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Aug 2, 2024
So, "Midori no Hibi" or "Midori Days" (I guess it could also mean 'Green Days' as well seeing as Midori means Green, but that's a different matter) is definitely one of the more interesting anime that's come out. Basically, it's a rom-com about a delinquent named Seiji Sawamura who's inability to find a girlfriend leads him to wake up one day with a girl named Midori Kasugano, a girl who has secretly had a crush on Seiji for 3 years and wishing she could be by his side, on his right hand. The anime starts out with them trying to get Midori back to her
body, then the two of them deal with daily antics with having a girl for a right hand, then back to trying to get her to go back and what happens afterwards. So yeah, basically the synopsis is pretty accurate but be warned that it's not heavy on plot. There is a lot of fluff in the middle that shows off what a cute pairing Seiji and Midori are, dealing with such a bizarre secret while Midori constantly shows and tells Seiji how much she loves him and tries to help him out as best as someone in her predicament could before going back to trying to figure out how Midori can go back to her own body.
There are some other side characters that come along that are, fine for the most part. They include Seiji's older sister who's the head of a biker gang and taught Seiji how to fight, a tsundere class rep that also has a crush on Seiji after getting saved from a group of delinquents, an elementary school girl who has a crush on Seiji for some reason they never go into (you'd think they mention if she just finds him cool or handsome or he saved her one day from delinquents or something, but they don't), and an otaku with an obsession with anime figures and puppets who becomes obsessed with Midori.
Overall, the voice acting from the characters, whether it's the delinquent Seiji, the shy but hopelessly in love Midori and everyone in between are really good. Their voices and how they portrayed emotions for each character was a treat to listen to.
This anime is definitely something that makes me think back to anime that came out in the early/mid 2000's: the large bug eyes, the over exaggerated facial expressions (the very expressive eyes, the mouth that hangs well past their jaw, that kind of stuff), the casual nudity (yeah, you see Midori's breasts several times and Takako/Rin's breasts once). For its time, I think the art is pretty good here. But watching it gives me a nostalgia trip back to that time period and well, it's enjoyable for sure.
The music is well, probably the weakest point I guess. Nothing too memorable or anything that stands out during the show as it's mostly atmospheric BGM. The OP and ED are pretty cute though, obviously it's not an OP or ED that is brought up 20 years later as some legendary song but for what it is, I liked it.
Overall, this is an easy watch. You'll blow through this fairly quickly, at least I did anyway. It's not a particularly top tier rom-com like Clannad, Kaguya-sama, Fruits Basket, or Toradora, but it is a very enjoyable anime with a very enjoyable pairing that is worth checking out 20 years after release.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 27, 2019
Helpful Fox Senko-san, now I read the manga before watching the anime so I felt I would enjoy the anime. How did it hold up overall? Well here's what I thought about this
Story: 5/10. There really isn't much to the story. It's basically "Fox god visits a salary man and tries to pamper him." To put it even simply, it's a wish fulfilling anime (the mangaka even admitted to it being a wish fulfillment series as within the first couple chapters of the manga he reflects on wanting to make this type of series cause he wished a loli fox goddess pampered him after a
rough day of work.) It's a comfy story but, again, there isn't much to go on story wise.
Art: 7/10. The art style of the anime did a really good job of capturing the unique art style of the manga. Did a good job capturing the fluffyness of Senko's tail. Overall, the unique style from the manga was captured well in the anime.
Sound: 7/10. The OP is pretty catchy while the ED is forgettable. I don't remember much of the background music honestly. Originally, I was surprised when I first heard Senko's voice in trailers because I imagined her to sound a bit...older as based off how she comes off in the manga but her overall voice was good. I enjoyed Shiro's childlike, arrogant sounding voice. The other characters were fine as well.
Character: 6/10. The only character worth note is Kuroto Nakano, the salary man who's enjoyment from being pampered was the highlight of the series. The other characters (espeically the foxes) are just one dimensional versions of the dragons in Ms Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. The reason I bring that up is one of the anime people compare Senko-san to is Kobayashi's Dragon Maid as they both involve salaryman characters meeting supernatural characters (fox gods vs powerful dragons.) The difference between the two is that while the dragons in Kobayashi's Dragon Maid have depth, the foxes are one dimensional characters. Senko pampers Nakano and Shiro acts like an arrogant child, that's all their characters are. Yasuko is forgettable and Sora (the head fox god) just has big boobs....yeah that's all they kinda focus on with her.
Enjoyment: 6/10. Would've been a 7 but the last two episodes I just did not really enjoy and was really waiting for it end. Basically its your average "add drama for the sake of drama" endings which, for the most part, I do not enjoy. Just because the anime is a comfy, turn your brain off and relax show, doesn't mean it's not enjoyable. Unfortunately the last two episodes soured me on the anime. Super Senko TIme at the end of each episode (one episode had Shiro and one had Sora) where Senko "pampers" the viewer was pretty enjoyable and probably one of the most enjoyable thing from the show overall.
Overall: 6/10. This anime is basically Ms Kobayashi's Dragon Maid without any depth. That doesn't mean its bad but don't expect to be amazed or anything. This show, however, is worth watching. The characters are likable at least and the episodes, for the most part, are relaxing so it feels like you are being "pampered" by a comfy show. Check it out if anime like this interests you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 1, 2018
Uma Masume, on the surface another one of Japan's stranger animes as it's about horse girls (yes, horse girls. Hey there are cat girls so I guess there should be one about horses now right?) How does this anime stack up? Let's find out.
Story 7/10: Basically, the story is about a girl, er well, horse girl, named Special Week who lived in Hokkaido and starts attending school in some, well, horse girl school in Tokyo (I think) to learn to become the best horse girls they can be. In Special Week's case, she wants to be Japan's number one horse girl. In order for her
to help reach her goal, she gets "recruited" (read: kidnapped) by some horse girls from Team Spica in order to help them become a great team and help Special Weak become a great horse girl In regards to being the number one horse girl, this consists of winning races, the biggest being the Japan Cup. After the race, the winners perform idol concerts. Yes, you read that right. In the main races, they wear costumes that you would see pop idol's wear then they perform a concert afterwards (they have basically an unranked/minor races wear they wear generic gym outfits). Simply put, imagine each show as if the girls from Love Live or Idolmaster ran a track race then performed a concert afterwards. It's a weird combination, but they stop mentioning the concerts after episode 4 I think until the last two episodes where they have a big concert. All this though is fine, it's simplistic but it works. There is some drama thrown in there because hey, what's any anime without some drama but all of it is fine.
Art 8/10: The art here is really good. I like how the characters look, the scenery looks, how basically everything looks. It's pretty nice.
Sound 8/10: The OP and ED were pretty good, and the BGM was fine to capture each moment well.
Character 8/10: (I should probably note this here, but in the first episode they talk about how "great horses from the past are reincarnated as horse girls" or something along those lines. I thought this was to explain why the world has horse girls but apparently they are based on actual race horses who exist. I'm serious, go look up some of the names on Google and you will find wikipedia pages of horses with their name.) The main characters are Special Week, a cheerful, upbeat yet clumsy horse girl who wants to be Japan's best in part because of a promise she made to her step mom (human) and her real mom (died after giving birth to her, so it was more like a promise to her grave.) There is also Silence Suzuka, a quiet but very talented horse girl who leaves Team Rigil to join Team Spica because they help to remind Suzuka how much fun racing can be. This is all you know about any of the characters (except for Trainer at the end). Which is fine, I hate when they try to make every character important for no reason, and when you expect them to provide more information they don't. The only thing I wished they gave more information on is Trainer-san because they mention a few times about his past but don't go too much into it, although I wish they did. The only backstory they gave on Trainer-san was at the last episode. Overall, the characters were fine.
Enjoyment 7/10: Now, with all this, you might think I would've enjoyed it a little more than a 7 perhaps? Well, not really. This was fine, but nothing really stood out to make it a great anime, but nothing stood out to make me dislike it as well. Nothing really hooked me on it, but nothing really felt like a chore to watch. It was a fine, enjoyable anime overall.
Overall 7/10: Overall, I enjoyed this show. Don't expect to be wowed by anything, but I'm pretty sure you won't really hate anything from it (assuming this is the kinda anime you like to watch.) I would definitely give Uma Masume a watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 6, 2018
Slow Start is just one of those anime where you find a gif or screenshot or YouTube clip and think "hey these characters look pretty cute and the scenes look enjoyable, I want to check out this anime!" Boy what a mistake that was for me.
Story 2/10: Well, the story behind Slow Start is about a girl, Hana, has a gap year between middle and high school due to having the mumps so she spends a year studying to get into a high school far away where people won't know her. So yeah that's basically the plot (omg gap year) which they mention, on average,
once per episode. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but most of the time they're just hanging out doing stuff and then Hana is basically "oh yeah I have a gap year I'm nervous to tell my friends about it." Speaking of her friends, the only reason they're together is probably the most forced reason I can think of that all centered around Eiko. Kamuri was Eiko's childhood friend....who played together once as kids. Tama was in the same middle school as Eiko but never really spoke to each other. The three of them became friends with Hana after Hana said, in class on the first day, it was her birthday so Tama wished her happy birthday then the other three girls gave her charms from a train station and they go to view the sakura trees...that's seriously the best the writers could come up with? Speaking of the characters....
Character 4/10: The characters ranged from pretty good to no opinion to straight up garbage. The "pretty good" characters were Tama (real name Tamate) aka Tama-Chan who is the genki girl who likes playing dating sims and has the fang tooth (but is a skin fang instead.) Hiroe, the younger sister of the teacher is a NEET who...surprise, currently has a gap year. Then there is Shion, the titty monster landlady and Hana's cousin. Usually when either of those three are on screen, those are where the better character moments come in. The characters I have no opinion on are Kamuri (her seiyuu is the same one who did Kanna from Ms Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, just getting that out of the way.) She is very shy and is very clingly toward Eiko. Honestly she feels just like Eiko's pet for most of the series. Then there is the teacher who...I don't really have an opinion on honestly. The worst main characters of the series? Hana and Eiko. Hana is scared or nervous or worried about EVERYTHING and it gets really annoying, really fast. Everything they come across she's like this for little to no reason at all. Then there is Eiko who, when I think about it, is probably the worst character in the series. I'm honestly not sure what they want to do with her, as one minute she's the calm mature beauty and the next minute she makes you think she's probably a lesbian (the most obvious is with her teacher and they never explain why she's attracted to her.) For an anime that has no real plot and is about characters interacting with each other regarding whatever it is they are doing, having them be one of the least enjoyable things about the anime is not a good look.
Sound 3/10: The BGM is nothing special, the OP is skipable after the first 2-3 listens and the EP is ok at best. Not much else to really say here.
Art 8/10: Now as bad as everything else has been, this is probably one of the high points for me. The characters do look cute, the reaction faces they have regarding whatever they're doing is nice, the chibi forms are adorable, and the scenery looks pretty nice. Easily the high point of the series.
Enjoyment 5/10: It has it moments, but towards the end it felt like a chore watching it. It has it's good scenes and it's crap scenes. Didn't really drag but nothing really hooked me to see what happens next.
Overall 4/10: If you were to ask me who to recommend this anime to, I honestly could not give you a straight answer. I mean the girls are cute but most anime have cute girls. The art is nice but anime for the most part has pretty nice art. This is really the kind of series you can watch YouTube clips or webm or gif links and enjoy as well as save reaction images to your computer or phone to look at and enjoy but in terms of committing time to watching it, I would pass 100%. There are plenty of cute girls doing cute things anime out there that would be a far better use of your time than watching this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 4, 2016
As I'm writing this I just finished Shuffle and felt like I needed to do a review of this so, how was it?
Story: 5/10
Story is your basic harem anime where several cute girls are after a guy for one reason or another (read: because he's nice.) However this anime went with a supernatural element and featured girls from the worlds of Gods and Demons which are differentiated based on how big their pointy ears (Gods had ears that looked similar to Link from Legend of Zelda while Demons have the longer elf ears.) The first half of the series, simply put, was your average harem
hi-jinx's while the second half went more into each of the 5 main girls character. My biggest problem with the story is that for the most part it's ok. It's not interesting but not boring, but with the added effect of lots of things I would've wished they went into more such as: How and why did the Gods and Demons decided to come to the world of humans? How did they find Rin after 8 years? Why did they hold affection for a guy they met once for 8 years? I don't think an anime has a good story when the first 17 episodes are nothing special and the last 7 are interesting. Why is this? Well you'll find out.
Art: 4/10
Yes I realize that this anime came out in 2005 and yes I realize that anime looks much better art wise while anime in the mid 2000's are kinda ugly but there are still some nice looking anime that came out during this time. Unfotunately, Shuffle is not the anime. This anime is on par with Higurashi in terms of style, just without the random bits of horrible animation like in Higurashi and (for some reason) Shuffle's art style randomly changes, most notably in episdoes 7 and 21, which is why the score is low.
Sound: 4/10
The OP is an ok J-Rock song and the ED is alright. The reason I gave this a low score is because the OST during the show sounds like your generic visual novel OST when characters talk and such. It's...pretty bad.
Character 5/10:
This is the reason why I think the anime is what it is and the story is unintersting. Let's run down the main characters:
Rin Tsuchimi: For a harem MC he isn't too bad honestly. Yes he has some generic traits that all harem MC's have but in terms of being around women he's not afraid of them when they act lewd nor is he a massive pervert. Rather harmless character.
Kaede Fuyou: Childhood friend who's basically acts as a doormat/housewife for Rin. She's basically a background/minor character for almost all of the anime except for her arc (episodes 19-21) where we learn why she act's like she does towards Rin and it's one of the few interesting moments of the series. However I don't think it's good a character is virtually non existant for a large majority of the series.
Asa Shigure: Probably the character I liked the most in the series. Tomboyish and the genki girl of the series, she acts like how she does to being frail as a child with episodes of sickness as she gets older. Probably the only character throughout the whole series that is somewhat interesting.
Sia and Nerine: Putting both of them together for good reason. Sia is a princess of the world of God's while Nernie is the princess of the world of Devil's. Sia is the bubbly, energic girl of the series. She's a mix of Asa and Kaede but she's not as smart as those two. A running gag is her hitting her dad in the head with a chair WWF style. Nerine is the dignified and intelligent one, referring to characters with the -sama honorific. She can't cook so in one episode she learns to cook egg omelets (she can only cook this and becomes her running gag of sorts.) All in all, these two are rather unnecessary and uninteresting characters in the long run (their arcs in the 2nd half have the same conclusion that Rin finds out about. Don't know the best way to phrase this without spoiling anything.) These two don't really advance beyond their character type unlike the other three. If these two were gone, and the story was changed a bit, probably would've like it better.
Primula: The Dandere of the series. Somehow knows Rin (which they never explain) prior to the series and ends up living with him and Kaede. As a dandere she doesn't really talk or show emotions (which they explain in the series) but of course she eventually breaks free from being a dandere. Another decent character.
There are of course other characters but just like everything else they're not too interesting. The two kings (Sia's and Nerine's dads) are probably the best of the minor characters in the show but the rest are forgettable at best.
Enjoyment 6/10:
This is mostly because of the 2nd half (mostly the last 7 episodes.) The first half was ok but did nothing to make me like it or hate it. The last 7 were interesting, if because Kaede's arc was probably the best and (in a rare harem moment) the MC ACTUALLY PICKS A GIRL TO GO OUT WITH INSTEAD OF THE OPEN ENDED HAREM END NONSENSE. Plus the last few episodes you learn more about Asa and her mom which is..actually interesting but once again WHY DO YOU HAVE 17 EPISODES WHERE NOTHING HAPPENS THEN THE LAST 7 ARE RATHER INTERESTING?
Overall: 5/10
I didn't hate this anime nor did I like it. The characters were bland and mostly uninteresting except for Asa (and Kaede towards the end.) The overall series lacked charm. There were jokes that weren't really funny, gags that had potential (Kaede, Sia and Nerine had fanclubs that would chase Rin and at the end of the gag had some guy with binoculars crying and saying some one liner) but just felt kind of stupid mostly due to the writing. I felt the longer the series went on, the gods and demons (mostly Sia and Nerine) felt pointless. This could have been ok with better writing and less focus on Sia/Nerine (once again, the last 7 episodes prove to be the case.) The last episode had a big WTF moment which is another example that there was potential for it to be decent. Disappointing overall as it seems like with more love and care put into the series it could've been at least decent but instead it's another harem/romcom/drama/ecchi anime that, outside of a few decent moments, falls flat. Watch if you like but don't expect too much out of this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 25, 2016
Love Live Sunshine is the second installment of the very popular Love Live franchise. There were people when this anime was announced were unhappy this even existed and couldn't come to grasp that Muse was officially over. The anime has officially wrapped up so the question is, does it live up the expectations set by its predecessor?
Story: 8
One of the bigger complaints when this anime was first announced and what was shown in the first few episodes is the copy/paste of the plot from the original Love Live. Such moments include the student council president forbidding a school idol club, a girl
who's good at the piano but initially refuses to be a part of the idol group, the "Start Dash" moment of the first performance, etc. The main ideas of those plot points are in there but are executed differently. For example, Dia's reason for not allowing a school idol club makes sense (although selfish) instead of Eli's reasoning of trying to save the school her way and not something as silly as a school idol club.
In all honesty, I think the story was one of the better parts as they handled the plot portion better and there didn't feel as if there was forced drama. Now let me explain. In the original Love Live, most of the story was just forming the group, practicing, having some cute moments and preparing for Love Live. Somewhere down the line Sunrise figured they needed to add in a drama part so the last 3-4 episodes involved Kotori's decision on going to Los Angeles for fashion. In Sunshine, the drama involved the past of Kanon, Dia, and Mari and why Kanon/Dia were against school idols which was a sub plot up until episode 9 when the full group is formed. Other characters had their drama moments but this was the "big" one of the season which I liked.
Overall, I felt that even with the plot points of the original present, the full plot was executed better.
Art: 10
The CGI looks lots better here. The 2D art makes the girls look really cute and the CGI makes them look really pretty (the performances are probably one of the high points of this show). The scenery and other characters look really well drawn and a pleasant treat for the eyes. Probably one of the best parts of this show for me.
Sound: 8
Now one of the big things about an anime about music is...having good music. The music here is good but it lacks the "wow" factor of the original (granted the original Love Live existed for 3 years prior to the anime so they had a selection of music available) but none of the music in Sunshine compared to listening to Bokura wa Ima no Naka de or No Brand Girls for me. Having said that, Young Dreamer is probably my favorite song from Sunshine. Yume Kataru yori Yume Utaou (the ED sang by various combonations of Aqours) is pretty good too.
Character: 8
The best parts of the Love Live franchise are the music and characters. I feel that, compared to the original, the characters here are worse (I do not like Kanon at all) but they're still enjoyable overall. They kind of fill the cliche's from the original (leader, loyal best friend, girl who thinks she doesn't fit as a school idol, shy girl) but how they act and interact with each other is enjoyable. Just like the original, you will probably find a character you really enjoy and take part in the waifu wars for Sunshine.
Enjoyment 8:
This was the one anime I was looking forward to this season so when the weekend came I was ready to watch Sunshine. I liked the anime and enjoyed watching the ups and downs the characters faced in the show and the adventure they went on to become school idols.
Overall 8:
Sunshine's story is better executed and the art looks better than the original but the music and characters are less enjoyable than the original. Having said that, the girls of Aqours are a good replacement to Muse and can only expect good things in the future from them. Yosoro!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 20, 2016
First anime review on here so here it goes. As you know Haifuri or High School Fleet, is about high school girls piloting warships because Japan sunk in a war so now people learn to pilot ships or something like that. From watching it at first glance, it's basically "cute girls piloting battleships" but it does have some battle elements so it can be interesting at times but they are few and far between.
Story: 2/10
EASILY THE WORST PART OF THE ANIME. It goes from something simple of cute girls learning how to pilot battleships to them fighting rogue ships from their school with the STUPIDEST
reason ever...not going to spoil it other than a virus but the reason how they get the virus is really, really dumb.
Each episode has roughly 15 minutes of nothing happening with some action sprinkled in. The action scenes are kind of interesting but other than it's just a slice of life on a battleship.
I also wonder some reasoning for things like how and when did Japan sink? They do mention a "war" that caused the country to basically become flooded but when did the war take place? With who? For how long? Why do all boys schools only learn to operate submarines and all girl schools only learn to operate battleships? Do they not want girls in subs and boys on ships? Why were high school students given very powerful battleships (You will see what I truly mean towards the end).
Art 7/10:
Things like the characters and boats look pretty, so I can't hate on the art here. Pretty enjoyable on the eyes.
Sound 7/10:
From the fire of the cannons to the roar of the boats, the sound here is quite good. Music is ok, nothing too memorable. The OP is more or less generic anime music that is supposed to get you excited which is fine. The ED is forgettable really. Overall the sound is nice.
Character 3/10:
I don't give a damn about any of these characters. There are too many they try to make important in too short of time. Then, they try to go through the backstories of Shiro, Mike and Rin (fun fact, Rin's seiyuu is Yurika Kubo, famously known as Hanayo Koizumi from Love Live! Funny enough she's voicing the same name of her best friend in the show but like Hanayo in Love Live, Rin here is very shy). Honestly I wasn't invested in any of them so why they are training to become Blue Mermaids does not interest me in the slightest.
Enjoyment 4/10:
At first I enjoyed it but then after the VIRUS I was just under the impression of how dumb this really was. It felt more like a chore to finish which is never good.
Overall 4/10:
There are many anime involving cute girls, there are many anime which involve cute girls doing X. Honestly speaking there are many anime which can fulfill your cravings for cute girls anime girls and there are plenty of anime which involve cute girls doing various things. Save your time and go "full speed ahead" away from this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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