Is love meant to be romantic? Is it for the sole purpose of keeping each other feeling more complete?
This story follows the two main characters: the apathetic pretty boy Souji, and the free-spirited Mika. A feeling that is left from reading this story is best portrayed as bittersweet.
The complexity shared in their feelings for each other highlights the many stages and types of both love and relationships. I really enjoyed this read because is it was refreshing for a manga of it's genre. We typically get the romantic-type of setting in which both parties adore each other and work towards the goal of being
Aug 17, 2014
New York New York
First things first, if you do not like BL or aren't even interested in it or perhaps have not given it a chance, don't let this turn you away!!! If you're in for one of those dramatic, psychological trips then this is for you. A big trigger warning to those who are affected by some minor gore, self-mutilation, bigotry and sexual/phsyical abuse though.
I read a lot of BL/Yaoi manga, and by far this one was incredibly touching and realistic to me. It's quite rare to find a realistic Yaoi that covers a lot of the true struggles of being a homosexual. What's interesting about this ... |