Right off the bat One Piece was not a series I was interested in. I found the art really bizarre, the amount of episodes off-setting, the slow pace of the story to deal with, and quite honestly the voice actor for Luffy annoyed the the heck out of me! However, after devoting my time to watching 650+ episodes of this magnificent series, a love I've never had for any other anime series has developed. I have given this series 7/10 even though is it by far one of my favourite series because it is not without its flaws.
Story: 8/10
One Piece is by-far one of the
most developed story lines I have ever witnessed conveyed through anime. The thing about it that places it above most other series is that we have a plain goal given to us at the beginning of the story that has maintained its focus throughout the entire series so far. It is a very straight-forward series, and the idea of the 'treasure' being at the end of the Grandline makes the whole series flow. What's more is that from this goal, more goals start to string off and in the end we have a story that has created a magical world of adventure. What I like to tell people when I suggest One Piece is to imagine the dream to become the Pirate King a straight line, and from this imagine every side-story (and there's A LOT!) pulling off from this line and developing its own line. It sounds completely confusing, but the story as a whole is fabricated to have a nice and easy-to-follow flow that still has plenty of room for surprise! Only the most thought-out story lines can maintain this flow.
Needless to say, the anime is an adaption from the manga and as such it has its flaws. At times important hints given within the manga to help develop the story line go without animation. Which doesn't seem like a big issue, but overall it gravely lacks the mind blowing development to which the manga has. Furthermore, filler episodes tend to be the most bizarre arcs I have ever seen. There has been one or two filler arcs that has fitted completely well into the story and I would've thought they were canon; but in saying this the series also offers the most absurd filler ideas - and this accounts for about 80% of all filler arcs in the series. Some of the filler arcs are extremely painful to watch through. Overall, the general story line of One Piece is extremely thought out and planned, but due to anime adaption it has it flaws and therefore I give the story an 8/10.
ART - 6/8
Straight up, one of the reasons why I was hesitant at first to begin One Piece was due to the art style. This is very common among anyone who comes across the series, and while some people might push past it, others may not overcome it, and others will completely avoid the series. I'm very picky when it comes to the art style of a series, and if I don't like it I will lack enjoyment for it as a whole. In saying this, One Piece has been probably one of the only series that I have learnt to love. After avoiding the series for years, I only attempted it out of boredom and even then I wasn't completely thrilled about watching it due to the art style. It's very different from everything else I enjoy, and sort of seemed off-putting. I'm telling you now - at least attempt to watch the series for a good run and see how you adapt to it. Most One Piece fans will tell you they disliked the art style at first also; however it's truly something you grow to love. After 600+ episodes, I couldn't imagine such a series full of adventure with another art style. The art style is what makes One Piece.
To make it clear, I am not giving art a 7/10 for the general art style of the series, but rather because of how the series has been animated. Anyone who knows Toei (the animation studio) comes to understand that they tend to cut corners - even for a big time anime like One Piece. The art can be super sloppy, and poorly done to the point that it becomes laughable. Scenes that should have spectacular artwork are not given the detail to really bring out what the scene should encompass. Despite Toei's faults, all in all the series has a unique art style that sets it afar from the rest. Either you'll love it or you hate it - and however that may evolve depends upon the watcher. All I can say in this regard is the art style might surprise you. It did for me.
SOUND - 10/10
The sounds and music in One Piece is one of my favourite things about the series. When asked whether someone should watch the anime or read the manga, I tell them they should do both despite the faults of the anime. The reason why is because I feel like the music, voice characters, and so on are so well done in this show that it really adds to the series as a whole for me. I could listen to all the openings in one day. Many of the songs in One Piece brings back memories for me, and a sense of nostalgia. All the songs are enjoyable, and will have you singing out the words in no time. They fit the atmosphere of the series - that being one of adventure and nakamaship.
The choice voice actors (namely in regards to the Japanese sub) is extremely well done. Personally for me all the characters fit their voices! One thing One Piece fans love to laugh at is the unique laughs created for each characters - which I will promise you you will probably try it in private yourself! Like I stated before, at the beginning of the series Luffy's voice annoyed me. As I got more into the series, I became attached to it and couldn't enjoy Luffy's voice as anyone else. The voice actors are able to bring out the character's personality through their skills - which is why I tell people that it's worth it to watch the anime.
For an expanding world of wonder comes with the challenge of characters. To have such a large set out, to have too few characters introduced would make the series feel empty and not lively enough. To have too many you risk characters who need development to be left under-developed. Unlike many other animes, the layout for One Piece is extremely large - that being basically the WHOLE WORLD. Even so, each character is given the attention and detail it needs. Minor characters are given minor development, and major characters (tend) to be given major development.
Overall you can break the characters up in the series into several categories of importance: major, semi-major, minor and background characters. Those who are major being the crew, those being semi-major meaning the reoccurring characters who had the spotlight in a particular arc, minor being characters who were given detail in the slightest, and background characters being just that. It's a large field to cover, so the development has to be precise for it to be effective. Even so, characters are usually given the necessarily development to make you appreciate them. In particular the crew - all with their interesting and differing back stories - have each their own struggles and goals they wish to achieve. For each character it's a long run of endurance and change - and watching the process of each of these lovable characters becoming the people they want to be - whether slowly or quickly - is truly a journey. Despite this, it is wrong to say all characters in the crew are given the rightful amount of development they deserve. Some of the crew mates tend to be given the spotlight more so than others, and as such they are portrayed as lacking in that area. Needless to say, to say these crews aren't developed at all is also wrong.
One thing I find admirable about the series is how so many differing and sometimes conflicting personalities are portrayed throughout the series - and how they develop not just individuality but between each other. Nakamaship is greatly emphasized within the series, and you'll be able to see how characters (mainly in the crew) interact with each other and form relationships. As the series progressed I found myself loving particular friendships between particular characters - think Zoro and Sanji, or the coward trio! It is extremely hard for any writer/author/etc to effectively develop characters in these areas, and when it happens recognition deserves to be given.
Another cool thing I find interesting about the characters is how they are developed from real-life people. Most characters in One Piece of some importance you will find their roots into bigger inspiration in real life i.e. for example Mihawk from Dracula, or Blackbeard obviously from the legendary pirate Blackbeard. Of course these should be recognized to the manga's author, Oda; however, needless to say I believe the anime has done a great job in adapting them and portraying them how they should be. Thus I have given this area a 9/10.
My enjoyment for the series tends to be lacking due to one issue: pacing. All the other cons are vastly overcome by the pros; however sometimes the pacing becomes unbearable. Having watched the anime first all the way to episodes 500-600 before I picked up the manga, the pacing never really got to me. It was there, without a doubt, and my first experience with the anime can tell you it took me a year to have the willpower to get past the first 20 episodes. This pacing is only emphasized once you start comparing it with the manga, and it gets to the point where you you may not be able to watch episodes without thinking about how it was paced within the manga - which greatly affected my enjoyment for the series. No doubt One Piece would be a large anime regardless of pacing, but needless to say the ratio of episode to chapter has certainly pushed the limits of episodes.
While pacing remains an issue for me, I still believe the pros I have had for the series as a whole have provided me with one of the best anime experiences I have ever had. This series is definitely not without flaws. Some areas lack, but in saying this other areas shine. It's entirely up the individual experience on whether the cons over weigh the pros, or vise via; but personally the pros have given me an entirely fantastic experience that the cons simply can't take away. My enjoyment for this series is undeniable.
OVERALL - 7/10
While this rating may not seem good and may reflect that One Piece is not a masterpiece as a whole, please remember I am simply a fan who has taken into account the problems One Piece has. One Piece - regardless of the cons I have reasoned out here - is one of the most memorable series. It is not for everyone, but I emphasize that it is not a series that you should dismiss without trial. The adaption isn't always on point, and things can be done better, but I adore this series and I hate seeing people passing it by due to silly reasons.
Feb 4, 2015
Right off the bat One Piece was not a series I was interested in. I found the art really bizarre, the amount of episodes off-setting, the slow pace of the story to deal with, and quite honestly the voice actor for Luffy annoyed the the heck out of me! However, after devoting my time to watching 650+ episodes of this magnificent series, a love I've never had for any other anime series has developed. I have given this series 7/10 even though is it by far one of my favourite series because it is not without its flaws.
Story: 8/10 One Piece is by-far one of the ... |