Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai (I Want to Eat Your Pancreas) is probably one of the most beautiful Anime films I have ever seen and ranks among my top. The story is predictable but it uses that to its advantage by giving a vauge prediction to the viewer of how the story will end all while trying to keep the viewer unaware and coming out with a shocking and bold ending to the film.
The movie did a great job on being moving and emotional, separating itself and setting out to be different from other romatic sob movies being both unoriginal and original in someways. The
Jan 16, 2021
Hello Again, JoJo
I thought I was a fan of JoJo and anime, but when I saw this everything up until now has become meaningless this is THE greatest anime as well as THE best part of JoJo. This time around Araki made the bold choice to make this part’s JoJo a purple Hippo with its over powered stand 『Hello Again』 This arc takes the viewer on an emotional roller coaster when making this Araki felt he needed to make up for the lack of killing off characters people loved in part 8 so decided to add more dog genocide. The manga is something worth checking out. Anime
Jan 15, 2021
“Nothing Interesting Ever Happens Here”. A quote spoken by the protagonist, Naota Nandaba, said important to setting up what would later happen in this anime. Well this quote can be said to be untrue THIS SHOW IS WEIRD AS HELL!!! The most vague and absurd anime about adolescent, coming of age, sex, a yellow vespa, giant robots, baseball, and more, but at its core is an extremely personal piece of art from the creative team from Gianax telling an inspired story from the creators past experiences and nostalgia creating something that at times defies all comprehensive explanation and logic. Although FLCL may only be 3
Jan 15, 2021
Naruto: Shippuuden
Both series of Naruto were in my opinion unenjoyable, at its worst the anime is inconsistent with animation, plethora of poorly written characters and poor pacing with things like 6 mins of recap footage, cutaways to backstories and flashbacks not necessary to whats going on, and actual interesting characters in the original series that I liked ended up becoming background characters being replaced for even worse written characters. With the 700 episodes of Naruto you could better spend ur time watching 30 smaller 12 episode anime. At its best Naruto is full of unique design, amazing fight scenes and creative fighting styles and techniques, and