While the art is unique and it has occasional moments of originality, the grand majority of the content feels like a total patchwork of established tropes repeated verbatim. Frankly, even more than the unoriginality, it's the sheer gall to spend so much time on these tropes that's so offensive. I'll occasionally be almost in disbelief seeing pages of windup for some of the most predicatble scenes in manga. A lot of authors have at least some sense of shorthand for these moments that is totally missing here.
The main character isn't much of an exception, but the biggest problem is how often the manga goes out
Jun 29, 2024
Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku
Totally, completely mediocre. The Romeo & Juliet angle is somehow both forced and incredibly underutilized at the same time, and there really isn't much else besides the neat and orderly succession of every single romance trope you've ever seen a million times before with no significant variations or surprises.
I knew it was time to drop this series when I could skim through and read maybe one out of ten speech bubbles and have no confusion about the plot or characters. Genuinely, if this story seems appealing on a level besides the art style, I'd recommend getting the same experience from more influential works that ... Nov 7, 2019
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Just going to jot down a few random things because I honestly don't have enough to say about the series to bother with some clever or organized review structure.
This show really reminds me of MHA. Both are fine series without any major 'flaws', but despite getting praised as the greatest achievements of mankind, neither really bring much new to the table besides great action animation and character design. The story and its structure aren't particularly unique, and even plenty of the battle concepts are pretty familiar. By the end of the show I was begging for an end to all the lame tragic backstories. ... |