Ill be honest its not bad but its not good. The characters are all not very fleshed out the mc is just a bland slate. But heres where we get to the wort part apart from the pacing which you get used to is his sisters.
So the mc gets married right all wells right wrong both his sisters are massive bro cons so the older sister wasnt invited to his wedding cause they know shes involve with her brother right. So mcs parents know but his parents are too in love with eachother to corredct her ways. Now we move onto the younger sibling, she
Sep 4, 2024
Ore ni wa Kono Kuragari ga Kokochi Yokatta: Zetsubou kara Hajimaru Isekai Seikatsu, Kami no Kimagure de Kyousei Haishinchuu
Ill be honest. If you want to read this manga do it if your really bored, because its honestly horrible.
The MC to basically every character is fleshed out horribly, to the setting of the world. Basically its just a s*it show from start to finish. How this has a novel and whoever greenlighted it to be serialized deserves prison time. The MCs sisters are the second worst characters in the manga the MC is first. People are randomly chosen to be sent to a different world and its continuously livestreamed and if someone kills whoever is chosen can take their place. You'd think the Japanese ... Mar 26, 2024
Little Jumper
For me i have mixed feelings for this series. At first the story was cool looking for Chimas father, looking to see who Hiroki's future wife will be but then down the line you clock on that Chima isn't even Hiroki's kid yet she calls him father whilst knowing who her actual dad is i reckon. It actually baffles me especially with that open ending finding out Hiroki will die.
Character 5/10: A lot of cliche characters but what brought the character rating down was Chima and AI although future Hiroki may have feelings for AI i cant remember he could've at least told past Hiroki ... |