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Feb 24, 2025
Another fun Precure movie! 🩷
Plot: 6/10
The story is solid, although I can’t give it any points for creativity. The Wonderful Precure Movie’s core plot is pretty standard as far as Precure movies go - Our Cures get trapped in another world for a while, have to complete challenges, and ultimately transform and battle the final boss. Though the nature of this ‘villain’ is somewhat different from the typical formula, it’s still very familiar overall. There are also a couple of plot holes and weird decisions made here - The funniest of which being the Cures’ choice to use the Kitsune Kirarin animal instead of the
Swan when it would have made reaching the top far easier.
Characters: 8/10
This movie is very accurate to the series in terms of its core characters - I can’t recall any out-of-character moments for any of the twelve Cures involved (three seasons: 3+5+4) so the movie did well on that front. The new characters were just alright as far as I’m concerned - unlike the iconic Cure Echo, Natsuki isn’t anything to write home about (Being real, I will probably forget her in a couple of days), but she’s serviceable as an exclusive character to move the plot along.
Animation: 8/10
This is by far the best 3D animation I have seen in a Precure movie. I usually dislike 3D graphics, but the Wonderful movie handles them surprisingly well. That being said, they are in a very chibi style which I personally like, if you don’t like the bigger heads, you probably won’t enjoy the models very much.
Sound: 7/10
Congratulations, Wonderful Precure Movie - You managed to use both ending songs within the first thirty minutes of the runtime. That has to be a new record. On a serious note, the music is primarily taken from the show - If you like the songs from there, you’ll enjoy this. There are a couple of original tracks here, although I personally found that none of them held a candle to the show’s tunes.
Enjoyment: 7.5/10
If you like the main series, this movie is a great addition - Best watched after or just before the end of the main show. I have watched the majority of past Precure movies, and this is definitely in my top half. Seeing a movie exclusive version of the opening also made me smile profusely :D
Overall: 7/10
I will admit, this movie lost a little of its novelty with (trying not to spoil) *a certain duo’s transformation*, after Wonderful Precure had them appear in the main show as well. That was definitely my primary hype for this movie, which is sort of redundant now. Even so, it was still a fun watch overall. I’d recommend this to anyone who just wants to see more of the Mahoutsukai, Hirogaru Sky, and Wonderful teams.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 23, 2025
“Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekitai shiteita.” Is a short, sweet, and adorable anime with a lot of heartwarming moments. It’s a shame that it could never get a proper conclusion due to the mangaka’s passing, but I will be reviewing this anime for what it is. In other words, though I respect the author, I will not be biasing this review because of the circumstances.
Characters: 8/10
Definitely the strongest point of this anime is its character dynamics - The titular Magical Girl and Evil Lieutenant both get quite a decent bit if character development despite the short series length, and their interactions were always
amusing. The side characters were a bit lacklustre, but I can forgive that since the anime is obviously centred around the main two.
Animation + Music: 7.5/10
Aside from the transformation sequences, there isn’t much to review here - The rest of the anime is pretty high quality, although the transformations are definitely the highlights.
Plot: 6/10
Definitely my biggest criticism here - The plot is vague at best, and the evil organisation definitely could have used more development. I enjoyed the underlying themes of fighting exploitation, although again, nothing ever really happened to the cat-angel-thing responsible.
Enjoyment: 8/10
I found this to be a very cute and heartwarming anime *for the most part*, packed to the brim with with comedy. On the flip side, the fanservice moments felt very random and unnecessary for an otherwise sweet and wholesome show.
Overall: 7.5(rounded to 8)/10
Overall, it’s worth a watch - Given that the series length is roughly 1/2 of a typical season, MahoAku did pretty well with the source material it had. It should only take you about 2 hours to complete, so perhaps you could consider this as sort of a movie.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 24, 2024
All things considered, this show handled its extremely tight time constraints pretty well. That being said, I still must remain fair in judging this against other anime of the same runtime.
In short, this should have been a two-cour (24 episode) anime. If anything, 7/10 is generous by my standards of rating solely based on narrative explanations and things making sense, although I will admit that things could have been handled a lot worse (as I have seen in the past), so I’ll give this a pass on that front.
Shuumatsu Train is an anime original, a notoriously mixed bag ranging anywhere from masterpieces such as Madoka
Magica to several atrocities which I will not be naming here for fear of getting off topic. It is for this reason that I reserved judgment until the VERY final episode, only deciding on my rating once all was said and done.
Without going into spoiler territory, all I can really say is that this would have been MUCH better if it had been given the time it needed to actually develop its story and characters without going at the same breakneck speeds of the eponymous train. Theorising based on hypothetical scenarios is a waste of time, however, so I will conclude this with my thoughts on Shuumatsu Train as it was.
For what it was, this anime was fun and refreshing, albeit heavily rushed towards the end. If you don’t care too much about certain elements being skipped over or moments of almost laughably thick plot armour (these are some BUFF train tracks), I’d give it a watch. However, if you’re in search of something with carefully thought-out lore and detailed character development for the entire cast, perhaps look elsewhere.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 3, 2024
This manga is an *experience*. While it may seem like a dramatic analysis, there is simply no better way I have found to describe just how fundamentally impactful it was to read.
This review will be a short one, because I doubt any number of words placed here could even come close to properly conveying the masterpiece that is Hadashi no Gen.
(Regarding the manga vs anime question) As I will touch on later, I do believe this iteration of the story to be vastly superior to the already phenomenal movie adaptation, in all aspects except one.
It has been several weeks since I finished reading said manga,
and yes, it has taken me this long just to digest the lingering emotions enough to finally write something about it. To put it simply, I spent the better part of two full years hunting for this on and off, and eventually had to delve deep into the archives to locate a full copy once and for all. It was a challenge, but one well worth the effort.
Story: 10/10
The main plot line here, despite quite literally being spoiled by nearly every world history book ever, manages to expand upon the individual experiences of those living through said events, portraying said issues with far more nuance and depth than any documentary ever could without using such personal anecdotes. It is far more than just a tale of the 6th of August 1945, instead extending to cover the following years and subsequent stories born from one particular event.
Characters: 10/10
In truth, it was actually one particular character, Katsuko, who drew me to read the manga as opposed to merely being satisfied with the second movie adaptation’s ending. I wished to see her story progress, and this manga truly did pay off with that and so much more. Taking place over the course of several years, even into the 1950s, readers are able to see the core cast of characters grow and change from their initially childish selves into strong-willed teenagers capable of nearly anything.
Despite appearing solely in volume 10, I have to give a shout out to Mitsuko, who was so very well-written that she ended up being one of my favourite characters in the entire series (alongside Natsue, Ryuta, Katsuko, and of course, Gen).
Art: 10/10
Perhaps the rather rounded and unpolished 1970s style of manga isn’t for everyone (and I can understand that point of view too), at least on a fundamental level, the illustrations here are incredible, with the backgrounds having an especially strong definition which allows them to truly stand out against anything else of the time.
Also, Gen has eyelashes to the heavens and it’s iconic. No mascara needed.
Enjoyment: 11/10
Alright, perhaps my interest in WWII, specifically the pacific theatre, makes me somewhat biased in this particular section. Nevertheless, I can confirm that this manga was the true definition of “I cannot put this down” for me, bingeing the entire series over the course of just a few days.
Practically every single detail I had stumbled across during niche research was portrayed here (Including, but not limited to: multiple Los Alamos staff cameos, the emperor’s visit, the absolute state of the ABCC, the increased Yakuza / gang activity, the Korean war, whatever insane idea that MacArthur is planning today, public knowledge of the bombings being silenced during the American occupation, imperial Japan’s horrific war crimes (yes, in a manga about the atomic bombings - Finally, a truly balanced narrative), human remains being taken / sold as souvenirs, and many more gruesome surprises for those who may have otherwise remained unfamiliar).
Overall: 10/10
Moral of the story? War sucks, and also I am probably going to dropkick the next politician who suggests we ever use nukes again ;)
Save for the single point where the movie prevails, that being the absolutely infamous ‘melting sequence’ which has traumatised many-a child, the manga is by far the superior version of Hadashi no Gen. I don’t think there is anything else to say besides: if I can only recommend a single manga for everyone to read (even above my other 10/10s), it would be this one, without a doubt.
What are you waiting for?
Go read it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 16, 2024
I simply don’t understand how this got a 4.88/10 rating.
As someone who does NOT judge based on animation at all (it never factors into my overall scoring, and is at least partially a studio budget competition in my view), I thought an input solely based on narrative factors would be in order here.
Story: 8/10
At this movie’s core is a simple (not the most unique, yet not blatantly uninspired either) dimensional travel story done with marked competency - it doesn’t try to implement too much for its short runtime, ultimately leading to a satisfying conclusion which obeys its own laws with stunning elegancy. My only criticism
would be that some of the specifics regarding alternate forms of oneself could have been elaborated on just a little bit towards the end, but it’s certainly nothing story-ruining.
Characters: 7/10
While there wasn’t a lot of room for development in such a short period of time, I’d say that the character motivations were just about as fleshed out as they could have been given the restraints. In addition to that, the core romance was compelling, if a tad exaggerated towards the end.
Sound: 7.5/10
The ending song was lovely, and the voice acting was consistently decent throughout the film’s runtime. It certainly has an indie feel to it, but that doesn’t detract from its overall charm.
Animation: 3/10
Yes, we know - The whole film looks like the work of a first-year animation student. I don’t think I can really contribute anything valuable to this existing conversation.
Overall: 7.5(rounded to 8)/10
In all, this film seems to be in the same tragic category as “Sleep tight my baby, cradled in the sky” - Works with competent stories that are sadly overlooked or shamed thanks to their awful animation. Meanwhile, I could rip the pathetic ‘plot’ of something like Tenki no Ko into a million pieces with ease, but nobody would care because it looks so visually beautiful. As is the nature of the anime reviewing space, I suppose.
In all, if you can stomach the *interesting* artwork, and are in search of a quick yet compelling sci-fi romance story, I would absolutely recommend checking this film out!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 30, 2024
Alright, Hotaru no Haka? Get that out of there (partially joking - it’s still a good film, just not to this level of impact in my opinion). THIS is the WWII anime film I am recommending to people alongside Hadashi no Gen - more specifically, if I’m ever trying to convey the incendiary bombings through this form of media, you can bet that Futatsu no Kurumi is my new go-to.
Now, I’ve been on a bit of a hunt for these extremely niche second world war anime films (I have watched 21 so far), and I can say for certain that this beats out everything except
Gen (and even then, it is VERY close) in my book. Honestly, I am, blown away by how impactful this was, and I will certainly be checking out the remaining Sensou Douwa films post haste this!
While it’s true that the animation here is low-budget, it’s not awful by any stretch of the word. Quite frankly, I believe having this sketch-like appearance helps contrast the “happier” views from the modern world with the absolute horrors depicted later in the film.
I will warn you now: Futatsu no Kurumi, despite supposedly being targeted towards children, DOES NOT PULL ITS PUNCHES. Be prepared to think deeply about what exactly it means to “sacrifice everything for one’s country”, connect with the wonderful people and dogs alike, and most likely end up sobbing thanks to the phenomenally bittersweet ending portrayed.
If that isn’t proof enough that this is worth your time, I don’t know what is. Please, if you have even the slightest tinge of curiosity towards historical anime films, I beg you not to let this gem pass you by! :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 28, 2024
North Korea simulator 3000-
In all seriousness, this was a perfectly good bit of anti-war animation, jelling well with the general notion I often see in Japanese media surrounding the overall concept of international conflict.
(Message / Story: 7/10)
It’s quite on-the-nose, although a sentence referring to ‘otona’ (adults) towards the end implies that this was intended for children to watch, so I’ll let that slide I suppose. It’s pretty obvious to anyone who knows the history that (minus the cameras), the scenarios described here are nearly a 1:1 mirror of what happened within imperial Japan, so I will at least award them with points for accuracy.
+ Sound: 9/10)
While you might not love it as much if you aren’t into the more ‘artsy’ styles of animation, I personally found this to be very visually appealing. Given the intended demographic of children, I can easily imagine these visuals holding their attention for the entirety of its seven-minute background narration. The way each style flows into that of another animator is absolutely incredible, a clear sign of just how talented every member of the team responsible is. The sound is nothing to write home about, but it suits the whole atmosphere well enough.
(Enjoyment / Overall: 7/10)
Sensou no Tsukurikata is short and sweet, getting straight to the point without being overly dramatic in its anti-war messaging. While this is far from the best that Japanese anime/animation has to offer in terms of crushing viewers with the relentless cruelty of war (‘Hadashi no Gen’ and ‘Ushiro no Shoumen Daare’ say hi), it’s still more than clear, concise, and compelling enough to drive the point home beyond the mere surface levels often seen in classroom education.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 25, 2024
Precure All Stars F is by far the best All Stars movie to come out of this wonderful show! From beginning to end, it was a perfect celebration of how far the franchise has come, embodying everything it means to be a ‘Precure’ no matter which team you are following on the matter.
Story: 7.5/10
While this is sadly the weakest aspect here, the core story of All Stars F is still very enjoyable to watch. Even if (at least in my view), the twist was quite predictable from the beginning, and the movie’s first half is rather slice of life-esque for my tastes, the latter half
absolutely makes up for it with intense action and drama to shake things up!
Characters: 8.5/10
As someone who has seen every one of these teams aside from Fresh and Suite, watching them interact with one another was a joy like none other. Perhaps it’s a little unfair to rate this category so highly given it is relying almost solely on the work done by their respective seasons, however, each conversation and action here was done so well in regard to previously established traits, not allowing them to break character even once. Such meticulous attention to detail is cause for my generous score.
As for the new characters, they felt well-developed enough in terms of motivations to carry the story, although what we saw in this 1h 13m movie obviously cannot compare to what one would normally see within full seasons of this franchise. Nevertheless, the new cast members of All Stars F stand as worthy additions to Precure’s greater joint lore.
Prior knowledge is absolutely required to get maximum enjoyment out of this (especially of the 2015-2023 seasons, as they are main characters here), so make sure to catch up before watching - provided you haven’t already!
Animation + Sound: 9/10
The fights here were INCREDIBLE and nothing less, done almost entirely in 2D (plus, even the brief segments of 3D were more tolerable than usual)! Given how unique certain styles of this franchise are (particularly HeartCatch, Happiness Charge, and Kira Kira a la Mode), the animators did a phenomenal job of blending said differences thoroughly enough to feel cohesive yet not altering them so much that the designs themselves felt inauthentic to their origins.
The soundtrack, while perhaps not as catchy as your typical ‘get up and dance’ Precure songs, was heartfelt, sentimental, and genuinely gorgeous, tying in perfectly with what was occurring on screen to create an atmosphere like none other.
Enjoyment: 9/10
If you’re a huge fan of Precure like me, I am certain that you too will ADORE this masterpiece of an All Stars film. It is a treat for both fans who enjoy the more serious types of seasons, as well as those who want to chill with a laidback and fun atmosphere between their favourite characters.
Overall: 8.5(rounded to 9)/10
Without a doubt, this movie is an experience you do not want to miss out on!
After Toei managed to top even my high expectations following ‘All Stars Memories’ (2018), my previous favourite Precure movie, I can’t be anything short of downright hyped to see what will arrive next!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 24, 2024
This show is absolute insanity, but I cannot look away.
(Story: 7/10)
Sasaki, a middle-aged man who has dedicated his entire life to the cold struggle of a corporate workplace, finds himself wishing to change his way of life be adopting a pet bird on a whim. Unfortunately for his sense of normalcy, said feathered friend is actually a legendary mage from another world, soon dragging his new ‘owner’ into an almost isekai-esque fantasy world to shake things up. Things only grow even more complex as Sasaki realises he is not the only human to possess supernatural abilities, throwing viewers for a loop right when they thought
everything was already understood.
While none of these plot lines are the most original stories on their own, the fact that this show combines so many genres into one gives it props for sure. I’m not too confident that this show will be able to wrap all of these interesting aspects up in just twelve episodes, but I’m holding out hope given how well it’s been doing in its first quarter.
(Characters: 6.5/10)
From this array of stories within one, we get to meet a cast of lively characters, some aware of Sasaki’s mystical connections, others remaining in the dark. Sasaki and Pii-chan themselves, while not amazingly developed, are fun to watch at the very least, holding my attention well enough to warrant at least a decent score for the time being.
(Animation + Sound: 8/10)
The animation itself is definitely one of the better aspects here, having fluid movement throughout the many magic sequences all while making the colours pop beautifully onto the screen. As for the soundtrack, it’s very fitting for the narrative (perhaps a little on the generic side), although not memorable enough to call “incredible”.
(Enjoyment / Overall: 7.5(rounded to 8)/10)
While it isn’t a masterpiece by any stretch of the word, suffering from quite a few moments of whiplash as it jumps between about five separate genres without a care, Sasaki to Pii-chan is shaping up to be one of the better shows this season.
I look forward to continuing on this adventure, and I will absolutely be updating this one the show reaches its conclusion !
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 31, 2023
100-Kano is an absolutely insane show, but it somehow still works thanks to the presentation of it all.
Story: 7.5/10
Beyond anything else, this show has an advantage over every other romcom harem it parodies - It KNOWS how stupid the premise is and rolls with it. Each scene which would have otherwise been ridiculous melodrama in any other show of this nature is instead played for laughs, ultimately ending up with the perfect recipe for a lighthearted and comedic series.
While the plot isn’t anything to write home about, it remains highly consistent without ever deviating too far into “filler” territory - Rentaro is going to have
100 girlfriends, and so each episode is either dedicated to introducing a new one or developing the ones we have already met.
Characters: 7/10
- Hot and insanely wealthy girl
- Ultimate tsundere
- Adorably shy girl
- Inhumanly intelligent girl
- Crazy yet cute scientist (who also becomes hot occasionally because anime)
Each character is a clear parody on an overused trope in the harem genre, and in that respect, they were portrayed really unambiguously (it’s immediately obvious which trope they are supposed to represent). While we still have 94 girls to go, the first six characters were a great match for the comedy throughout, and their interactions with both Rentaro and their fellow girlfriends were always enjoyable to watch.
Animation + Sound: 7/10
While not the best animation, it’s definitely serviceable for the comedic gags which involve wacky facial expressions and absurd portrayals of the situations. As for the sound, both the opening and ending are catchy enough although not something I would personally be listening to outside of the context of this show.
Enjoyment: 7.5/10
While I won’t say I was desperate for a new episode every week like with my favourites of this season, 100-Kano definitely held my attention throughout the entirety of its twelve-episode runtime, and I am looking forward to the recently announced second season!
Overall: 7.5 (rounded to 8 for MAL scoring)/10
If you want to just chill, turn your brain off, and watch some insane dating shenanigans in this ultimate harem parody, I would recommend this. However, if you were looking for something with a more serious plot, this show definitely isn’t for you. In all, 100-Kano is a very subjective experience, so you’ll have to at least watch a couple of episodes for yourself to see if the comedy on offer is your cup of tea.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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