Feb 25, 2010
School Days. How can I say it....this show made me more emotionally caring for some of the characters than any anime ive ever seen. It ALSO made me detest a character to the point of physically hating and wanting to kill that person.
The main character, makoto, or as i will refer to him in the rest of the review, fucking asshole, is the biggest prick i've ever seen in an anime. He single-handedly alienates everyone he meets and breaks their hearts. It is such a detestable, morally sickening act, that i almost thought i couldn't finish the anime.
It really isn't for someone with the
faint of heart or can't take seeing a such nice sweet characters absolutley destroyed by a guy. Hell, he could be charged with rape on a couple of the girls, cause theyre like "no" and he's like "yew dun lyek it?" and then he just has sex with them. Fucking asshole is the kind of guy NO ONE likes. The characters other than fucking asshole were good. I liked katsura, kokoro, taisuke, and setsuna, as they seemed at least a little sweet and had good intentions.
The music is very well done and it fits the tone nicely. It had many different ending themes, and they were all awesome and drama-y.
The enjoyment of this anime is what surprised me, as it was seemingly the most frustrating animes i had ever seen in my entire life, as every single thing fucking asshole did just made me go "UGH GO KILL YOURSELF FAGGOT!", then I realized. This is one of the only animes that made me do this. So on some levels, it succeded in keeping me going "wow i hate this prick" which to me, kept me on such an emotional boundry with the characters, even if they were fake. They seemed believable, in a way. In a way high school romance often leads to cheating and lies. It was just so fun to watch....its like it should be called "Train Wreck-The anime".
The art is surprisingly good, and it made me go "woooow this was an H-Game?".
I Really think the reason people watched this, was purely for one thing. They heard it was nice, then derranged. And frankly, that is the only reason i watched it. To be honest, its not a bad anime, i just think the main character ruins it all, but the ending is so sweet, it makes up for it. Overall it gets a 6, not for being a bad anime, but for being so frustrating.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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