Apr 25, 2021
Zombieland Saga
Well this sure was something else as it's own especially being a idol anime it's not all about the pretty face or how they are just girls in fact it feels like you actually just know the girls as there own persons and hearing the struggles they all went/go through hits you too feel for them just how well thought out the main characters are in this is just so lovely well done and the way the made the character dynamics as well was beautifully done as I think it did it way more better than how LoveLive's character dynamics it follows the trope of
Apr 25, 2021
Well this anime just really hit a special place to me I love how it broke the gender standards with it's main couple, Hori being like the tough and strong one and Miyamura being the shy, awkward kind of guy. I also just love how it focused on it's side characters too and told the story of not only romantic struggles but teenage struggles as I am a teenager myself that I even ended up relating to almost every character in this at some point LOL. This really just brought a new light to the romance genre as it is and that's what I really
Apr 25, 2021
Devils Line
The story is pretty intriguing and the concept of the Devil's society gives a good take of in real life society metaphorically very well though the romance is sort of a problem to me in terms of Tsukasa's side there relationship is pretty important to the story but I Tsukasa had pretty poor behavior but not only that I feel like there relationship felt a bit rushed when they caught feelings for each other kind of but the pair did manage to work very well at it's good moments as it goes on I know the romance is not the main focus and that's fine