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Jul 7, 2023
You know why you're here, but in case you haven’t, here's the idea: Lute's friend was raped by one of the world's hero, Lute want's revenge.
The reason it was canceled was due to the villains being blatant knock-offs of other creator's main heroes, but is it good in spite of that? let's talk about it.
Story: (5/10)
-- You have good ideas in here, like a goddess who grants great powers to unworthy people or a Witch who knows the origin of the Reincarnates. It's clear this writer had an idea on where the plot was supposed to go, due to the high about of detail brought
into the exposition, but ideas alone don't make a story. this Chapter really relies on its characters for its story, but aside from Lute, all they do is give is exposition or reuse the same character trait. Lute is able to slightly crawl his way to some sort of plot, but it's just crowded by so much unneeded fluff. of the 5/10 score I give for story, 3 points are for a neat idea, 1 point for what little story we had, and 1 point for the chapter's ending that I liked a bit.
Art: (6/10)
-- it's like getting cake every 5 minutes, you eventually want it to stop. we keep just getting extreme emotion after extreme emotion that there's no real resting point. yes, it's well drawn, but it's all "too much", and it doesn't help that the only times it calms down is when the quality goes down. the quality dips aren't world ending, but they become extremely noticeable when compared to other parts. that said, my praise goes to the backgrounds. the environments look cool and show a slight bit of personality.
Characters: (2/10)
--- Lute: 4/10
--I feel like there was a slight attempt with Lute, but the attempt is really the only thing keeping him from scoring lower. he mostly just exists doing nothing until the story wants to actually continue.
--- Witch: 2/10
--cool idea that she knows things that she shouldn't, but all she does is just lay out the plot for Lute. she's also clearly there just to insult Isekai.
--- Louis: 2/10
-- he's the villain for the evening. after Lute talks about how great Reincarnates like Louis is, Louis kills and then rapes the best friend. this tell us everything we need to know about Louis and hint to what the other Reincarnates are like. so why does the chapter feel the need to keep reminding us that Louis is horrible? we get it, he's gross, get to the actual point.
--- "The 9 Best": 1/10
--why do they stick around with Louis? the one time we get to see them all, they basically explain what their deal is EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE NO REASON TO TALK ABOUT IT SINCE THEY ALL KNOW WHO THEY ALL ARE! maybe they could have reflected on what Louis just did, where they're all disgusted and yet all try to justify why they don't just kick him out of their group. instead, we get "alright gang, I want to just go over why we're all here". even then, maybe they could have used this refresher to remind Louis that they're supposed to be the good guys, but no. we only get to see them just so we could get some more exposition.
Enjoyment: (2/10)
I like the idea of the beginning, I like the idea of the ending, I like the idea for the overarching story, but all this chapter does is waste my time. so no, even without the character stealing, I don't think this Manga would've worked out in the end.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 10, 2020
oh my gosh, this was adorable! yeah, sure, episodes 1 and 11 are really just fan service episodes which aren't my cup of tea, but still!
Edit: I didn't even know this was an ad for a visual novel when writing this, but I still agree with what I said.
Story (9/10): irrelevant. these are four girls and one unseen guy working on a manga as student council. each 3 and a half minute episode goes as such: 2 minutes on the episode's premise, 1 minute on the credits, and 30 seconds on the "sort of explain" segment.
Art (9/10): the designs are cute and very open to
expressions. everything is rather colorful.
Animation (9/10): fluid, quick, dramatic, hilarious movements. the first part is animated as you'd expect. the credits, while technically presenting the wrong profession, is always a joy to watch as it's basically showing some of the animation frames while they were being drawn on paper in an arts and crafts world. the "sort of explain" segments are done with a paper cutout style to them and are quick paced.
Sound (7/10): the music is fun, but it's the voice actors who really sell it. they are full of energy, even Toa's bored tone has some in it. the voices truly match the characters!
Character (8/10):
--Mihiro: the energetic one who tries to make people's day. she's optimistic but still has a grasp in reality and is usually the voice of reason. when she isn't, she's simply just happy. she's usually the focus main character.
--Toa: probably my favorite. she's not really cold and logical so much as she's so smart that she's lazy. that being said, present her with some good looking potatoes and she'll do anything.
--Kaoruko: she's clearly a competent person, but she tends to have a low grasp in reality. her fantastic and bizarre ideas are usually a result of a refusal to look at things plainly.
--Ashe: can she eat or what? while not as bizarre as everyone else in the group, she more so adds to the crazy of other characters, making the other's jokes that much more funny.
--Kouki: we never see him as he's a running gag in the series. for those who've watched "Star Trek: Enterprise", he's the cook. as fan service focused as episode 11 was, it did have a pretty funny gag with him.
Enjoyment (10/10): not everything needs to be some fantastic plot driven show. if the focus of the show are the jokes, then that's what the producers should be working on. this was funny, and that was the goal.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Nov 10, 2020
alright, I can't watch this. I only saw two episodes right now and it hurts to watch. that being said, still read the entire review.
Story (6/10): it's a basic idea for a magical girl show. guy trapped in an crystal calls upon three random human girls to help save him and stop an evil ice queen.
Art (7/10): the designs are rather interesting and the 2D art can be rather expressive.
Animation (2/10): the only things that move are the motion captured 3D models that move so terribly that it hurts me to watch. the intro is fine, but the capture is not, and we're stuck with
the capture for 90% of the episode.
Sound (6/10): the music is good, but the real fun is in the voice actors. they're not bad (far from it) and it's not what they say, but how they say it. in the motion capture segments, their conversations seem rather natural. they stutter at random points, they interrupt each other quite a bit, they actually seem interested in what they're saying. most of this is likely unintentional and a result of bad production, but this particular lack of quality actually benefits the show unironically in my opinion.
Character (8/10): this show is filled to the brim with it. yes, the girls are your standard magical girls, but they are unapologetically so. they seem to know that some of this is stupid, and they're having a fantastic time being in it.
Enjoyment (2/10): make this a traditional 2D animation! make this a better 3D animation! just have it be a moving slideshow! just have it be a Manga! just have it be a visual novel! have this be an audio book (with an English dub)! the motion capture is so bad, it ruins any enjoyment I would have of this. my enjoyment would be a 9 if I had something better to look at or if I could just listen to it and know what they were saying.
Overall (5/10): this would be a 7 if not for the 3D motion capture (though I think you know that by now). if you can get farther into this, good for you, you're stronger than I. I can easily see why people enjoy this, I just can't get past that darn 3D...
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 10, 2020
first person anime, especially short ones, is something I have a hard time getting into if its goal is trying to tell a story. if it's like "Math with so-and-so" then I can enjoy it as I would a YouTube video, but with its story as the focus, it has to be REALLY good to work for me. does it? let's see...
Art (7/10): going a little out of order, I think the art is pretty good. the backgrounds look good and the designs and quality are good. nothing fancy, but good work is good work.
Animation (8/10): movements are fluid and the girls have a realistic
movement to them. and a subtle detail at the end cards is that they somewhat move to create a small bit of depth.
Sound (6/10): the voice acting and music are good. there maybe one or two songs here, and one of them is only notable due to story relevance.
Story (6/10): this is really being held by the last story. there are three stories, each divided into four episodes. the first two stories have a creepy vibe to them. the first story has this pervert tutoring an innocent schoolgirl he just met. the second one has your little sister helping you around the house, and you're still perverted. the third and final one has you helping your friend you've known for years regain her confidence.
an issue I have with the story structure of the first two is that it goes like this: see girl, she sticks with you, you stare at her breast and crotch without her usually noticing, she takes a shower or bath, while the camera watches her, she finds out you're a pervert, she talks with you a bit, she loves you at the end. it focuses on the attractiveness of the girls a bit too much. it's fine to be attractive, but that shouldn't be the only focus in the story.
the third story has a bit of a lustful cameraman as well, but being that the two seem to have a small romance already going on, even if they don't see themselves as a couple, I can at least forgive most of the lustful shots. despite its short runtime, this story has the most depth in it, with episode 12 really clicking for me after watching 9, 10, and 11.
Character (8/10): despite the first two being in lousy stories, I find the girls to be some pretty decent characters with some growth, and the role you play in the third story is also pretty good.
--Yui Hanasaka: she's a schoolgirl who just moved next to you, and she needs help with some studying. she's rather understanding, kind, and determined. if something goes wrong, she'll blame herself but she'll eventually try to grow from the failure. I honestly feel bad that the person she's stuck with is "you", as "you" are a pervert who, while overall kind, tries to look up her skirt occasionally.
--Natsuki Momohara: she's your little sister who loves "you" like the brother you are, a perverted drunk with a hard job and a lousy life. seeing that your life stinks, in spite of her bratty nature, she's always willing to help "you" out and will even extend her stay with "you" just to make sure "you" are doing well.
--Moka Aoshima: she's your childhood friend. ever since "you" two were little, she's always wanted to sing while "you" wanted to write. now she just plays the keyboard and sings in the park at night while you drive her home. due to having little success, she begins to doubt herself. "You" try to cheer her up.
Enjoyment (6/10): it was hard in the first two stories to enjoy it when you're always worrying about the girl's safety. there was one bit in the second story that caught my interest, but that was a single aspect. the final story is the one I liked the best as I could focus on the story there.
Overall (7/10): you want a good story? episodes 9 through 12 are your go to. you like how I described the girls and find them sweet? go and watch the whole thing, the entire binge is half a normal anime episode. you want to stare at some pretty girls? well, I mean they're here, but yeah...
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 3, 2020
I just stumbled upon this after “Odin: Photon Sailor Starlight”, and I’m happy I did. I’ve never played any of the games they’re based on, but I’m told that this is rather faithful.
Story (6/10): for a short 40 minute OVA movie, it was pretty entertaining. It was well paced and the writing was good. It’s not the most fantastic, thought provoking tale ever told, but it’s fun.
Art (7/10): you can tell who’s what in this OVA just by looking at them. The colors are dull to fit the tone, but I think it’s a bit over used. 90% of this story takes place in a
giant temple that’s about 1,000 years old and run down by monsters, so it looking dark and dreary makes sense, but does the entire town need to be? Also, in the scene where they meet the big bad, they don’t look so good when the open the door.
Animation (7/10): they put most of their efforts into the battles. Characters move fluidly and powerfully during these and the magic effects look pretty good. That’s not to say the rest is bad. While limited, the animators tried to get some subtle movements in so even if they aren’t doing much, they still seem alive.
Sound (6/10): it has two good songs, but they’re all pretty forgettable.
Characters (6/10): like the story, they’re not the deepest characters, but they do get developed and/or have some time to shine. Albert probably has the least relevance to the plot, but he never was in the way. I think he had a great build up, he just didn’t make use of it. Throughout the story, he doesn’t do much aside stopping a bad guy from turning someone to stone. Near the end, a terrible thing happens, and he feels tremendous pain and agony, but he just sits there. A shame, but I still liked his character and thankfully he’s the only character that had an arc that fell flat on it’s face.
Enjoyment (9/10): it was fun, I was attached. Sure, I don’t have much to say, but those 40 minutes was a fun 40 minutes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 3, 2020
And to think I stumbled upon this while trying to find the PS1 and PS2 Star Blazers games... So I watched the 2 hour 19 minute subbed version, which after watching I found was the good version. Oh my...
Before the main review, let’s get some things out of the way: this was originally supposed to be a trilogy and have it’s own show. It was made by the team behind “Space Battleship Yamato” and parts of it shows here, some good some bad. This review is based off of my first viewing and had a few minutes to take in what I just watched. With
that said, let’s start with the story.
Story (6/10): So the story I find to be very interesting and engaging, so why is it a 6 and not a 10? Pacing. The movie paces itself like it’s a TV show, so it moves fast and tries to get everything into the time it has. The problem with that is we rarely stay long enough to care about what’s going on. I can’t care about the “Albert’s” problem if Akito is flying about doing stunts trying to get onto the ship. Aside the battles, there are only three scenes that do a good job with the pacing: the opening that talks about how humans have sailed, Sarah and Akito talking about their families, and the one where Sarah is revealed to be the queen destined to save the people of Odin. Another issue is that they take WAY too much inspiration from Star Blazers. Sarah has lost her memory and feels connected to a planet. Our main character is at the helm and also fires their ultimate doomsday laser gun that is at the tip of the ship. They must quickly save a planet by returning it to it’s original state. The story just feels like a mishmash of plot points from a show forced into a random space movie.
Art (8/10): this looks beautiful. The “StarFinder” is a fantastic design with fantastic artists drawing and animating her. It looks like an elegant sailboat with some futuristic elements added to it. The Captain, while is just Captain Avatar (I use this name intentionally) without a beard, still has a good design. Sarah also looks nice and isn’t just Yuki with white clothes. I must take away two points for the rest of the crew, however. Why? Everyone with a red shirt looks identical to Akito to the point where if they’re moving too quickly, I can’t tell who’s who. Even though they all look nice, I’d like to be able to tell them apart.
Animation (4/10): slightly higher quality compared to a TV show, but not much to say. An issue I have is about the battle scenes: what’s going on? When there is one or two things on screen, I don’t have much of an issue, but anything more and it becomes a cluttered mess.
Sound (5/10): nothing really notable about the acting aside the fact the people will just begin screaming the word “OOODEEEEEENNN!” a lot and multiple times. Also the music, while well done, is greatly forgettable.
Character (3/10): these are the most blandest characters I have ever seen. Not only do the Red Shirt crew look about the same, they act it, too. Aside Akito and Sarah, no one gets enough time to develop anything aside that one quirk they showed that one time before. But even with them, they are only slightly less bland. Do you know why Akito is the main character? Because he wasn’t supposed to be part of the crew until he stood in their way for a few seconds and they took him in. Why wasn’t he part of the crew at first? He failed a test because he either (A) wasn’t qualified and/or (B) he ticked of a teacher that was grading the test. Despite this (and him having a small issue docking on a non moving ship), he is immediately accepted as part of the crew and replaces a guy who had the spot before him. Sarah is just there. Aside her translating the Alien Database and being the remaining piece of the original world of Odin, she does nothing to add to the plot, add to other characters, or even add to her own. The Captain doesn’t do much either. He tells his crew to return home, they lock him up, he calls them chicken for thinking of backing out of their plan to see Odin, then he dies.
“You’re only as strong as your weakest point” they say, so here’s the movie’s worst example:
The Crew finds out that they can go to an unknown world, but the Captain says he was ordered to take the ship back home and so he reluctantly must do so. The crew are sad about this then Akito says they must mutiny so they can see this planet, and Sarah walks in agreeing. What’s wrong with this? A few things:
1. At this time, the crew don’t know anything about Odin aside that the planet exist. They don’t know that Odin is being run by evil robots, they don’t think much about the fact that Sarah can translate alien languages, they just want to see it. The people we’re rooting for are willing to betray their Captain because they want to see something. This ends up making them look selfish.
2. The were asked to return home, not to retire the ship, and when they get to Earth and send in their results, they can ask to go check out Odin. They’re not in a hurry, yet they don’t think this through. This makes them look dumb.
3. Sarah feels a strong connection to this planet. She has dreams telling her to go there. The simple mention of the planet puts her in an odd state. Of course she want’s to go there, and this might be her best and only chance to actually go. So it makes sense she would join the mutiny to do it, but why isn’t she the one to start it? She’s the only one who feel’s something is wrong, yet she doesn’t have to convince anyone to ignore the command since the rest of the crew were already planning to lock the Captain up.
Enjoyment (5/10): it is well drawn and has some interesting ideas, but it can become boring. With everything moving so fast, I can’t focus on anything and I begin to lose interest. This needed to be a show, not a movie.
If you liked this movie, I can see why, but this is something I probably won’t come back to.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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