Do you ever wish you could go back in time and change an event or something you did? Even if it were something as simple as not eating that mexican food for dinner, or something much more than that? Whether your answer is yes or no, Orange is an amazing manga that portrays the emotion (Regret) greatly.
Orange is a story that seems simple at first glance but when you get into it, it's much more than a simple story. To put this without any spoilers, Orange is a very strong and emotional story about what it's like to lose someone.
STORY (9/10)
To keep this
May 26, 2016
The human emotions are a very sensitive thing to begin with, but what if you had grown up not knowing of the negative emotions? A place where there is no crime, and everything is perfect? Welcome to no. 6, a 'Utopian' town where everything seems to be perfect.
STORY: 9/10 The story follows the journey of two boys, Nezumi and Shion, along with many others. It is a story that can at first be hard to fall into (for some, at least), but as you continue reading, it's almost impossible to stop yourself from being interested. There are a wide variety of emotions in this manga, ... |