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Mar 17, 2023
This manga, like many others caught my attention through it's interesting main concept. Of said manga, the good ones will build upon their main concept and use it to propel the story further. This manga did a good job at that for the first 10 or so chapters. The last 15 are some of the most disappointing chapters I've read in quite a long time.
The MC Yuuki is your typical kuudere. There is nothing remotely interesting about the guy. The author seems to feel the same way because after another girl (not FMC) named Rio becomes relevant to the story, Yuuki is almost constantly drawn
to look like a Nendoroid.
Our FMC Yui is the only one who got any sort of character development. Or so I would say if the author wasnt too scared to get her to confess even though the manga was being axed. Yep, you read that right. There's no confession by the end of the manga. They make her trying to confess a whole ordeal and the entire supporting cast gets involved. The stars align, they're alone together at a festival with fireworks in the background - typical shojo shit. Yui is about to pop the confession and for some reason she stops midway to say "The fireworks are beautiful, huh?" after looking at him. Well, at least it wasn't the same bullshit where the fireworks make it too loud to hear.
The manga seems to be self-aware about how awful it is with it's plot lines and pacing. Poking fun at the forementioned Rio for wasting a bunch of time. Which she did. Her entire arc served literally no purpose. Also several times where they just mention some shit about wasting entire panels.
If you want to give this manga a shot even after reading this, feel free to read it on Mangadex and to stop at the point you need to read it on Azuki. Because that is the point Rio enters the fray. Make your own headcanon about the ending, because I promise whatever you come up with will be 100x better than what actually happens. Avoid this manga at all costs otherwise.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 22, 2022
The author clearly didn't put much love or effort into writing this manga, so I'll also put in the same amount of effort in this review. I'd like to mention that my dissatisfaction with this story has nothing to do with their ages.
I have read many oneshot's that not only have more conclusive and satisfying endings than this, but also a much more gripping story. This manga has to have one of the most non-ending endings I've ever read. **Spoilers from this point on** I can summarize the entire story in two sentences; Girl that wants to become an adult moves to rural area
where she meets a beautiful woman and they have sex. Woman suddenly leaves and we time-skip to where they meet again and they have a brief talk basically explaining that being an adult doesn't really change shit, also she had sex with her just because she was horny. The end. There's nothing deep or profound in this manga, it's purely someone's fetish haphazardly given a "story". If you're OK with that, go crazy champ. If not, don't waste your time
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 6, 2022
TL;DR - This manga is not worth your time in any sense, look elsewhere.
Typically, trashy isekai manga are my guilty pleasure. I like seeing tropes unfold that I saw coming from a mile away. OP main character wish fulfillment is my bread and butter. This manga however, I didn't even begin the second chapter because of how aggravating the writing was.
Hypothetically, let's say you're isekai'd. REGARDLESS of what your title or rank or whatever is, you discover an ability that effectively turns your enemies into paste. While you're in these life or death encounters while surviving by yourself in the woods, do you, A: fiddle
around with other abilities while a bear easily 10 times your size is attempting to maul you? Or B: use your one-shot kill ability BEFORE it manages to drive its claws straight through your chest? I, as well as any other sensible person would choose B. Our MC on the other hand waits until he's bleeding out on the ground to use it since he can heal. But that begs the question, how the fuck is he going to heal if he instantly dies due to not using his one-shot ability? The author apparently never thought about that.
On to the other plot point that really pissed me off. Our MC is assigned the role "Cook" which everybody instantly deemed as useless. Someone with a brain would think "Oh, we should probably keep him around so he can feed us after tough battles." But as I mentioned, nobody in this manga seems to have a brain. They do the typical thing where the tell him to fuck off and send him somewhere that should be instant death but he instead thrives and levels up very quickly. But it has none of the lead-up that makes any of it satisfying. I have never come across a manga that managed to piss me off enough to make me drop it this fast before, it's honestly impressive what the author accomplished here.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Apr 23, 2022
I enjoyed this manga from start to finish. However, that doesn't mean I can't nitpick at the aspects of this manga that I didn't like.
Since this is the biggest issue to me, I'll get this out of the way first. A lot of romance anime and manga treats the forming of a relationship into the goal and end the story there. This manga is no different. I even think this manga suffers more from that because here it doesn't show the struggles of him being suddenly becoming a father figure and balancing a job to support him and his new wife. Ryo himself went through
some decent development, but because of the story ending right after they get engaged, readers are unable to see the fruits of his labor (unless you count the short Omake chaps). Authors need to realize that actual romance really begins once a couple has been established.
Now my second issue, it's just too short. This kind of doubles on my last point, but there's a lot of content that could've happened in the middle too. The story often skips a month, sometimes several months at a time and it's kind of played off as time he didn't see Yuzuki. But that time could be spent fleshing out his daily life with his parents and his niece and the efforts of studying for exams. His whole family feels underdeveloped.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 14, 2021
(Minor spoilers)
The first 10 or so chapters gave me the impression that the story wouldn't be some cookie-cutter harem fighting over the affection of a single guy. Boy was I wrong. I was also remorseful to find out that the MC would turn out to be a dense loser who has absolutely zero self-confidence. For example, a girl says she likes him and is going to be serious about him. Was that a confession? Nah, to him that was just her teasing. Another girl says she literally wants to have kids with him and isn't joking, and at no point ever does she take it
back. To our MC, she was just teasing him as well. The girl from the first example on Valentines day says she wants to go all the way with him while stripping before being interrupted by the bell. Our MC's reaction? "What was she trying to say?" How about when he accidentally firmly planted his hand on another girls tits and she says "I'm only fine with it because it's you" can you guess his reaction? It was "What did she mean by that?" Man, I do wonder what she meant.
If you're into trope-y garbage that stops anyone from actually committing to somebody so the harem can stay intact like that then by all means, read this manga. Other than that, the only reason to read this is that the ass and thighs are drawn magnificently. The art is truly the only redeeming quality.
Story: 5
Art: 8
Enjoyment: 5
Overall: 6
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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