Despite my score, Michael Jackson's Bad is probably one of the randomest pieces of crap that you just HAVE to see for, how do the kids say?, for the LULZ~
The story...what story? It's two pages of MJ saying how bad he is, involving eye popping and other random disembodiments. The art was okay, I gave a 10 for character because it's freaking MICHAEL JACKSON. That made it funny, you'll find it funny.
Overall, it was a stinky piece of dog sharts, but it was still freaking awesome. Remember kids--FO' TEH LULZ. Just count your lucky, lucky stars that MJ didn't molest any youngins in this
Jan 11, 2009
Code Geass--Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 is the second and last season of the Code Geass series. It'll be hard to write this review without giving anything away, so I'll try to manage. If you were a fan of Code Geass, but are trying to put off watching the R2, GO WATCH IT IMMEDIATELY! You'll thank me later! In the R2, you are introduced to many new characters, like Rolo, Gino, and Tianzi. I also recommend you don't watch the first episode then go do something else, watch AT LEAST the first three when you begin this see this anime, because it's VERY confusing in the
Jul 12, 2008
I first saw this dubbed one day on MoviePlex. I thought at first it was an iffy-anime, but then it showed nudity. If that wasn't bad enough, the story was very...well, it was okay, but I was really confused. When I watched it, I wasn't impressed. I wouldn't recomend it.