Dec 16, 2015
Full metal alchemist brotherhood the anime that has been called a masterpiece for so many years well to day I'm here to tell you my thoughts on that.Many people feel this way because it strictly follows the manga but just because an anime follows the manga doesn't necessarily mean its good.
Full metal alchemist brotherhood is about 2 brothers Edward and alphanse Eric. After attempting to bring their mother back from the dead using human transmutation Edward lost his arm and leg while al lost his entire body and had his soul sealed inside a suit of armor the two brothers set out to find
the philosopher stone hoping to get their bodies back to normal.
Story- Now I will spoil some of the story in this review. FMAB started off pretty good then I realized a lot of stuff was not being explained the pacing was getting more and more shitty. Now many people say FMAB has a amazing story and its a masterpiece well It might've started off like that but it slowly evolved into a save the world from the big bad villain with a god complex kind of story. Now some parts in the story were very suspenseful and had my full attention. Then some parts of the story were really boring and I found myself zoning out continuously. The story had some really grasping scenes like when Hughes was murdered and when the guy with the blonde hair who loves to smoke(forgot his name lol) was stabbed in the back and was paralyzed for the waist down for the rest of his life and when Roy mustang flipped his shit and roasted Envy alive, those scenes were timed really well and caught me off guard. One thing FMAB did was focus on the drama to much which resulted in a shit ton of over dramatic scenes. Some of the dialogue was cliche and I couldn't stop fucking laughing because they were trying to be serious but I just couldn't take it serious, and I even started predicting some of the events in the story would happen. Anyway the story starts to go down hill and now the elric brothers new objective is to stop the bad guy who wants to obtain the power of god with them finding their bodies being their side quest. Then they have this cliche shounen ending where a seventeen year old kid beats the shit out of god. I mean this is just beyond cliche, the fight was good but i wasn't suprised because in the end i knew he would win. And the fairy tale happily ever after ending was disappointing to. They never explained the origins of alchemy clearly nor do they explain anything else clearly so I was left with a shit ton of questions but no fucking answers. The story just didn't pull me in and It felt like I was just watching your typical action anime the story wasn't shit it just wasn't a masterpiece like everyone said it was.
Animation / Sound : The Animation was pretty good the character models and the back grounds were well done and so was the animation and art for the alchemy. The fight scenes where pretty neat but nothing too flashy. The voice acting was A1 I thought the sound effects for the fights and explosions were done well to. The intros and ending were just mind blowing sometimes I would just go on YouTube and just watch and listen to the intros.
Characters: This is the weakest part of the anime.
Our 2 MCs Edward and Al do not change through out the whole series they remain the same naive little boys they were at the beginning hell the only thing that changed about Edward was his height he became taller as the series continued. Most the characters in FMAB get no development at all and some are just useless as fuck cough...cough... winry, now I don't dislike winry but sometimes she just annoyed the hell out of me and got in the way. The only characters in this show who got good development was Roy Mustang, Envy, crippled cigarette guy(forgot his name), hoenhime (I think I spelled it wrong), and Ling/Greed. Half of the villains on here are evil just for the hell of it and oh yeah the main villain with the god complex is called father he basically created the rest of the villains. Each of them are named after the 7 deadly sins and called homunculus. Apparently each villain represents a fragment of his soul you have
The homonculus were extremely shallow and were evil to be evil. I mean out of all seven only three shine and those three are Wrath, Greed, Envy. The rest are extremely uninteresting including father. If i had to compare him to a villain it would be Aizen from bleach.
Now out of all of these villains the most memorable was Envy because of his hatred of humans and his twisted personality he was very exciting to watch and his death was put together really well. Now back to the other characters Scar was very interesting at first but as the series continued he started to bore the hell out of me until I finally wasn't interested in him any more. Like I said before Roy Mustang got a lot of development he went from the cool and calm guy we know and love to a bloodthirsty animal obsessed over finding out who killed Hughes. Now full metal alchemist brotherhood has some interesting characters but failed to give them any development to the point where I didn't give a fuck if they died.
In the end by no means was FMAB a bad show no it was a good show that had a lot of potential but it failed to amaze me the unique story was ruined after a couple of episodes. I personally think this anime is overrated as fuck it wasn't bad its just overrated and it just didn't prove to be a masterpiece like everyone claimed it was , but in the end this is just my opinion . The funny thing is I watched this before the FMA 2003 version because everyone kept telling FMA 2003 was trash and the funny thing is I ended up liking 2003 more. Do i recommend this show No you might find your experience different than mine after all we are two completely different people but i don't recommend it bruh. Well I'm done i hoped you enjoyed this review Peace!!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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