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Jun 4, 2017
[Spoiler Warning]
Another siscon work from the author that gave us OreImo, surely this one must be as good and hopefully with a satisfying ending.
Who knows? Because I don't see how anyone could in good faith call this a good anime and hate themselves so much to endure watching it to the end.
Let's knock off the easy things first; starting with:
Sound and music: To be honest there's nothing spectacular here, the OP/ED are quite nice however. 1/2 points.
Art and animation: The art is quite nice and the illustrations drawn by the characters are fairly gorgeous, however the animation is lackluster in certain episodes such as #6
where 2 of the characters are shown moving to a new area through a series of stills as they continue their conversation, rather lazy coming from A-1 Pictures. And let's be honest, the age of consent in Japan might be 13, but sexualizing teenagers should not be praised. 1/2 points.
Story and Characters: Okay so what do we have here, brother living alone with his sister, classic siscon plot... but wait! They're not even blood related, how original indeed. Except it's really easy to figure out that this was an attempt to bypass the same publishing regulations that prevented the author from making a good ending to OreImo.
Let's continue that later, let's look at the characters. Generic big brother who writes light novels for a living, shut-in little sister that draws lewd art, tsundere love interest that's the MC's rival, overly energetic and happy school girl that loves dicks... WAIT WHAT?!
Yes you read that right, in the start of episode 2 we're properly introduced to Megumi, the little sister's class mate (or would be if she actually went to school instead of being a shut-in). And she insists that she not only loves dicks, but that every girl her age loves them! This being said with a smile while uncomfortably invading the MC's personal space and staring at his crotch, only to be played off as a joke?! Okay let's be real here, you're a 13 year old schoolgirl, you come to a stranger's home, you ring their doorbell and then proclaim with a big smile right in their face that you love dicks. I'm sorry but, are you an underage prostitute? What in the name of all that is holy is wrong with you? This isn't something you say as a joke even to your best friend of several years, let alone a complete stranger. Even the MC himself asks "What's happened to Japan?" upon hearing this, and let me tell you it's nothing good. This scene alone should've made me (and everyone else) stop watching and drop the show for good, but I was foolish enough to give it a second chance.
This foolish behavior lasted until episode 6 where the MC signs up for a rookie tournament in order to secure a publishing opportunity for his upcoming novel. But oh no, a new rival appears and she's going to stop him from attaining this spot... for some reason. Said rival is the highly praised author Masamune who's produced a bestseller spanning 11 volumes and a 2 season anime adaption. Except that due to her status as a bestselling author she has no problems securing publishing opportunities for her work meaning she has no motive for entering this tournament, the tournament is also strictly for no-name rookies (the MC only being allowed in due to his editor pulling some strings), something she definitely isn't. Is this the kind of writing that passes for a plot these days? Normally I'd give both of these categories a point each but due to these 2 outrageous insults to human intelligence and societal norms I'm going to deduct a point each, leaving them: 0/4 points
And finally, did I enjoy this show? To be honest, what IS there to enjoy? The bad plot? The sexualized underaged characters? I imagine the only reason people watch this is because of the latter as they're somehow incapable of just watching a loli hentai instead, something that deserves a sudden visit from the authorities. Don't get me wrong, I like cute girls, I like lewd stuff, but this show should not be allowed to air on TV, I don't ever recall feeling disgusted from watching an anime. Admittedly I somehow endured watching it halfway through so I guess that's worth a bonus point for masochistic pleasure. 1/2 points.
And now with some advanced math we total that up to an amazing: 3/10, the worst score I've ever given. Do humanity a favor and go watch something that isn't hebephilia.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Feb 18, 2016
TL;DR - If you drop this show early you'll probably regret it.
Note: I will not be comparing this show to Madoka like many others have, because I can not.
After watching this show to the very end I'm left confused with my own feelings for it, probably because this show itself is confused over what it wants to do.
It started out fairly dull, there was no real impact, nothing that really made me feel like it was worth watching past the first few episodes.
The characters started off rather shallow, none of them got adequate development and were merely there to do their own thing simply because
that's how they were instructed to.
Design-wise the characters look lazily done, my biggest gripe in this is the fact that they all have the same disproportionate and scrawny build, despite their daily activities there's nothing that would tell them apart if it wasn't for the fact they are colored differently. Seira is shown to be very athletic and exercises daily on an almost world-champion level, yet she is as scrawny looking as the next girl, apparently being slightly taller than everyone else is enough to show you're physically strong.
Another lazily done thing is that some characters in this show have such luscious eyebrows/eyelashes that their hair disappears behind it (as if someone messed up on the layering of the facial features).
The animations are still pretty solid even if they had their lackluster moments.
As for the sound, the OP/ED blends in perfectly with the show, overall sounds and music were fairly okay, however the voice actors didn't leave much of an impact, there were several scenes that left no impression because there wasn't enough enthusiasm and emotion behind the characters words. This lack of emotion aids in making the characters seem bland, Laplace is clearly meant to be an asshole, but his voice carries no emotion to really nail this fact and instead comes off as a cardboard cutout that someone wrote "asshole" on. The same is true for other characters as well. One character in particular felt really cringy to listen to, they definitely didn't know how to make a character sound insanely furious.
The story at first feels somewhat bland and not very well written, things happen for seemingly no reason, barely leaves any impact with its actions and tries to tell you that this is meant to be a grimdark story, but fails horribly to deliver.
Killing off characters without giving them any kind of character development will not spring any emotions from the audience, it just feels out of place and irritating to see the characters' friends have an emotional breakdown when as a viewer you feel nothing.
The author apparently also has some kind of fetish for restraining and strangling little girls given this happens in almost every episode.
Now you might be thinking, why am I rating this show so high after listing so many flaws? Because the last few episodes and the ending left me feeling very satisfied.
Despite all the bad things I've said about this show, not once did I feel like I wanted to drop it, I wanted to see if the show was gonna get any worse and actually make me feel so disgusted I wanted to drop it, but it never happened, the show instead unlocked all the restraints and went all-out to deliver a great climax as if it was all a big April Fools joke to trick you into thinking this is a bad show.
And that's the end of my terrible "review", I really needed to get my feelings for this show out so I can move on.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 14, 2016
Having read the whole manga I must say the anime adaption is great despite having taken a few liberties regarding introducing anime-original characters and removing a few others in order to shift the story in a somewhat different direction.
Art: 9/10 - I watched the DVD/BD release and there's nothing wrong here except from what seems to be far too much saturation which was not there in the TV release, resulting in everything looking darker and giving objects and characters a shadowy outline around them and their facial features, making it appear as if they're wearing off-color make-up. Some scenes in the earlier episodes almost looks
like you were meant to watch them through a pair of 3D glasses due to how some colors seem to blend in with the surroundings.
Sound: 8/10 - It's not bad, but not amazing either.
Story/Character: 8/10 - This is the most tricky part for me to rate due to the introduction of anime-only characters and other ones being skimmed over. The voice actors captured the characters perfectly no doubt about it. Only reason I'm not giving this a 10, is due to Meiren, the anime-only character that gets the most screentime. While her character is played out great she is introduced early in the series as a means of fleshing out Akira's character due to his anime-only amnesia plot and in the end replaces another very important character from the manga which would've been introduced around episode 11.
While I'm disappointed they altered the story somewhat from the manga in order to make the first 32 chapters fit neatly into a 12-ep show, it still holds up on its own without shifting too far away from the more critical plot points, this portrayal even ends up more clearly explaining a few vague things from the manga even if it instead removed a bit of suspense by introducing a certain character too early. It still doesn't tell the full story which continues for another 35 chapters after the anime ends, if the anime has tickled your fancies I recommend reading the manga to get the full unedited version.
Enjoyment: 9/10 - Giving it a 10 is something I would've done simply because I could not put it down and ended up marathoning it, I can't do this due to my issues with the characters and story though. The reason it's not rated lower is simply because of the "Dance with the Vampire Maids" skit at the end of every episode.
Conclusion: I loved it despite the issues I have with it and that's all that matters, the manga is still better though. While I would argue that given how neatly they packaged it into a 12-ep show they could've done the same with a 24-ep one, but due to the changes to story and characters it'd be impossible to continue past the current ending without altering it even further.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 21, 2015
Compared to the previous two seasons, I found the third one to be lacking in story.
After the initial episodes it wasn't hard to see that the writers only had a proper script for barely half the episodes and had to fill in the gaps with whatever they could pull out of their rear ends and call it an episode as people suddenly got banished for the most inane reasons. It wasn't enjoyable at all and I had to force myself to get to the good part, the climax build-up where the plot development sped up greatly and the pieces came together for the finale.
While I
did like the first few episodes and the build-up leading to the satisfying climax, the episodes inbetween jumped between being interesting and pure garbage which severely lowered my thoughts about this season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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