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Jan 8, 2023
Imagine waking up in a world where you're the only human female alive and the leaders of four kingdoms surround you. Sounds like a shoujo dream. However, the main girl is scared of men. This could work for a story, but these elite men are extremely horny and are fighting to be the first one to breed with her. None of them care about her and the entire story has rapey vibes.
There could be some nuance in a story about diplomats taking advantage of girl and her fight to survive and come out on top. Outbride, however, frames it as a rape fantasy that didn't
want to be a hentai. The men claim they won't do anything without her consent, but all of them so often push forward regardless of her revoking consent mid-way. That's if she even gave consent to begin with! They have to be interrupted by another guy who yells about consent when that guy will attempt to rape her later.
All of the men are bad, but I especially hate the Seriphum. He's this holier-than-thou (heh) asshole who is arguably the most rapey. He has this idea that because he saved himself for her, she needs to save herself for him. He gets pissy about it and it's framed like we're supposed to feel bad for him.
In the end, I just wanted to warn people to stay away from this series. I'm not convinced that it'll get better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Aug 27, 2016
Contrary to the rating I give this movie, I don't hate it. I don't necessarily like it either. I'd read the manga to see if the story is more fleshed out.
Story: 4/10
The story is interesting and, by all means, depressing. It's about a girl who finds out that life is a bitch. That's the condensed version of the story anyway, but it is true. Once you think she finds some form of happiness (albeit twisted), it's ripped from her and beaten into a pulp to leave her more miserable than the previous occurrence. This movie is told almost as a folklore, and that may be
the real problem: it's just not fleshed out enough. Viewers are often confused by what is being displayed before them and they have a difficult time understanding what exactly is going on. I have found myself saying, "What is going on...?" several times. I love psychological movies, but I wouldn't classify this as such because it isn't really diving deep into the brain of the viewer. I can see it as a film that sees how the viewer would react to what the believe to be wrong, or an extreme tale about how "others have it worse" or "life is a bitch." Overall, I guess I just wanted a little more.
Art: 5/10
Like Yami Shibai the art style of this movie is similar to a kamishibai. It's a fascinating way to tell the story and it is effective. That effectiveness further compliments my statement about how the story was like a grotesque folklore. I also liked some of the character designs: nothing special, but they stood out. However, sometimes there was too much going on in the picture that I couldn't understand what was going on. Overall, the art compliments the story, but it was too cluttered at times.
Sound: 5/10
I thought the voice acting was fine and I didn't think much of the music. It wasn't captivating, but it wasn't annoying. I was just kind of there.
Characters: 4/10
There's not much to say about the characters aside from we feel sorry for Midori and all the other characters are assholes. There's this weird part of the movie (well, the whole movie is weird) where the asshole characters are wishing Midori the best of luck and she evens says that she hopes to see them again. There was no transition. I figured that they stopped bothering her was because of her partner who had power, but for her to say that she hopes to see them again is mind-boggling. Another reason why I want to read the manga is to see if there's a better transition...Wait, what's that you say? There's only 1 volume with 8 chapters? Oh...
Enjoyment: 4/10
Now, this isn't really something you "enjoy," but it is interesting. But this is what I took from it:
- The story was confusing at times.
- the art was okay, but too cluttered.
- There's a random character change in many of them.
- Life's a bitch.
But, I do recommend it just because it's so bizarre.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Apr 9, 2016
“There She Is!!” is a five-episode ONA in which each episode is about five minutes long. The premise is a female rabbit falls in love with a male cat in a society that rejects the idea of interspecies relationships and how they cope. There is no dialogue at all in the series, but each episode stars a song that matches the mood of the episode. What I loved about the story was despite the short length and lack of dialogue, there is a strong story and good character development. The moral of how all love should be accepted is strong and presented well, and it’s
still relevant today.
Story: 10/10
Then there are the characters. Our leads are a female rabbit, Doki, and a male cat, Nabi. When the first meet, Nabi is against the idea of challenging society but eventually gives in. After several dates, he starts to fall in love with her. During the rising action, Nabi is becoming overwhelmed from the fighting between protesters and supporters, but Doki stays strong. In the end, they fall back in love. Their perseverance through their trials, errors, and successes is heartwarming.
That’s not to exclude the side characters. There isn’t much to say about them as they aren’t the main focus, but the few distinct characters within are very supportive of the relationship and cause making them likable.
There isn’t much to say about character except for there is strong development (better than some anime).
Characters: 10/10
The only thing to talk about for sound is the music and that does not disappoint. Each song fits the tone of the accompanying episode. The songs I liked the most were in episodes 1 and 4 (as well as the story points in those episodes). Episode four especially conveys the distressing atmosphere of the war between the protesters and the supporters and the relationship of Doki and Nabi stuck in the center of it all.
Music: 10/10
The animation is done with flash, but it fits the short in a sense. It has an innocent appearance which, I feel, further appeals the powerful message within. It’s nothing noteworthy, but it’s cute.
Animation: 9/10
Overall, it is a phenomenal piece of art with good music, likable characters and story, and a beautiful and powerful message: all love should be accepted.
Overall: 10/10
Do I recommend it? Yes, yes I do. I don’t care how old you are, take 20 minutes to sit down and watch this ONA. It can be found on YouTube.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 15, 2015
I'll be honest here: I didn't finish the manga. I just read what the library had and didn't bother to finish it online. Not really worth it since it's one of the WORST manga I've ever read.). But, sadly, I read most of it. I just really want to voice my opinion about this series.
(Warning: There is some language and some spoilers.)
Story: 1/10
It's stupid, to say the least. I read it because it was there, but...ugh. I had low expectations, but the reality was worse. So, if you read the description, "Hot Gimmick" is about a girl who's 'forced' to become a rich guy's
'sex' slave. There are too many terrible cliches and unnecessary 'drama' throughout the series. But, I do admit, the side-story with Hatsumi's sister and their childhood friend was good and realistic.
Art: 3/10
The characters were ugly and too many time the backgrounds were pictures of actual parks and whatnot. It's lazy and awkward to see these characters stand in a 'real' picture.
Character: 3/10
I hate most of the characters. Hatsumi is retarded. I am not joking; with Lord knows how many times she's been abused (mentally, physically, and sexually), she doesn't do ANYTHING! We're supposed to like her because she forgives everyone and she's too nice. What a role-model...
Then there's Ryoki and Azusa. These two assholes are...assholes. Ryoki is abusive and constantly tortures Hatsumi to be his 'sex slave.' But it's okay because he loves her. BULLSHIT! Then the mangaka wants us to feel bad and like Azusa. He has a grudge towards Hatsumi's father and tries to get revenge by (attempting to) gang-bang her. Then we get into his 'sob-story'.
Hatsumi's sister is a user and an asshole (until her relationship with their childhood friend, she's okay then).
But I said "most." There are two notable characters: The childhood friend and Shinogu. Both are really nice and I feel bad that they're in this manga. The childhood friend (don't feel like looking up his name, sorry) is good throughout the series. But this damn mangaka WANTED me to hate my favorite character, Shinogu. She did this by having him crush on his sister. I mean, I respect how hard he tries to ignore this feeling, but THIS ISN'T NECESSARY!
Enjoyment: 1/10
Overall: 3/10
Overall, I hate the story, lazy art, and most of the characters; while the only redeeming qualities were the side-story and the two characters I mentioned above. My apologies for the poorly made review, but please stay awy from this series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 13, 2014
I read the manga and loved it. When I saw that there was a movie adaptation, I was ecstatic. After reading some reviews, I figured it was a movie that fans would enjoy, but understand why people who haven't read the manga (or played the games maybe) wouldn't enjoy it. But, no. I was wrong. Horribly wrong.
*Note: I'm using 1 as the minimum.
Story: 1/10
The story was...non-existent. No, I take that back, it was just all over the place. I feel like, whoever made this film, tried to piece in a bit of all of the spin-off mangas to "Alice in the Country of Hearts".
Art: 4/10
simply didn't like it. It looked similar to the art by the artist who did "Alice in the Country of Clover: The Cheshire Cat Waltz". It was different from the parent manga's art and it just looked weird and out-of-place.
Sound: 7/10
I liked the voice actors. The characters sounded like how I imagined. The sound effects were fitting (not like there's much to say about them). The music was okay. Some of it didn't fit in the situation the characters were in, but maybe that's just me. Overall, it was nothing special.
Character: 7/10
Well this is sad. The main thing I enjoyed about the manga was the characters. They were fun and likable. In this movie, they were dull. Heck, you don't even get to see most of them for a long time. The characters that were shown the most were Alice (of course), Blood, Vivaldi, and Joker and Peter for an even shorter time. You have the Bloody Twins in the beginning, but we only see them for one or two more short scenes later in the film. Julius was barely in the movie at all! Gowland and Cheshire had little appearance as well. Then, my biggest problem for characters, was Ace. Sure, he had a lot of screen time at the end and a bit at the ball, but his fun side wasn't shown at all! I mean it was shown a little at the ball, but that's it. A whole 1-2 minutes of it. That's not to say they shouldn't show his serious and psychotic sides, but COME ON! The first reason I came to love Ace was how fun he could be despite how depressed he is. They didn't even show how easily he gets lost. It was mentioned when Alice introduced the characters, but that's it. Another thing about her introduction about Ace: While she tells about him, he's seen cooking some meat over a fire he made in the castle, but it's not explained. Those who read the manga would know that he camps out if he doesn't make it to his destination before nightfall. Nope, all the viewers get is, "He gets lost easily. He even gets lost in the castle." (or something along the lines of that).
Enjoyment: 2/10
It was boring and bothersome. There's one more thing I haven't mentioned that is always talked about in reviews: the pointless scenes. There are so many pointless scenes. I'll start with the scene changes with cards. In the beginning, the something would become a card, cards would rain, shuffle, spread, a card would flip over, it will reveal a scene, and then zoom into it. It was really long for a scene change. Then there was a mini segment in the beginning that pretty much told the basis of the story with cut-outs of the characters. It was cute, but unneeded. Then we have the infamous elevator scenes. What happens is a long segment cutting to the number of floors and them changing and cutting back to the doors in which you could see what the floor looked like. Rinse and repeat. No dialogue throughout. This happens again, only with two characters in the elevator and very few words are mumbled. Then a shorter version of the second elevator scene. It's just...why?
Overall: 2/10
Pointless scenes, jumbled story, dull representations of characters, cheesy art, and no conclusion. I don't recommend this waste of time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Apr 25, 2014
Story: 4/10
For what it had of a story, Clover was interesting.
The major problem: Most of the pages were lyrics and mostly blank pages.
I hate lyrics in literary works because I don't know the melody. I'll try to make a tune, then fail. Eventually, I'll just skip the songs. That's all right, but if the pages are mostly lyrics, that's not good.
Also, there is little plot development. The volumes are told out of order. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE stories that are out of order: Like Pulp Fiction and Sin City. The thing about those movies/comics is that they have plot development.
What I mean about
out of order is that volumes 1 & 2 are the "main story", then volumes 3 & 4 are "flashbacks".
Art: 7/10
I've never been a fan of CLAMP's character artwork, but their backgrounds, splash pages, and details are beautiful! That's the case for Clover, but a lot of the pages are mostly blank and with lyrics.
Character: 3/10
There is little character development. Scratch that. There isn't character development. Sure, volumes 3 & 4 add to the characters, but it isn't really character development. So, why do I rate it as high as I did? That's simple: I like the characters. Yes, the characters are enjoyable. They had so much potential though. Gingetsu was a potential badass!
Enjoyment: 2/10
It wasn't bad, but it's not a good sign if the reader can't wait till the manga is finished so they can put it away and (possibly) never read it again.
Overall: 5/10
The story, for what there was of it, was interesting, the art was okay, and the characters were enjoyable.
But there was no plot or character development, and Gingetsu could have been a badass.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 15, 2014
I stumbled upon this when I was looking for manga like Dogs: Bullets and Carnage and manga by/art by Shirow Miwa. It was only 2 chapters and I thought "What the heck, I'll read it!"
Story: 5/10
The story is awesome, but it felt rushed and it left me wanting more. BLACK MIND is about a high-schooler who's a hitman for the government. After a mission, the girl he likes is ordered to kill him. Later, we are given a little backstory of both characters. (Mostly Nao, the female) We learn that her brother was experimented on and became a psycho. Yohane then goes against his
orders to kill Nao's brother.
Art: 10/10
I LOVE Miwa's art! It's dark and his characters always look so awesome.
Character: 4/10
There is no character development. You know little to nothing about the characters. I would've rated the characters 3 out of 10, but the art boosts it up one.
Enjoyment: 8/10
Overall, I enjoyed it. The art is amazing and the action is awesome. It's just the rushed feeling and no character development.
Overall: 7/10
Dogs fans will probably enjoy this. The art in both manga are done by Miwa. The characters look similar too (Yohane=Haine; Nao=Naoto). It's basically a Dogs prototype. XD
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 20, 2014
This is just a one-shot as the description says.
Any fan of Pandora Hearts would appreciate and enjoy this little one-shot of Gilbert in a dress arguing with the narrator. (Especially considering how serious and confusing the manga is getting now.) It's just a goofy and light-hearted break really.
So, if your brain is melting due to all of the plot-twists and confusing-ness of Pandora Hearts, just read Gilbert in Wonderland to relieve yourself. :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 20, 2014
When I was walking along in the manga section of the library, I saw this odd manga. I picked it up and thought it looked stupid. (Never judge a book by it's cover.) Still, I checked it out just for grins and giggles. This is by far the funniest manga I've ever read!
Story: 8/10
It is a basic love story, only with a girly male and manly female. There are a few "dramatic" moments, but, overall, it's a light-hearted story.
Art: 7/10
Personally, I wasn't too keen on the art because...well...it was too "girly" for my liking. But, it is a shoujo manga and it fits the story.
Oh how I love these characters! Each one is so lovable! They all have their cons, but not to a point where they're annoying. Of course, they have their pros too. Most of the male characters you meet have their own little otomen side. Also, the characters develop a bit along the way. It's nothing major, but it's still fun to see certain characters grow closer.
Enjoyment: 9/10
Like I said earlier, this is the funniest manga series that I've read! I was actually laughing out loud, and it takes a lot to make me do so. Otomen also gives me the warm fuzzies at points too~
It's worth the read if you want a hilarious, light-hearted story. :3
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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