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Sep 25, 2015
This is a review of Toaru Kagaku no Railgun and it's sequel, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S.
This story follows the daily life of Misaka Mikoto, the 3rd of the 7 level 5s in Academy city, and her friends.
Story :
in Railgun and Railgun S together, there are 4 major arcs. Each arc was built up wonderfully, and the pacing is superb. Every small detail was a plot point in the arc or the next, and supporting characters that appear to be left in the dust in the previous arc are brought back in future episodes. This is probably the anime with the best pacing among
all those that I have watched.
Art :
The scenes were animated pretty well, and it does have it amazing moments during battles. Each Railgun that Misaka fires is also animated very well.
Sound :
The soundtracks don't stand out too much, it just is good for what it is. What stands out to me is the opening themes. ALL 4 OF THEM. Each opening theme somehow goes hand in hand with the arc that it is in. You can imagine me enjoying the whole of the last episode of Railgun S where they used 3 out of 4 of the opening themes as background music. It was epic.
Character :
Every character was well developed, and supporting characters are usually never left in the dust. Every character introduced has a purpose, and most of them reappear later on in the show, be it as a major or minor plot point. Most of the characters are likable, and the antagonists are also filled with great personalities, to the point where you empathize with them. But most of the time you find yourself rooting for Misaka.
Enjoyment :
As a sucker for super power shows, I really really enjoyed every bit of this. Not a single episode was wasted in my opinion, and every scene has an importance to future events. I also watched this show BEFORE Toaru Majutsu no Index, and that affected my view on Index because the science side of Academy City was so much more interesting thanks to Railgun. I also started following the novels thanks to this, so obviously I enjoyed this anime very much.
Overall, I give Toaru Kagaku no Railgun and Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S a combined score of 10/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 25, 2015
This is my review of Plastic Memories.
From the moment I read the synopsis of this anime, I knew it was going to be a tearjerker. So I decided to try this out.
Story :
I'm sure you all read the synopsis, so I'm going straight into my views. The story is very linear, there isn't much plot twists, and by the 2nd or 3rd episode you already know how the story is going to end. However, what makes this a treat in my opinion is the journey to the end. The pacing is not fantastic, and the comedy scenes sometimes ruin the mood of the show for
me, but overall it is a good story and does not go out of point. I do think that if the show has unused potential and that it could be even better if given more episodes.
Art :
The art is pretty standard, it's good. The only complaint (sort of) that I have is that the characters look shiny to me. Maybe it's just me.
Sound :
When I listened to the opening, I thought it was good. Then I heard the ending. Asayake no Starmine is absolutely beautiful. I could listen to it all day without getting tired of it. The soundtrack is not very memorable, unfortunately, and nothing really stands out that I remember, but I don't remember anything horrible either.
Characters :
Is it just me or are the side characters being developed more than our MC?
Isla is the big main focus of the show obviously, and she had way more screen time and development than the other characters. Her personality changed throughout the show as she grew, and the side characters got decent development in the form of backstory, from the past to where they are now. Tsukasa however, felt like he didn't change at all. From episode 1 to episode 12, he gives me that standard romance main character vibe. It was only near the end of the last episode that I felt he was getting developments, and it was drastic and abrupt.
Enjoyment :
I enjoyed every episode of this anime, the comedy was not bad, but not outstanding, and the ending was beautifully done. Combined with one of my favourite ending theme songs (Asayake no Starmine), of course I enjoyed this anime
Overall, I give Plastic Memories a rating of 9/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 25, 2015
This is my review of Hyouka.
Oreki Houtarou was forced to join the Classics Club. Little did he know that his life was about to change (sort of).
Story :
Hyouka consists of 3 main arcs, and small episodic arcs sprinkled in between.
While I thought each of the 3 main arc were written extremely well, and each small event that happens in the story is actually part of the bigger picture, the episodic arcs does not have enough time for " the story, the plot, the background information of the mystery", whatever you want to call it, to develop enough. Hence, they make each of the small 1
- 2 episode arcs feel pretty rushed. The one single episode arc that I enjoyed was episode #19, as it was the most complete mini-arc in my opinion.
Art :
Rose-coloured or Gray/Grey. This was the opinion of high school life that our MC, Oreki had. The same can be said for the art. There are times where the art is extremely vibrant in order to fit the scene, and other times dull to match the darker tone of the story. The contrast in art styles between scenes and episodes did not affect the consistency, and overall was very pleasant to the eyes and made watching Hyouka a better experience.
Sound :
Openings and Endings out of the way , all 4 of them were great, but the one that stood out the most to me was the very first opening. I can't get that song out of my head! The soundtracks, didn't really stand out in my opinion. None of them had a lasting effect on me, but they were good enough for their purposes and giving more life to each scene
Character :
All 4 main characters are very well developed, and each of them had a widened and more mature perspective, especially the 2 male main characters, while keeping their personality consistent. The other 2 females did not get as much attention as the males, but they got their share of development as well.
Enjoyment :
Sitting in suspense after each episode, I was glad that I didn't have to follow this show while it was airing. It would be a pain, since it is a mystery show with cliffhangers and suspense after all. I really enjoyed this show and it is a great show for fans trying to get into mystery anime but do not one something extremely dark. Hyouka mixes the Mystery and Slice of Life genres very well.
Overall, I give Hyouka a rating of 10/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 25, 2015
I'll attempt to make an effort and write reviews of the anime I watched this year I guess. First review coming up.
Amagi Brilliant Park (AmaBuri) is a story of Kanie Seiya, a student who is full of himself, is asked (forced) to run a dying theme park by Sento Isuzu. I won't elaborate - that's what the synopsis is for.
Story :
The concept of this story is pretty unique. It is pretty episodic, in the sense that each episode is an arc of it's own (mostly) and you get comedic moments throughout the show that isn't really repetitive or boring, it's decent. Each arc also focuses
on the park members and developing them, as well as the Main Characters, Kanie and Sento. Overall the pacing is good and the focus of saving the park is kept intact.
Art :
The art is pretty. It's not too jarring, and it has it moments where an episode seems to have a higher budget than another, but overall it's good.
Sound :
The opening and ending tracks aren't bad, they were catchy when I was listening to them the first few times, but not enough for me to be absolutely addicted. The soundtracks fits the show well. None of them really stood out, but they were good nonetheless.
Character :
The character development was good, and as mentioned above, each supporting character was developed well in the own story arc. We also got to see Kanie's growth as a person, as he gets more mature with the way he interacts with the other characters by the end. Minor Spoiler : His ego is still ridiculously high. Sento got developed well as well, seeing as she was sort of an airhead at the beginning, using her gun more than her mouth but she realized that you shouldn't point guns at people if you're running a theme park.
My problem was with Latifa. MAL lists her as a main character, but I felt that she wasn't developed very well. She has her moments, but she was mostly there as the ex-manager of the park. This caused the end of her character arc to be pretty abrupt in my opinion.
Enjoyment :
This anime isn't a must watch on everybody's list, but to anyone who likes comedy anime, you would probably enjoy it. I certainly enjoyed it and I think the ending was well done as well
Overall, I would rate Amagi Brilliant Park 8/10
I hope my first review was not too bad, and thanks for reading!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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