There are many factors that define whether a work, be it film, music or animation, should be considered successful or not. Obviously, quality is very important under any circumstances, but prioritizing quality above things like vision and soul would also make everything seem similar, no?
That might as well be the case since it's true for many anime (and not only).
But then there is Beck. A work so honest and passionate that it's impossible not to admire. Before I break down the anime
into parts, let me say this; I don't usually write reviews, but I felt I needed to write one for Beck. This
anime is definetely worth your time and is an unforgettable ride, so don't hesitate to watch it as soon as possible.
First there's the story. Although it starts pretty slow and feels like your average "slice of life" middle/high school anime, Beck doesn't take too long to pace itself. After only 3 episodes, you've already met many of the important characters, and the story has fleshed out quite nicely, preparing you for everything that's to come in the following episodes. There isn't much to say other than the fact that it's a heartwarming story about friendship, life and, of course, the struggles of belonging to an honest band inside a dishonest "money first" industry. In addition, every single character is very well written and feels real, which is definetely something positive for an anime of this type.
However, no anime can ever be completely perfect... The one and only problem with Beck is its occasionally weak animation. In fact, let's divide animation into two categories. One category is the "General Use", and the other is the "Gig" category. The "General Use" category covers the vast majority of the anime, and is used in all scenes apart from the ones covered by the "Gig" category (which I'll explain below). As you can imagine from my the first sentence of this paragraph, this category is pretty imperfect. There's many indications that the production was short on budget in some scenes, specifically those that include a lot of "action" on screen. Faces and limbs can sometimes appear very plain, some backgrounds aren't as rich as others and even instruments may lose some of their more detailed characteristics in some scenes. While many of these scenes are very easy to distinguish (bad animation can be distracting), they don't really ruin the anime's atmosphere at all, and on the contrary, perhaps toning animation quality down in some scenes was worth it, because we get to have....
...phenomenal "Gig" animation. That category covers almost all instances where a band is playing on stage (or sometimes when members of Beck are rehearsing or doing practice) and boy, is the animation beautiful here. Every single guitar or bass is extremely detailed on close up shots for example, and based on the movement of their hands, the band members are animated to play their instrument exactly how one would go about playing an actual instrument in real life. From simple chords and guitar solos to finger-picking the bass and keeping rhythm with the drums, everything is very well made and surprisingly accurate.
I have yet to go in depth on what makes Beck what it is, however. The music. Oh the music. Where to begin. If there was one reason for someone to recommend the anime over the manga, that would be the amazing work that's been put into this anime's soundtrack. The work and passion that's been put into the music is unprecedented. From the mood-setting and unskippable opening to the entirety of Beck's song catalogue, the music completely blew me away. Surprisingly, the voice actors also sing quite well (the dubbed songs are quite equal to the original japanese songs, but what makes the dub slightly better is probably the lack of Engrish. That applies for songs only, though). Even if Beck had the worst possible story and characterization in any piece of entertainment in the world, the music would be enough to carry the show. Don't believe me? Check out one of the OSTs for yourself. It really feels like listening to an unknown real life band with some beautiful ballads and catchy punk/hard rock tracks.
And in the end it all comes down to enjoyment. I am really grateful this anime came to exist, because like the band itself, it is an underrated beautiful gem hidden in a sea of trash. It's an honest anime with both sad and happy times that will make you believe that music might really be able to change the world after all. On a personal note, I want to thank Beck for reminding me many things I had long forgotten, and I'm sure many of you will be as grateful for its existence as I am.
I definetely recommend Beck with a score of 10/10. Absolutely do not miss this because you're going to regret it one day.
Feb 12, 2018
There are many factors that define whether a work, be it film, music or animation, should be considered successful or not. Obviously, quality is very important under any circumstances, but prioritizing quality above things like vision and soul would also make everything seem similar, no?
That might as well be the case since it's true for many anime (and not only). But then there is Beck. A work so honest and passionate that it's impossible not to admire. Before I break down the anime into parts, let me say this; I don't usually write reviews, but I felt I needed to write one for Beck. This ... Sep 8, 2017
Shinseiki Evangelion
Neon Genesis Evangelion, a controversial anime since its inception. For some people, NGE is art at its purest form; the feelings and frustrations of its creator shaped appropriately to fit in a medium (in this case, animation). For others, it is just another anime struggling to draw the viewer's attention by presenting itself as "deep". In this review I will explain why I personally disagree with the latter and give reasons as to why I have given it a perfect score.
Story: 8/10 In my opinion the weakest part of NGE is its story. For its first quarter, the series is pretty story-driven as it introduces ... |