All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 82.5
Mean Score:
- Watching23
- Completed203
- On-Hold19
- Dropped85
- Plan to Watch168
- Total Entries498
- Rewatched9
- Episodes5,093
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 11.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries70
- Reread0
- Chapters2,024
- Volumes92
All Comments (60) Comments
How is your cousin doing Now? and How is your college life going ?? like a we see in the Movie or bad lol?
I become really addicted to music in my last years in college, it is like become my happiness,
and I become more talkactive in real life and ofc I regret that hhhhhhh bc poeple are suck, well now I can say I just work, going out with my friends, runing, cooking I have cats now lmao well that's my bored life
Really time pass quickly I still remeber you talked about your cousins are they good?
hmmm well I graduated last yeat, I studied développement informatique , well long of things change on me you can see i barely watching anime
I no longer enjoy as I used to lmao I'm getting old sadly, you were doing sport too right ? you still?
you wanted to become hairdresser I guess you still want to??
lmao people change so I guess no
How are you doing ??
Yes, of course, it's from Shojo Kakumei Utena!
Have a good day!
yep it is really good to come back home early and watching anime or at least you have more free time then before.
hmmm when i have exams and have a free time to preparing for them idont really try to do it and iam just go to watch anime or do somthing in my mind but when i feel evil like you said i go to study
and also the summer vacation is coming soon xd
how have you been?
What about A place further than universe? I see you have just completed it
Gonna review it soon tho, prob give it a 9 (10 is only for my fav anime)