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Aug 28, 2024
Having read the first 4 volumes (1,2,3,4.1 and 4.2) so far, this is meant as a partial review only. Also, I'm not really sure, if I will be continuing to read – and this is not entirely related to the work at question here. So trying to write out my thoughts up until this point whilst my memory is fresh seemed a good way to do this work justice.
Whilst I have admittedly only recently (2020) started with reading Light Novels and completed 2,5 so far – Mushoku Tensei; Shield Hero; Slave Harem in a Labyrinth – I sure was pumped at the beginning to read
something people praised as "as good as if not better than" Mushoku Tensei, which still lives rent-free in my mind to this day.
The novel angle of this LN are tabletop RPGs (TRPGs for short), the important aspects of which get explained throughout the books via little info texts here and there, which is fine at the beginning, but surely gets boring after a while since the plot implements very little of said genre except for the mostly well written "alternative timelines" at the end of the volumes. These short stories try to shine light on the question of "what if the plot took that turn here?", which makes for good meta-storytelling and further expansion on (side-) characters. Also it allows for delving into philosophical questions that normally wouldnt have occured otherwise.
PRO: The characters are really well written and their at times complex inner thought processes and relationship dynamics get enough space to see them come to life and at times even to be relatable. The world building is really good and one can see the different elements come together. The many races of this fantasy world have distinct features and one is intrigued to read more about them to find out, how they interact with each other. The only exception would be the "immortal" races, of which at least one specifically seems a tad too overpowered to be fitting in the big equation of the world, but that can be ignored.
CON: Although the premise of the story is a so-called "munchkin", a player that tries to maximize his/her chances of survival whilst doing the minimal of investment in skills of his character build, we only get an initial glimpse of MC's blessing (spending experience points into said skills) at the beginning, but his build gets practically ignored after the 2nd volume and no real information is offered to understand his options, which make every new skill he invests in later on only more annoying since they seem more of an afterthought of the author to overcome plot holes rather than being genuine build mechanics a fan of RPGs would enjoy to read more about.
Summary: The first two volumes of "Min-Maxing my TRPG-Build in Another World" have a good start with all the Isekai elements I came to love about. A relatable MC starting out small, albeit with a blessing, working their way up the ladder of the intricate fantasy world, whilst said world is taking shape and immerses us, the readers.
However the 3rd and both parts of the 4th volume manage to lose me many times over during the read because of how boring or hastened developments seem at times, whilst accomplishments of the MC, and most importantly, the development of his build, which is basically in the title of the work, seem either to be forgotten entirely or at best remembered when certain plot elements seem to be in need of development, which is sad.
I am gonna read vol. 5 to decide whether the series is really worth it for me. So far, I would like to give this work an 8/10, but unfortunately it's "just" 7/10 for me. Still enjoyable, but would have difficulties to recommend in general.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 4, 2024
Salaryman Kintarou: An Underrated Gem of 90s/00s Anime
"Salaryman Kintarou," despite its dated animation style and occasionally hurried plot development, remains a remarkable and, dare I say, a masterpiece in its own right. This anime offers a gripping narrative filled with adult themes, an inspiring protagonist, and a beautiful soundtrack that collectively set it apart from its contemporaries.
One of the most striking aspects of "Salaryman Kintarou" is its bold approach to adult themes. The series dives deep into the gritty realities of violence, rape, biker gangs (Bōsōzoku), organized crime, and high-level corruption within politics and corporations. These elements paint a vivid picture of late 20th-century
Japan, providing a stark backdrop against which the story unfolds. Despite these heavy themes, the anime manages to maintain a light-hearted tone through clever use of tongue-in-cheek humor, comedic interludes during fight scenes, and a generous sprinkling of fan service and romance. This balance makes the series both engaging and accessible, never allowing the darker elements to overwhelm the viewer.
Kintarou, the protagonist, embodies a refreshing non-cynical approach to life's challenges. Emerging from a past as a gang leader, Kintarou's transition to a white-collar employee and single father is marked by determination and resilience. Rather than succumbing to depressive defeatism or cynical escapism, he remains steadfastly focused on his goals. His actions and mindset showcase the importance of true leadership qualities, which, as the series aptly demonstrates, cannot be taught through theory and seminars alone but must be earned through real-life experiences. This message, rooted in a distinctly Japanese code of honor, commitment, and sacrifice, resonates deeply. Even with its supernatural fight scenes, the anime maintains a down-to-earth messaging, offering a refreshing outlook on overcoming life's hardships.
Adding to the series' charm is its beautiful soundtrack. The ending theme, "Heaven~僕の中の天国~" ("We're in Heaven") by Norishige Takahashi, evokes a strong sense of nostalgia, even after more than a decade since my first viewing. The piano interludes scattered throughout the episodes enhance the 90s Japan movie and anime vibe, providing an auditory experience that is too exquisite to ignore.
In conclusion, "Salaryman Kintarou" stands out not only for its compelling narrative and themes but also for its unique ability to blend humor and seriousness seamlessly. While the old-school animation and sometimes rushed plot development might be off-putting to some, the anime's core strengths make it a timeless classic worth revisiting. Its mature themes, inspiring protagonist, and memorable soundtrack collectively contribute to its status as an underrated gem in the world of anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 1, 2009
Eines ganz klar vorweg: Großes Tennis wird hier nicht geboten.
Es ist durchschnittlich. Etwas ecchi, aber nicht allzu sehr versaut, etwas Komödie, aber kein Dauerlacher, etwas Liebe, aber eben nicht die große.
Ein Mädchen, 17 und Oberschülerin, verheiratet mit dem Physik/Astronomie-Lehrer - rechtlich gesehen anscheinend durchaus legal in Japan, gesellschaftlich jedoch sehr wohl auch im Land der aufgehenden Sonne ein brisantes Thema.
Asami, so heißt das niedliche, etwas verschlossene Mädchen, ist vernarrt in ihren Ehemann, und will die Ehe deshalb um alles in der Welt geheim halten vor Freunden, Nachbarn, Lehrern, allen, genauso ihr Mann. Dies + die immer wieder auftauchenden Interessenten und Nebenbuhler um die zwei "Singles"
+ der Schwiegerpapa, der sexuelle Aktivität in der Ehe bis zum Schulabschluss der Tochter auf Händchenhalten vertraglich untersagt haben will = ergeben eine tragikomische Mischung, die in ihrer geladenen Spannung nur unterbrochen wird durch stille Momente der Zärtlichkeiten zwischem dem neuvermählten Paar.
Der Anime ist gut für Zwischendurch. Durch die Restriktion des Animes hinsichtlich des Ecchi-Gehalts im Gegensatz zum Manga, der unterm Strich eher ernsthafteren Stimmung der Serie und der Durchschnittlichkeit bzw. Alltäglichkeit der Charaktere und der Geschehnisse, können sogar Anlass geben, es als gute Familienunterhaltung fürs Nachmittagfernsehen durchgehen zu lassen.
Positiv: Fan-Service mit fast schon notgeilen Lehrerinnen und anzüglichen Nachbarinnen; ein unterhaltsames Tabu-Thema (junges Ding gibt "alles" für den lieben Ehemann); eine aufopfernde Liebesbeziehung, die von Treue viel hält.
Negativ: Sehr geringe Weiterentwicklung der Charaktere; viel versprechende Konstellationen und Situationen, dafür aber wenig Dargebotenes (ecchi!); monotone Ereignisabfolgen; und viel zu wenig Informationen über die Vorgeschichte.
Fazit: Ein durchschnittlicher Anime, der sich allenfalls durch Simplizität und Ehrlichkeit abzuheben versucht. Wer eine Vorlage für "schmutzige Fantasien" sucht, wird leer ausgehen. Alles in allem leichte Kost also: wohl bekomm's!
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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