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Angel Beats!
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Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Whilst I personally prefer Anohana to Angel Beats, they are pretty similar in some aspects. The first and most obvious thing is that both shows are centred around the theme of coping with death. Anohana is about coping with the death of someone close to you, Angel Beats is about coping with your own death. Other similarities include: ❀ A unique set of characters of whom you'll remember. ❀ Tear-inducing endings ❀ Bits of romance but not the centre of the shows.
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Air is another amazing Key/Visual Arts work, just like CLANNAD. Both have the "arc" structure and both make you tear up throughout. CLANNAD is considered better by most but Air is still a great watch if you're into Key/Visual Arts' works. Other similarities include: ❀ Great, tear-inducing arcs ❀ Amazing characters ❀ A very similar, cute art style ❀ Soundtracks of which are masterpieces
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Kanon (2006)
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Kanon (2006) is another one of Key/Visual Arts' iconic tear-inducing shows. Honestly, out of CLANNAD, Air and Kanon, Kanon is definitely my favourite. It has the same feel of which we've all felt before, but even more. Kanon (2006) goes through every arc, but makes all feel as if they have contributed something within the show and each is valued the exact same. I cried at every arc. Other similarities include: ❀ A male main-character who is real and heartfelt ❀ The same "Arc"-type format, each of them are tear-jerkers ❀ An improved, cuter art style, than that of Air ❀ A masterpiece of a soundtrack ❀ Lovable female characters
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Clannad: After Story
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Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Both series involve comedy, drama, romance and a story that will tear your heart in two. The characters are relatable and 3D. Whenever there is an upsetting moment in either, I was left distraught mainly because of how the other characters felt and how easy it was to empathise with them. In terms of soundtrack, both are astounding. Both of the openings fit perfectly with the shows and good in their own rights. The OSTs for both are spectacular in their own, unique ways. Clannad involves music that will make the scenes even more of a tear-jerker. Whereas Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso has a many genres of music within the OST, which fits the show. I chose After Story, rather than the original Clannad series, because of the way it makes you cry or at least want to. Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso is very similar in that way.