One big question in deciding whether to watch Moshidora or not is to ask yourself if you like realistic anime. There are no "power ups" and the characters are very human.
Story (9): A key concept to this anime is applying business theory to managing a baseball team. For example "Marketing" is useful to the team because people can find beneficial interactions (e.g. joint practice with track team). I think this concept is executed well enough though. It is slow but every development makes sense. The pacing actually reminds me more of cross game than one outs or major although
Apr 23, 2011
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
First Impression: Oh look it's a magical girl anime...not really into that genre...hmm character designs are pretty cute though...animation is also very much above the average...not bad I'll keep watching for a bit..................................and a few episodes later...WOW...
Story(9): So this is a magical girl anime, but unlike any you have seen before. For fans of magical fight scenes, there is plenty of jaw dropping moments. There are guns, grenades, rocket launchers, mines, swords, spears, etc. etc. And as for the epicness/scope of the anime it is one of few anime that comes close to the epicness/scope of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann For fans ... |