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Feb 19, 2022
Don't worry about spoilers here. There is nothing to spoil.
This series is about an emotionless killer reborn in a fantasy world in a dinasty of emotionless killers.
Here is what I got to know during the first five episodes:
Lugh is the main character, reborn in the family Tuatha Dé.
Lugh is very clever. Lugh is very skillful. Lugh is worthy of the name of Tuatha Dé. Lugh is a very serious person. Lugh is incredibly powerful already as a child. Lugh has immense amount of mana. Lugh is an incredible mage. Lugh is a good cook. Lugh is a good fighter. Lugh is fantastic.
Lugh i popular, because he is fantastic. Lugh helps. Lugh is attractive. Lugh is elegant. Lugh is courteous. Lugh is cheered by everyone. Lugh is even better than his father. Lugh is even better than anyone in his family. Lugh is even better than anyone among his predecessors. Lugh is still fantastic. Noone can be like Lugh. It's impossible to be nearly as good as Lugh. Lugh I am the happiest girl in the world for I am your servant. Lugh I wouldn't want to be a Tuatha Dé because then I could not be your servant. Being your servant is the goal of my life.
Meanwhile, Lugh's personality is: He is emotionsless. He is serious. He is goal-oriented.
Lugh's father is: He is emotionless. He is serious. He is goal-oriented. He is proud of his son.
Lugh's mother is: Silly.
Lugh's teacher: Wants to stay with Lugh forever after knowing him for a few days, because Lugh is simply fantastic.
Lugh's servant girl is: Happy to be Lugh's servant. Her goal is to be an even better servant of Lugh. Has big boobs.
Every moment, every scene, every monologue, every dialogue is an exposition about how incredible Lugh is. I don't know what kind of sick wanabe self-realization dream this is, but it is utterly boring, and after a while gets irritating.
By the way, the whole story has an eerie resemblance to Mushoku Tensei. Just without any sign of personalities.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jul 4, 2021
This is an adorable story about how teenage children cope with emotions, both good and bad. The show is funny and cute, the two MCs are likeable, and till the show reaches it's end, it will be clear that this light comedy has a very beautiful message, and how the "chuunbyiou syndrome" is actually a deep symbolism. The scene in the end at the shore put tears in my eyes.
It is as deep and adorable as Somali and the forest spirit.
If you like that kind of anime, this is absolutely your world! :)
Now a few thoughts about what I didn't like. This contains a little
info about what kind of characters are introduced later in the show, so those who consider this a spoiler should not continue.
The problems:
- It is completely okay that Rikka climbs down to Yuuta for example during the night, they are children, they like each other, play, etc. But when Rikka's older sister who apparently is an adult does the same, hides under Yuuta's bed, goes through his stuff, harrasses and hits him, and talks about stuff with his little sister that are clearly inappropriate for a toddler, that is a crime punishable by law, and should be reported to the police.
- When Rikka's sister hits and kicks (several times!!!) her just because she doesn't like what her little sister is saying, that is a crime, and should be reported to the police.
- If you are such a stupid older sister who can't even talk properly to your little sister because it would "ruin your image", if you are such an incompetent pathetic mother that you can't even talk to your child and help her after a tragedy, if you are such an ass grandfather who is too "strict" to even try to begin understanding your grandchild's feelings, but you are at least somewhat worried, then please at least talk with a childrens psychologist.
- Expecting a child to behave emotionally as a full grown and emotionally intelligent (!!!) adult, and to tell her to quit playing around, accept reality, there is nothing beyond this life... that is unspeakably evil and stupid. I could hit these characters in the face. And hope this won't spoil anything but: has anyone heard about religions? Because religious thoughts about life and soul pretty much convey the same message that Rikka believes in.
- I am pretty sure that the show did not intend to convey this message for it's not mentioned in any way, but according to the events it is Rikka's family who are totally incompetent, lack even a bit of empathy, and / or can not at all cope with what happened, let alone help Rikka cope with it in any way.
That's why I give it an 8, not a 10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 18, 2021
In the 10th episode the MC literally declairs that he has no purpose or goal.
Those who follow him hear this as an ultimate wisdom, and continue to follow him to a deathmarch. The MC doesn't care that he leads his friends into constant mortal danger for no purpose.
This sums it up.
Second season of a run-off-the-mill stereotypical ganbare-shounen fantasy. The characters are still one-trait, still act utterly, irritatingly stupid. Story is still forgettable, the world still lacks any detail.
I was hoping that the MC's and side characters' pesonality will develop after the first season, but sadly, they are still the same, but maybe
even worse in one aspect: in the first season they were all somewhat sceptical regarding the MC-s unreasonable "ganbare" mentality, because it can get everyone killed, and it's not about others. It's about the MC satisfying his dreams of heroism, without any responsibility for others. Now in the second season they accept and love it.
The first season at least treats you with some comedy and false hope during the first two episodes.
There are hundreads if not thousands of similar fantasies out there, I recommend to choose one of those instead, because this is uspeakably dreadful.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 18, 2021
Starts very good.
The first episode is practically a sarcastic comedy of every "ganbare" type shounen.
The second episode convinces you that in this anime the characters will act as normal people do, and the ganbare type MC is practically just a dumb kid who has to grow up to live in this world. At this point, this anime was very promising, at last something new, something cliché-breaking.
But it betrays you. The longer I watched, the more evident it became that despite the prelude, this really is just one of those fantasy shounens that you can find on every corner.
Boring story if there is any,
one-trait characters, no character development, undetailed world.
But in one aspect, this anime is worse than your run-off-the-mill fantasy:
The characters are not only stereotypical, but most of them are unbelievably, utterly stupid, so much that it is irritating. Others want to convince you that they have some kind of personality, some kind of purpose, but they don't. The rest are just pure evil, because something something dark side - you won't get to know really.
The same goes for the second season, just even more so.
It's a pity.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 14, 2021
This show raised one cardinal question in my mind:
Who thinks that a man casually and repeatedly beating up women is funny?
Because this show thinks it is.
I recommend to watch episode 7 first, and see if you like it. There are no spoilers in it, because this series does not have a story.
"The strange technics that Genzo uses can be really painful. The more you try to fight back, the worse the pain will be."
... Says one woman to the other at the beginning of episode 7, after Genzo beats up a girl he just met. Then he beats the whole adventurer's guild
unconscious because he is angry, and almost beats up an old man as well.
By the way, yes, he beats up random guys too, not just women. Throws them into stone walls etc without warning, because he doesn't like to be adressed as "beast killer". Which is always supposed to be a compliment in the adventurers guild, where obviously many have suffered / lost loved ones because of said beasts. The show makes this clear in an early episode. But even this moment is intended to be funny, because Genzo loves these beasts.
A little more detail:
This is a story about a wrestler who gets isekaid, tagged as a comedy. The show is funny at times, but tends to repeat the same jokes over and over again, so it's no longer funny after one or two episodes. Moreover, as I wrote at the beginning, there are some very weird things going on, presented as jokes.
Some side characters are cute, nothing else to say about them, they don't have much of a personality, maybe except for Shigure. The MC is a zoophiliac parasite, zero IQ, agressive and egocentric, overdosed with testosterone, muscles instead of braincells in his head. Not at all likeable.
Art is nice.
Sound is okay, nothing special.
That's about it. It would be a low-key forgettable funny-ish series, but it touches some things and presents them as comedy that no normal people would laugh at.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 11, 2021
A sad romantic story which would be as charmingly clumsy as it's heroine, and calmly kind as it's hero, but it's simple beauty is completely obliterated by the forgettable stereotypical one-trait side characters, who uncontrollably and histerically shout utter nonsense throughout nearly every scene, almost without even one single instance of real human reaction to anything that happens.
However even if you work your way through this wannabe humorous style, the real disappointment comes after around episode 8, when the heroine turns into a plastic kawaifu, and all the scenes turn into romantic-like fanservice.
The show wants to deliver deep scenes filled with emotions, but
systematically destroys them by itself, it wants to deliver a deep message about life inevitably passing away, but erases it with the most simplistic kawainess.
Hollow, but fairly enjoyable.
If you would like to shed tears over an artistic mixture of cuteness, sadness, and the shadow of losing the one you love the most, all packed into a memorable slice of life, then go for Somali to Mori no Kamisama. Garanteed impact of the deepest emotions.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 27, 2020
It is quite hard for me to find good animes, since I have seen many that set a high standard. I must say that Re:Zero is among the best ones. There are but a few animes, series and movies that can make a deep impact on me, and this one managed to do that. Why do I give a 6 / 10 then? Well I myself have been trying to find an answer to that question. In some way it is 6 / 10, in another way it is 10 / 10.
I usually read reviews after I have finished watching the anime, partially to
avoid reading any spoilers, but mainly because a review can't really tell me whether I will find the anime entertaining or not. It is quite hard to write reviews without mentioning some parts of the story, so... minor spoilers ahead.
If you want to get a glimpse of the emotions that Re:Zero consists of then please jump to the musics section, listen to the four recommended tracks, and ignore all other parts of the review.
An anime consists of many different elements, and basically it was the difference between the quality of these elements that made me confused.
Let's see the good parts first.
The ANIMATION mostly resembles a usual everyday anime, but there are some scenes that are so beautifully drawn that it feels like a completely different show. These scenes often appear at some key points of the whole anime. Furthermore the mimics of the characters at some key moments are very talkative and nicely done.
The MUSIC is superb. Fantastic. Brilliant. Some of the musics in this anime rival Lilium (at least for me). When I recommend animes to my friends I always send some links to the most beautiful tracks. I believe that it is music that conveys most of the emotions that the anime consists of, so here you go, I am sure if you google them you will find them:
Takt of heroes
Echt of sorrow
The first ending song
And I saved the best for the last: Requiem of silence
I literally cried at the end of 15th episode because of the music and scenery. For me it was downright artistic, composed like the end of a tragic drama movie. It is probably one of the best episode endings I have seen so far. The end of the 19th episode when the mobile starts ringing and how it is converted into the ending music gave me the chills. The music during Wilhelm's fight felt epic.
They have managed to make something really outstanding during these and similar scenes.
Well then, what's the bad part.
The STORY. Characters are mediocre as well, but it is the story that is problematic. I won't analyze the whole plot, I will just grab some key elements of it to demonstrate my point of view, so it can feel a bit random and incomplete.
Here comes the minor spoiler part...
- The main element of the story is that Subaru comes back from death to a checkpoint or save point every time he dies. This checkpoint moves forward in time as he does. This essentially good ability has to be twisted with something that makes it bad. One of these things is that every time he tries to say "I can come back from death" he feels immense pain and can't finish the sentence. This whole situation bumps into the main problem of these kind of stories: Why can't he just say that "I can see some possible futures", "I have visions", "I have dreams that can be prophetic"... Let's assume he can't even say these things, but he doesn't even tell others that "I have a very difficult problem which makes my life hard but I am unable to talk about it because if I want to something prevents me from it." Plot hole. The other thing that makes it bad is that he dies a lot of times. Painfully. Brutally. Even if he doesn't, he is humiliated, beaten, etc. He gets his bones broken with a chain. His brain is smashed out of his head together with his eyeballs. He is drained of his magic energies which makes him feel like he is poisoned to death. He runs around with broken limbs. He is beaten up so bad that his face is unrecognizable. He is chained to a wall and left there to die of starvation or thirst, while he almost rips his hands off with the handcuffs and wants to hit his head into peaces on the floor. But feeling physical pain is not enough, right? Even his loved ones have to be in pain just for the sake of making him feel even more suffering. They are murdered with blades, magic and whatnot. Mutilated till they look like a broken puppet. I could go on. It does not have to be burtality that makes us feel sorry for a character.
There are many other creative and better ways to make the setting for character development and the story itself.
Let's check some less heavy stuff, but still problematic storywise.
- Subaru falls in love with Emilia the moment he meets her, without knowing anything about her.
- Subaru falls in love with a castle and all of it's inhabitants after spending only a couple of days there, being treated like poop, and being murdered a couple of times. But he is ready to do anything for that place and for his newly found friends there.
- One of the girls (who are basically the ideals of every teenage boy) falls in love with Subaru after like... three days, because he is the only one in her entire life who made her feel that her life counts.
- The other girl likes Subaru because she is an ideal girl who has to like the main protagonist. And at the end... he is the only one in her entire life who made her feel that her life counts.
- Why didn't Puck protect everyone in the castle from the bad guys? In one of the movies, "Frozen bonds", we can see that Puck is basically a godlike creature, who defeats an even more powerful godlike creature to save Emilia. Where is that Puck now? He comes forth in his majestic form but only after everyone has died.
- Other side characters are mostly forgettable, consist of one or two traits.
As I said random examples, the list goes on.
But let's say that these things can be ignored.
THE MAIN PROBLEM is that the story is badly written, and not only in the literary aspect. I realized this a few weeks after watching the anime, when I randomly read some parts of the light novel just out of curiosity.
- We don't know anything about Subaru. He comes from another world, our world, but we don't know a thing about him apart from the fact that he "has done nothing" and that he likes manga. He never said that he misses his friends, family, anything.
- We don't know anything about the fantasy world either, apart from that there is some kind of dragon, a kingdom, no king, and a witch. And we know about one village. And Subaru knows only about one village, and only cares for that one. The story wants to tell us that he wants to save everyone, but that's not true. He wants to save only the ones that he knows.
- The side characters, as said before, mostly are one sided. It was at the election scene when I really realized this. It is obvious that Emilia is the only one who should lead the kingdom, but not because we know anything about her skills. Because the other ones are stupid, selfish, care only about themselves, or downright evil. This character simplicity is recognizable throughout the whole story.
- Meaningless brutality is excessive, jut for the sake of making us feel bad for Subaru.
- The main character is utterly stupid, selfish, can't learn from his own mistakes, reacts in the strangest way to most of the situations. But let's say it is just his personality.
- But even side characters react to situations in ways that doesn't make sense. To give an example, Subaru, a stupid teenage boy starts to make a totally stupid speech at the elections, and says some bad things about the knights. What would be a normal reaction? They remove this too loud child from the room. But what happens? One of the best and most honorable knights of the kingdom almost beats him to death. A teenage boy with too large ego. Just to make this (in his eyes) random teenage boy feel that he said wrong things. Moreover, he does this in front of the other honorable knight who watch the whole thing in an arena. What? Really? There are several such situations.
- A very important thing: Character development... First it feels like Subaru's character develops with time. I really felt that way at the scene when he cries his heart out in Emilia's lap, although even this scene was a little bit overexaggerated in a way (this was the part where he said he really liked the place, the castle, where he spent a couple days, was treated like poop, and murdered a few times). But let's just put up with that, the story has to go forward in some way or the other. But after this, there is no character developement, that I can also put up with.
The real problem is that Subaru's character changes back and forth. He is normal, then funny, then stupid, then normal, then lunatic, then mind-broken, then normal and cheerful, then vengeful... you could say that he is confused because the many bad things that happened to him, but this is not the case. These changes are so intense and abrupt that it feels really unnatural.
I have felt another chance for character development after the speech in the 18th episode. I said, wow, now comes the part where he realizes his own errors, corrects his mistakes, throws away his ego for the sake of the ones he love, and accept that his arrogance must be dealt with.
I expected that he goes to Julius, apologizes to the knights, who will help him with his almost impossible endeavour of saving all his loved ones. But no. He only puzzles together some small pieces of information in a not so convincing way to convince some powerful side characters (who otherwise only care about their profits and don't give a poop about whether other people live or die - and this seems to be their only trait) to help him in exchange for some stuff they want, like a right to some magic ore mine which we haven't heard about before, revenge, etc.
This anime wanted to tell us that the protagonist has to deal with his own ego to reach his goals, and can't do anything just because he reeeeally wants to, like in other shounens. You know the phrase, "I will do my best!" "I must be more powerful!", and then everything is solved. But in the end, it's the same. Subaru tries again and again and again because he is able to, he does the same mistakes over and over again, and then suddenly puzzles together some info and wins the day. Many people die for this, but we don't know who they are, so it's not a problem. As Wilhelm said when for a moment Subaru was feeling bad about all who died because of him, "you have to be strong". And then everything is solved.
Re:Zero, the story, the material the whole anime is based on, is badly written. But don't misunderstand me, I respect the writer. This is a story that is loved by many people. It makes people wonder, feel happiness, pain, sorrow, this is a story that many people enjoy, and that managed to be so captivating that there is a manga and an anime based on it. And that is the most important thing. I also liked it and found it interesting, that is why I am here writing a review.
If I rate this anime as it is, I give it a 6 / 10.
If I rate this anime knowing that White Fox studio took an average background story with all it's imperfections and they managed to create this show out of it, then I rate it 10 / 10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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