Boku no Kanojo ga Majimesugiru Sho-bitch na Ken easily ranks among the worst shows I have ever completed. I went into it expecting a mediocre ecchi harem romance full of fanservice and dirty jokes, yet somehow my expectations were too high.
They could have produced a halfway decent show centered around the concept of a relationship between the plain boring protagonist and a cute girl who is simultaneously perverted in her mind but inexperienced and innocent in terms of a real relationship. Making dick jokes one minute and blushing at the thought of holding hands the next. Instead it is a race to the bottom
Mar 25, 2017
The purpose of a PV episode like this is to give people a teaser. Introduce them to the characters, give a basic idea of the premise, and leave the audience wanting more. This accomplishes none of those goals, it's a completely botched advertisement. You won't gain any insight into what the show is actually about, who the characters are, or what the appeal is.
If I had seen this before watching the show, I probably never would have actually watched it. The series overall turns out to be an enjoyable take on a few tired concepts, rather than just yet another ecchi harem not worth ... |