This show is pretty awful. There's major issues in every part of this production pipeline. From nonsensical sound fx almost appearing non-diajetic in nature half the time to the limited expression allotted to them from their limited budget being wasted on caricatures and presentation which detract from the overall theme and tone of the show.
The overall narrative itself seems incredibly disjointed, ill-paced and not really thought out. The through-story ends up making the protagonist come off selfish and conceited, and the pacing and presentation only serves to double down on that conclusion.
There's nothing good to say about this show except that going insane while
Nov 20, 2019
Oct 2, 2019
Aku no Hana
An interesting show with a very creative premise, blending roto'd subject capture with incredibly vibrant backgrounds with a solid grasp on blocking movement within a frame, the show has an incredibly solid base for presenting a narrative that relies on more subtle character acting to communicate mood and tone.
It succeeds quite strongly in presentation, really leaning into its art departments skills to properly create and atmosphere suitable for its tone and message. The sound design is among the best in anime, really putting you into each environment and connecting you inside the subjects perspective and subjectivity. Going further into economical presentation the repeated elements, shots ... Sep 11, 2014
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san
You can't float a show on one enjoyable character.
What little 'story' you get is poorly tied together and constantly excused as being nothing more than a gag. It's just worthless otakubait. Sep 11, 2014
Soul Eater
Another Bones Fucks Up show.
Archetypal characters in an archetypal plot against EVIL (but really he's just lonely :( )and then everything shits itself when Bones runs out of manga to copy. All of a sudden what development was there was forgotten and you get a PUNCH OF JUSTICE. Even the enjoyable Bones animation can't make up for the horribleness this ended as. |