10, 2024
Kaiju no.08 is the most bland, by-the-numbers battle shounen anime I have ever watched. It uses every tired shounen beat you've seen countless times before. It just screams formulaic and predictable.
I was very dissapointed that the Kaiju enemies just ended up being more of the same ''humanoid elite'' monsters that are in every battle shounen like this.
The pacing is sluggish and sleep-inducing. It takes so long for anything mildly interesting to happen.
The art and animation is adequate, there as some nice backgrounds and animation cuts throughout. It stays fairly consistent, but isn't particularly spectacular either.
The cast is a mishmash of flat, bland archetypes that do
nothing to really stand out in a memorable way.
It really wants to be Attack on Titan, but without any of the mystery or stakes or characterization.
As far as B-Tier shounens go, you could do a lot better. I don't see much merit in watching this over something like Undead Unluck which has more stylistic direction and far more compelling characters + world-building.
It's definitely not the worst thing I've ever seen, it's just perfectly serviceable, but nothing beyond that sadly....
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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