greetings! the name is belarabi as you can see and welcome to my page!
Well, nothing really special, just some lazy weeb failure who has zero communication skills (or any skills overrall) but somehow is oridinary internet debater for entire day which is a big waste of time for me
To tell more about myself in positive way instead, i can only talk my habits i suppose:
Im introvert who loves animes, usually the harem and romance genres, i also like like video games and used to play them but for now, I dont really have any gaming device expect from my normal phone
And I would like to make honest friends here :D
But just to warn you, if you want to be my friend, i 90% might be boring as heaven and dont know how to lead conversation in proper way, but with your based considération, i might overcome it and change despite i never had, to also add that anyone is welcome to become my friend to chat with as long they dosen't mind me as well :)
Yeah i know, that's some sad and pathetic message from loser like me XD but hey, by all means, i wont mind if you ignored it or even bullied me for that, it's only natural to do that and not like i really care anyway
My ranking way
ok, the way rate any anime i know is obvious
Just by pulling rondom number i feel it's deserve from my personal préférence and opinion
Just like how everyone does it, right?
And ofcourse i respect you to comment on my taste being horrible or not
Just dont bé too toxic about it, ok? Afterall everyone has his own opinion
My worst animes animes i've watched?
that's rough question, i usually only watch animes that i KNOW will like from anime's information, the least animes i like which is rare, i gived pity score like 6 or 7, and never below it
expect for only three i watched so far
1-boku no pico
out of curiosity since i wanted to know if it's THAT bad as everyone says, also because of papuar memes, and boi they were right
2-redo of healer
meh, it's actually good anime for it's own genre, for anybody who likés watching sadist mc doing extreme fccked up shtt just for revenge, then i suggest to watch it because i bet you will liké it, but for me? im sorry but naah im not into that shtt
3- Rent a girlfriend
yeah the mc is thé one who ruined thé show for me and some of évents as well but i still respect if you liké that anime or even find it as your favorite, it just me not into that type
All Comments (8) Comments
Devil is A Part Timer
Kaguya Sama Love is War and Ishigami
High School DXD and Akeno
SPY X Family, Anya, Yor and Loud
And Attack on Titan and Demon Slayer Noice bro! :D