Anime Stats
Days: 311.1
Mean Score:
- Watching142
- Completed1,842
- On-Hold324
- Dropped500
- Plan to Watch895
- Total Entries3,703
- Rewatched0
- Episodes19,712
Last Anime Updates
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Manga Stats
Days: 2.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries51
- Reread0
- Chapters279
- Volumes47
Last Manga Updates
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All Comments (8) Comments
Have a wonderful day 💖
My only big gripe of the show is that Handa and Sasako didn't really progress any further, I appreciate that they had a few subtle moments together but other than that I feel like it was a lost opportunity - Maybe the manga might've touch more on this? Apart from this, I was very fond of the entire experience and really loved those last 10 or so episodes, I felt like everyone had their role in creating the atmosphere of the Polar bear Cafe and it was awesome seeing how much growth all the characters had with eachother by the end.
I really hope they have another season or ATLEAST more content in the works. MERRY CHRISTMAS BTW
The best episodes are definitely the ones whether
A) Penguin is placed in some terrible dilemma surrounding the 7 identical looking love interests, he always seems to come up with a infallible solution only for it to crumble in the end...
B) Grizzly and Polar bear adventures, their relationship is just awesome and I find it so fascinating how neither of them feel comfortable to admit how much importance they place on each other but continue to show by their actions the gratitude they hold for the one another. Grizzly IMO just make's any episode great but these one's shine the brightest.
Unfortunately I'm not exactly finished with the show but I do like it and hope to finished it soon. Also something note worthy is the degree of high cailbre voice actors in the show, I mean the penguin is LEVI!