[I was Bernstein as well, before the big mess in May-June 2018.]
Hi. I'd like to offer some words to those who landed here.
As far as genre is concerned, I consider myself a fan of slice of life and CGDCT especially, but I have happened to watch a bit of everything. Romantic shows, both comedic and dramatic, and school settings figure most frequently on my list, however good or bad they may be. I tend not to like shows with unreasonable premises or plot devices that work only because the creator wants them to work; somewhat unfairly, I'm prejudiced against mecha, battle shounen, and a few others. Apart from this, and in the interest of keeping my description acceptably short, I can only say that good shows are good, and fun things are fun.
Regarding studios, I'm definitely a fan of Shaft, Kyoto Animation, and P.A. Works, and an appreciator of others such as Doga Kobo and Silver Link that focus on the genres I like without compromising on quality. Everything has to be taken with a grain of salt, of course: the best can fail and the worst can succeed, occasionally.
In real life, I go for a calm and amiable demeanour, but I keep people at arm's length even after years of knowing them. That clashes with my inner life, where I can be hot-blooded and downright stupid. I have a variety of interests, ever-changing and super-specific and not interesting to the others around me: sometimes I find amusement in having them just for the sake of having them, and taking the hardest stances on the most obscure things, which again delights me and no one else. My username comes from Leonard Bernstein the conductor.
List of anime I've watched (in chronological order): here.
Finally, some words of wisdom that too many anime fans ought to remember, from the first preface (1670) of Racine's Britannicus:
Ceux qui voient le mieux nos défauts sont ceux qui les dissimulent le plus volontiers. Ils nous pardonnent les endroits qui leur ont déplu, en faveur de ceux qui leur ont donné du plaisir. Il n'y a rien, au contraire, de plus injuste qu'un ignorant. Il croit toujours que l'admiration est le partage des gens qui ne savent rien. Il condamne toute une pièce pour une scène qu'il n'approuve pas. Il s'attaque même aux endroits les plus éclatants, pour faire croire qu'il a de l'esprit; et pour peu que nous résistions à ses sentiments, il nous traite de présomptueux qui ne veulent croire personne, et ne songe pas qu'il tire quelquefois plus de vanité d'une critique fort mauvaise, que nous n'en tirons d'une assez bonne pièce de théâtre. Homine imperito numquam quidquam injustius.
My translation (if you trust my French and Latin):
Those who better see our shortcomings are those who more willingly dissimulate them. They forgive us the moments that displeased them, in favour of those that provided them with enjoyment. There's nothing, on the contrary, unfairer than an ignorant. He always believes that admiration is the attribute of the people that don't know anything. He condemns an entire piece for a scene that he doesn't approve. He clings even to the most brilliant moments, in order to make others believe that he has wit; and as little as we resist against his opinions, he treats us as presumptuous people who don't want to believe anybody, and he doesn't consider that he sometimes glorifies himself more for a very bad critique than we do for a quite good play. There is never anything unfairer than an inexpert person.
Super sorry this is such an incredibly late response!! But I'm really glad you enjoyed Natsume Yuujinchou! And don't mind about the suggestion!! I've been really picky with how I rate my anime. It also wasn't terrible or anything! So, thank you for the suggestion! c:
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