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Apr 3, 2022
Minor spoilers ahead. I liked the story of this arc. There continues to be twists and turns that keeps you thrilled. However the anime adaptation has really poor pacing. It is as if the studio decided to spread the manga chapters thin to milk the franchise as long as possible. In previous part one of the final season, most episodes covered at least 2 chapters of the manga. For the majority of this part, each episode covers only one chapter from the manga. The downside being the exposition is dragged out far too long to keep my interest.
Better than the first part of the
final season. Less CGI and more detail in the titans.
Defintely preferred "My War" to the "The Rumbling"
Eren is not present for like half of this part. His story is by far the most interesing, really unfortunate when the star of the show is absent for like half of it. Other characters have their moments to shine as well, but with the slow pacing it is harder to remain attentive. Other then Eren and a few others, the cast accomplished more in part 1 of the final season.
The manga was a joy to read, but the anime adaptation leaves much to be desired. By far the biggest problem was the slow pacing. After every episode, I would go on the aot wiki to see how many chapters of the manga remain. It was alarming when I realized most episodes only covered one chapter from the manga. Given how much remaining episodes there were, I knew for certain that this season wont conclude the entire Attack on Titan story. I thought this part of the series would conclude the story. I will have to wait till next year.
The first few episodes were really hype considering the source material, but once Eren was offscreen, the story slows down to a crawl. By this point, I was already expecting a part 3 of the final season. What other anime has 3 parts to one season? This is ridicuolus. Overal the episodes with Eren were enjoyable. if you cannot wait, I would read the manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 26, 2022
A very simple and easy to follow story. Initially I thought of Marin as a standard manic pixie dream girl, but it is very apparent that her relationship with Gojo goes both ways. She brings out the best in him, and she is also influenced/inspired by his support. It is wholesome to watch 2 inviduals embracing their hobbies and continously trying to get to the next level.
It is apparent in some episodes that plenty of budget was used. Fairly decent animation with some standout scenes with excellent animation.
The opening is decent, but the ending is a real bop.
The side characters are pretty much inconsequential. i did not care for the other cosplayer and her sister. I think they dragged down the show with their screen time . Forunately Gojo and Marin are strong main characters. There is more to them that meets the eye. Gojo is a very shy person, who has trouble connecting with others, but he is a genius when doing the costumes. Definitely a breath of fresh air from other shy perverted male leads. Marin likewise is a breath of fresh air from other female leads that like to tease the male lead. She is very likeable and supportive. They grow together instead of seperately.
I liked the show since the first episode. This is probably one of the most wholesome rom coms in a while. The supporting cast is not very strong though. I would recommend this series
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 26, 2022
Ranking of kings does remind me of Game of Thrones, abeit a much less gory and safe for work version. There are plenty of twists and turns in the narrative to keep you invested in it. The world building is rich and fairly easy to follow. Pacing was not a problem eithe; I do not recall many scenes that dragged on for too long. Not a big fan of the ending though.
The art style may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I found it gives the anime a distinctive look. Aside from the art style, the animation is consistently crisp.
The opening and
ending themes are fairly decent. Nothing extraordinarly memorable.
I think this show defintiely has a strong cast of characters. Bojii and Kage are both very likeable and have interesting backstories to keep you entertained. The supporting cast is also well written. Characters have far more depth to them than intial first impressions.
So far everything I said was favorable, so where does this anime stumble? The ending was not very logical in my opinion. Also Bojii's character arc has some hiccups. We are initially led to view him as an underdog hero worth rooting for. While I do admit, he is very easy to root for he feels like anything other than an underdog after the middle of the series. I was not sold on him as an underdog protagonist.
I started watching this anime based on the acclaim. It does have a lot of good points, but it does have some shortcomings as well. I did enjoy it overall and would recommend it. It does not feel like most anime though, I do not recall any character saying 'Baka" More of a 7.5 than a 7
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 26, 2022
The premise of Bokurano is interesting at first. With a big cast, it is unlikely that all of their backstories are good and this show is no exception. Some are very good, some are okay, and some are so boring you completely forget about them. I liked the initial character back stories but somewhere past the half way point, I had more difficulty keeping up with the story and characters because I sorta stopped caring. First half is more character driven and the second half becomes slighty more plot driven while still focusing primarily on the characters.
Its okay I guess. Most of the cast
did not have a very definiing trait, so I often forgot who was who and who did what.
Opening and ending themes are decent. Not much else to write home about
Probably one of the strongest points of this series. Some characters have great tragic backstories and others have back strories that seem tacked on. Not all of the characters are treated equally in this regard, some have more screentime than others. Past the half way mark, the stories become boring and harder to keep your interest. I was indifferent to the supporting cast.
The series got my interest in the beginning, however as it went on it become more of a chore to watch. The cast is simply too large and bloated. Having such a large cast is more of a detriment than a strength especially since some stories are more akin to filler. I also feels the show goes out of its way sometimes to shoehorn the more tragic elements in.
I think this show is okay. Similar to Madoka Magica and Neon genesis evangelion, but those shows are more entertaining.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 13, 2022
This season continues where the last one leaves off. There is nothing groundbreaking or revolutionary though. You get a simple easy to follow story with some pacing problems. The main cast can spend several episodes fighting the villans with little else happening. The monologues during the fights really ruin the pace of the fight. It is amazing that so little can happen within the span of several episodes and this is an aspect of the story that made me lose interest. The humor is also very cringe, rarely funny and often obnoxious.
The fights are beautifully animated. Art style is very strong as well.
A visual masterpiece.
Strong production values in this regard as well. Opening and ending themes are on point as well.
Ugh. the worst part of the series. There is little of note that seperates the main cast from other anime characters. Zenitsu is by far the most annoying. His complaining is rarely funny and just keeps going on and on to be point of annoyance. The characters including the villans get minor backstories, but they are one note and seem more tacked on than necessary. Even worse then it happens in the middle of a fight slowing the pace of the whole show down.
If you like awesome flashy fights, then this is the show for you. if you want a more thrilling story full of twists and turns, then look elsewhere. Some parts were real boring and put me to sleep. I found myself falling sleep on more than one instance.
I feel the pacing and characters are the biggest problem with this show. It is very visually appealing and the production values are real high. Overall I think this series is okay and I enjoyed it more than season 1 of Demon Slayer. I still think Tanjiro is boring and Zenitsu is unbearably annoying
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 20, 2021
I think this series does have a interesting premise, but execution leaves a lot to be desired. Mieruko chan can see ghosts, but she stays quiet and ignores them. It gets tiresome by the second episode and this is a 12 episode series. There are big pacing problems as most episodes are very inconsequential with little to note happening. The whole series could be half its length and still get most of the story across.
Some ecchi elements. Art style is fair, but nothing to write home about
Nothing memorable at all.
Mieruko chan does not have a strong cast. The main lead beyong her power to see ghosts is a bland character lacking in substance. The supporting characters are even more devoid of substance. Bland and boring all throughout.
The premise is repetitive after the first episode and the pacing slows down signficantly. Very little of note happens throughout. I do know slice of life animes have little plot, but these characters are boring. Despite it being 12 episode, it feels 6 episodes too long.
This series is boring and inconsequential. the first episode draws you in, but it becomes more apparent later on that this series is not worth watching. Not worth a watch. The ghosts are midly scary at first, but then you become so desensitized to them that they come off more as annoying.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 20, 2021
Kuma miko is a simple slice of life involving Machi and her bear, Natsu. The tone is a bit mean sprited towards Machi and it only gets worse as the series goes along. There are some nice wholesome moments, but if you are mianly looking for nice heart warming wholesome slice of life, please look elsewhere. The other characters treat Machi poorly and do not much to help her out with her extreme anxiety. This is unsettling especially because the show is much darker than it looks. The story goes at a nice pace, but some epsiodes are far more inconsequnetial than others.
The animation
and art style looks very "cute". Characters look younger than their actual age because of the very round faces.
The ending song is an earworm and can be mildy annoying at time. Not much else is bad really.
Machi is a troubled girl with severe social anxiety and social issues. She wants to go to school in the big city, but her bear Natsu does not believe her to be ready for it because of her lack of intelligence. He can be passive agressive and manipulative at times, but her cousin is the worse. It is common for the other characters to care little about Machi's wellbeing in the series.
Before starting the series, I heard about the mean spirited tone of the series despite the art style. I was not dissapointed, but at times, the story becomes more like a typical slice of life lacking in originality. If you like more dark stories, you might enjoy this. I felt bad for Machi at times and the other characters do not help her with her predicament, and it gets evern worse as the series goes along. The worse character is Machi's cousin. For the record, I enjoyed the darker parts of the series, the whimsical moments were boring to me.
If you want to watch a mean spirited show with mostly deplorable characters that is masequarading as a wholesome slice of life, this is the show for you. If you want nice wholesome slice of life, then definitely look elsewhere
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 20, 2021
The premise for Jahy is very similar to The Devil in a Part Timer. Jahy gets reversed iseakied into the modern day Japan. While this is a good setup for a fish out of water story, some jokes are repetitive or recycled. The show does manage to be fairly predictable as well. Jahy gets into a bad situtation and is down on her luck, rinse and repeat until end of series. The series was longer than it needed to be, all the good parts can be condensed into a 12 or so episode series. The comedy does manage to hit it out of the park
sometimes. I do find Saurva's quest to get revnge to be the funniest part as Jahy does not or barely manages to even acknowledge her. One character is doing everything in their power and the other is not even aware.
The show does have nice aniamtion, but the art style can be lacking in some areas.
Not much to say about the music, nothing bad really.
The cast other than Jahy is very one note. We have the nice manager, the mean landlord, the antagonistic Magical girl, the loyal servant, the idiot pursuer, and the naive kid. Jahy does manage to play off well with the others and is the anchor that holds this show together. It does also get a tad boring watching Jahy down on ther luck failing time and time again.
This series has a decent premise and Jahy is a good character that holds the series together. it does manage to be funny sometimes and very repetitive at other times. Not really a series you can really binge. It does not knock if out of the park, but what is provided is a decent show you can watch to kill some time in between other more interesting shows.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 27, 2021
The story of Mirai Nikki is not very original at all. The premise on paper is not good, but the execution is great. The series is over the top and crazy with plenty of plot holes. Events happen because of very contrived circumstances, characters act in very illogical ways, and the lore is not consistent. The story is a dumpster fire, very messy but it is fun to watch. The series is shown on a good brisk pace, but some episodes drag on for a little too long. Some aspects of the death game are predicatable, therefore removing some of the suspense of the series.
The after credit shorts are very obnoxious and usually unfunny. Really messes with the tone of the series, if the shorts were not very short, I would avoid them.
There are times when the animation is lacking but the art style is generally good with plenty of detail. One flaw is some of the minor characters look very similar and barely indistinguishable from each other.
The opening and ending themes are pretty decent. Not much else of note.
Probably one of the best aspects of the show. Yuno is very entertaining and crazy to watach. Easily the most dynamic entertaining character of the entire show. Yuki is unlikeable and a major wimp, but his character does have some development. He is unlikeable, but doesnt have as much depth as Yuno. Reminds me of Shinji Ikari but a more twisted version. Other than the Ninth, the other diary holders are most one note and far less of consequence to the overall plot. The non diary holder minor characters are even worse. Plenty of instances when the characters act in an unrealistic illogical manner.
This series is best enjoyed by not focusing too much on the inconsistencies and the plot holes. It is definitely a wild ride of over the top action that continues to escalate further and further. Yuno is a very interesting yandere character and definitely a highlight of the series. Not many dull moments in the series as well. In my opinion, the worst thing a series can be is boring and while this series is flawed it is not boring. Plenty of violence and some nudity if that is your thing.
If you want dumb over the top dumpster fire anime with plenty of plot holes, this is the show for you. If you want a very neatly written show with likeable characters, then lose elsewhere. I found the series to be enjoyable depsite all the flaws. This series would be better if it was more carefully written, but it is what it is
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 25, 2021
I found the pacing to be good as new plot threads were brought in without the show dragging on or going too quickly. Unfortunately it is not a very interesting story and it can get rather repetitive with the later on acts of terrorism. The plot is very simple, but neither original nor interesting.
This is a very pretty series. Art style is consistnently great and the animation is nice and slick. Easily the best part of the series
Another strong point of the series, opening and ending themes are decent
Probably the worst aspect of this series. The three main leads are very one dimentional and are very uninteresting. I was very indifferent to their actions in the series. Lisa, despite being a main character is by far the least interesting character and does not contribute much to the story. She might as well be a side characters and even then the other side characters contribute more to the overall narrative. Side characters were boring and one dimensional too.
I had very high hopes for this series since the director also directed Cowboy Bebop, one of my favorite animes of all time. This series is almost the opposite as the story is bad and the chracters are even worse. If I can summarize my feelings towards this show in one word, it would be "indifference" The worse a series can be is boring in my opinion and this series exmplifies that. I had a very hard time even caring about what was going on in the series. The ending revelation is when things go from bad to even worse and made me dislike the series even more
Great production values wont save a series with a bland story and boring characters. I was very indifferent anf bored with this series and would not recommend it
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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